Tag Archives: released-on-feb

Stormi Runs The Show: Kylie’s Kiddo Kicks It In Concert After Being Crowned Queen Of YouTube

Source: SplashNews / Splash News Kylie Jenner’s Birthing Documentary Was Most Viewed Video Of 2018 Kylie Jenner’s been getting to the bag and living her best life even before Travis Scott came into the picture but the documentary about the birth of their daughter Stormi was YouTube’s top trending video this year. The video — which has over 78 million views at this point, was released on Feb. 4, Super Bowl Sunday and got over 53 million views in its first week. Watch it below if you need a refresher. In the meantime, the whole LaFlame (or Jenner-Webster if you want to be technical) family is currently touring with Astroworld, including Kylie’s bestie Jordyn who is prominently featured in the YouTube doc. Hit the flip for the most precious pics of Stormi posted this weekend by the whole gang.

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Stormi Runs The Show: Kylie’s Kiddo Kicks It In Concert After Being Crowned Queen Of YouTube

Justin Bieber helps Jaden Smith deal with fame

Teen star acts as mentor for younger performer.

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Justin Bieber helps Jaden Smith deal with fame

Justin Bieber Never Say Never Movie Review

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never was released on Feb 11 and it is driving the fans of Justin Bieber to the theaters. The teenage girls are the most of his screaming fans in the theaters. As the debut movie of Justin Bieber, ‘Never Say Never’ has released, the theaters are filled with the fans of Justin Bieber, especially, the teenage girl fans. The teenage girls were screaming when Justin Bieber appeared on the screen. They screamed about his cute looks, his new hair style. Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is a true story, about a 16-year-old boy from a small town Ontario, who rises as one of the global top pop stars from the stage of a street singer. The story is an inspiring one. Jon m Chu, the director of the movie, has covered every moment of Justin’s life. Jon Chu followed the rise of Justin Bieber from the making of You Tube videos to a rocking performance at Madison Square Garden. The movie ‘Never Say Never’, portraits every bit of music and performance of Justin Bieber. The sequences of the concerts of Justin Bieber are the assets of the movie. The movie was filmed in hyper-crisp 3D with 12 cameras. The additions to the biopic are the Lasers, pyrotechnics, and a basket ball court size video screen, as all the hits of Justin Bieber from “U Smile” to “Baby”. Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, shows all the streets, Justin Bieber used to walk and he used to play fun to the public. It is impossible to take off our eyes, when he is rocking the crowds.

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Justin Bieber Never Say Never Movie Review

Justin Beiber death hoax – Bieber alive, Rumor not true

Justin Beiber The death of Justin Beiber hoax is just the latest celebrity rumors spread online, but rest assured that this is not true. A week ago, rumors ran rampant again, from when someone on Twitter posted “RIP Bieber” and, of course, it spread like wildfire. This month has been full of rumors of death, including Justin Timberlake, Adam Sandler, Owen Wilson, Avril Lavigne and Eddie Murphy. His new film released on Feb. 11. Did Justin Bieber Died? People started searching about that Did Justin Bieber Died? It’s a Rumor it was started by various media websites. And twitter is one of main source that spread that rumor after it Google showing in its Most Searched terms. What do you think of the hoax “Justin Bieber? The idol of many young people today are 16 years of Canada Justin Bieber who received death threats on social networking site, Twitter than any other celebrities in the past. It was recently reported on Twitter that the Canadian singer was hit by a truck driver in New York several times and was killed shortly after. Fans of Justin Bieber bizark go after learning about their star killed or died. They immediately send roses on the social networking site, Twitter expressing their loss to Justin Bieber. One fan has even posted on Twitter, saying: “Holy Crap, Justin Bieber is really dead?” On the one hand, his girlfriend Disney, Selena Gomez has also started receiving death threats from fans on Twitter Justin Bieber after being reported dating the singer “Baby”. Justin Bieber rumors death marks another celebrity who died in line via Twitter.

See the original post here:
Justin Beiber death hoax – Bieber alive, Rumor not true