Tag Archives: restaurant-over

Serena Williams Parties With Kim Kardashian on Eve of Big Match Against Venus

Later today, Serena Williams will square off against her older sister, Venus Williams, in a US Open quarterfinal match. It’ll be the 27th time that the sisters have played against one another, but this time, there’s more at stake than ever before. Serena is attempting to become the first tennis player since Stefi Graf in 1988 to achieve a “calendar slam” by winning all four Grand Slam tournaments in the same year. So what do you do when you’re on the verge of making sports history and your own sister could wind up standing in your way? Why, you go out to dinner with Kim Kardashian, of course! Yes, Serena and Kim hit up Carbone in NYC last night for pre-match meal. Here’s a video of the big-bootied besties making their way through a crowd of paprazzi. Serena Williams, Kim Kardashian Out and About in NYC! It might seem like an odd way for Serena to get ready for one of the biggest matches of her career, but the girl’s gone Hollywood in recent weeks. Last month, she was spotted making out with Drake after a win in Cincinnati, and now she’s grabbing some Italian food and posing for selfies with Kim. Many have pointed out that it might not be such a bad strategy as Kim has helped athletes (such as Super Bowl champ Reggie Bush) achieve glory in the past.  Whatever happens, we hope Mrs. Kardashian-West will be able to restrain herself from grabbing the mic during Serena’s post-match interview.

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Serena Williams Parties With Kim Kardashian on Eve of Big Match Against Venus

Mother FLIPS THE EFF OUT Over Wrong-Colored Peppers

The mother featured in this video manages to pull off quite an impressive and depressing feat: She sets a bad example for her children. She gives America a very bad name. And she makes for a solid minute-plus of entertainment… as long as you aren't related to her, that is. From what we can gather, the woman ordered something from a restaurant and requested the dish come with red peppers instead of green peppers. Why? Because her kids only “don't eat green things.” (This is perhaps a good time to pause a mention that most vegetables are green; great parenting, lady!) The employees made a mistake, did not switch out the peppers and incurred wrath from the customer that included her demanding they stop speaking a foreign language and “get it right the first time” because this is America, dammit! The best part of all, though? Upon exiting in a loud off, the woman rights right into the glass door. We thank you, Karma.

See the rest here:
Mother FLIPS THE EFF OUT Over Wrong-Colored Peppers

Jennifer Aniston Takes on Her ‘Lonely Girl’ Image

“If I’m the emblem for ‘this is what it looks like to be the lonely girl getting on with her life,’ so be it,” she says

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Jennifer Aniston Takes on Her ‘Lonely Girl’ Image