Tag Archives: retarded

Brit Gastineau in a See Thru Shirt of the Day

Brit Gastineau is my overweight friend on twitter and I use the word friend as loose as the lips of her vagina, or the stretched out elastic waistband of her panties, because she only messaged me once to tell me off for making fun of how fat she was in Hollywood standards. Seriously, I’d cast her to play my wife in my biopic that will never be filmed, but that’s only because I feel she’ll really channel the retarded talentless hack my wife actually is because she too is a talentless retarded hack and I guess none of that really matters because I think Kim Kardashian is the only person keeping her relevant and I am the only person who bothers posting pictures of her because I feel an emotional attachment to destroying her self esteem and leading her to either eat her way out of the pain, or starve herself into anorexia, and the whole thing kinda excites me …. just not sexually…because getting sexually excited by Gastineau is the same as getting sexually excited by a dancing gay man, it’s not very hetero….unless of course you are an opportunist and realize that she’s got a nice little trust fund you can prey on if you weren’t as socially awkward, weird, and living in the midwest as you are…but I guess that only works for people who can’t jerk off to naked women or porn anymore, it’s been played out, and they can only really get off to concept. Who fuckin’ cares…. Pics via Fame

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Brit Gastineau in a See Thru Shirt of the Day

Holly Madison For Foot Fetish Freaks

Here’s Holly Madison leaving E! studios after taping an appearance on Chelsea Lately. Hmm… I think she forgot something.

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Holly Madison For Foot Fetish Freaks

Great Debates: How Should We Pronounce 2010?

There are some issues people won’t shut up about that aren’t important. There are some issues people won’t shut up about that are important. And then there’s this heated issue, which falls squarely in the middle.

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Great Debates: How Should We Pronounce 2010?

Rebecca Gayheart The Baby Killer Makin’ Babies of the Day

I am sure I am not legally allowed to call Rebecca Gayheart a baby killer because she got off for running over that kid, but she still ran over a fucking kid. I am sure she’s also had numerous abortions over the last decade after having random sex with people in hopes of advancing her career, but I don’t have proof of it and can probably get sued for saying tha and I don’t hold Abortions against girls, if anything I celebrate the shit, cuz there’s nothing worse than unwanted pregnancy, especially when I being called the dad, but more often than not, even if I do knock up whores, they go to the richer, more accomplished dudes they are fucking and claim shit is his, which is one of the benefits of being a total hurtbag.

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Rebecca Gayheart The Baby Killer Makin’ Babies of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s Boobs Need More Exposure

I got these pictures of Lindsay Lohan on her way to, you guessed it, some party but I’m not all that impressed with them. She looks alright, other than the retarded vest she’s wearing, but I’m not seeing enough skin. Winter sucks! Hopefully the global warming Al Gore has been promoting will kick in soon so we can get these hotties in some skimpier outfits

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Lindsay Lohan’s Boobs Need More Exposure

Latoya Jackson’s Big Fake Alien TIts of the Day

I have a confession to make. I had a Latoya Jackson VHS tape given to me years ago that was produced by Playboy, that pretty much featured her in 3 or 4 different scenes where she danced around naked. I don’t remember if their was any softcore lesbianism, but there was definitely trimmed muff, and I definitely masturbated to it because it was the 90s and my options were limited

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Latoya Jackson’s Big Fake Alien TIts of the Day

Rihanna’s Shirt May Be See Thru, I Just Don’t Have Good Enough Eyes of the Day

I can’t really tell if I actually see nipples in these pictures, I figured I’d post them cuz it looks like those are nipples, even though I’m done with Rihanna and as an industry leader and trendsetter, excited to say that so are the rest of you and that it is only a matter of time when the rest of the world catches on and gives up on her too, forcing her to spend all her money stupidly over the next 5 years thinking something will eventually hit and pay out, but forcing her to head back to Barbados to work the beaches selling blowjobs like she did back when she was just 14 years old with a dream. Sure, no one follows my lead, not even the retarded immigrant who I try to get to do stupid stunts to entertain me, so she’s probably here to stay, and here are her little pierced tits, to make keep her semi-relevant, I guess

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Rihanna’s Shirt May Be See Thru, I Just Don’t Have Good Enough Eyes of the Day

Rihanna Showing off Her Stomach of the Day

I don’t understand why hipsters are dressing like poverty trash from the 90s. It is starting to piss me off everytime I see a motherfucker with a mullet, stupid glasses, a loud throwback t-shirt of some garbage sports team, a pair of tight cut off acid wash jean shorts, a fanny pack and fuckin’ velcro shoes with stupid socks pulled up, like they were the retarded kid down the street who huffed gas for a good time cuz he couldn’t afford fuckin’ booze, so Rihanna in this vest just doesn’t make sense to me.

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Rihanna Showing off Her Stomach of the Day