Tag Archives: remains-popular

Ariel Winter’s Breaching her Morality Clause with her Nipslip of the Day

We know that anyone with a brain, who has sex with actual girls, doesn’t give a fuck about Ariel Winter. We know that she’s not hot, I mean we can all agree on that, and the only thing to like about her is that she’s rich and on TV…on a huge show…and I guess that she’s 19… But the rest of her is pretty shit…. I’ll assume that the majority of people don’t have cable, don’t watch Modern Family, it’s the Neflix generation, yet she remains popular because ILLUMINATI… But a few people created an emotional connection with her, watching her grow up as Sofia Vergara’s daughter…because those people were perverts, or really lonely with no family of their own… There is no way, you can look at this face and think….”hot”… You can think I’d do her for the story, I like her tits she’s had rebuilt because I like tits, I enjoy trolls and she’s a fetish…but you can’t say she’s hot… The only thing I like about her is that she turned 18, clearly cut ties with her parents or signed a new contract with ABC or whoever puts out the show, and NOW…she can be a whore on instagram…since she’s been a whore, whored by her parents since she was a kid… Which makes you wonder, what the hell kind of narcissists were her parents, thinking “Or little freakshow child would be perfect for TV”…instead of looking at her objectively and thinking radio / podcast…maybe walmart cashier…. How this is famous…is proof that fame and the entertainment industry is a clueless mess.. But nipple, that’s alright momma…for MOTHER’s day. The post Ariel Winter’s Breaching her Morality Clause with her Nipslip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter’s Breaching her Morality Clause with her Nipslip of the Day

China to ban eating dogs, cats

FIRST ANIMAL ABUSE LAW WILL TAKE DOGS, CATS OFF THE MENU China plans to end thousands of years of culinary tradition by taking dogs and cat meat off its menu. A law being drafted against animal abuse—China's first—calls for the country's thousands of dog butchers and dog meat restaurants to be closed down. Stiff fines will be imposed on anybody caught eating dog or cat meat, the Times of London reports

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China to ban eating dogs, cats