Tag Archives: desperate-girls

Hailey Clason’s in some Bullshit Lingerie of the Day

At the time of posting this video, it had all of 213 views, after being on the YAMAMAY channel for 3 fucking days, and you know, or I know, that Hailey Clauson, the hipster model who once sued Urban Outfitters for producing kiddie porn, because they used her, while her dad was on set, in sleazy photos….for marketing bullshit mainstream cheesy hipster shit…that doesn’t matter…and shit settled…setting her up for life…allowing her to come back to the industry as an adult as a bikini model, half naked model, worth jerking off to model…and here she is in some failed lingerie campaign… I’m like a charity giving them some clicks….for free…nice guy…considering no one does shit for me for free.. The post Hailey Clason’s in some Bullshit Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailey Clason’s in some Bullshit Lingerie of the Day

August Ames is the Dead Pornstar of the Day

I don’t watch porn, I actually hate porn, I find it vile, disgusting and the people involved ugly…unless they are Eastern European, and if you have a soul it’s pretty sad to see the desperate girls trying to do what they can for that Louis Vuitton purse… We are in an era where people send nudes, and you don’t need angry throat fucking with, and the girls in porn, no matter what they tell you are all fucked up.. So this August Ames girl…apparently killed herself, because as a porn chick, by default, has mental issues… She was born Mercedes Grabowski – a porn name to begin with – in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1994, and worked in a bar and at a tanning salon before joining the adult film industry in 2013… Really insane…she was cute, had lots left to do, but Porn is disgusting as fuck and the fall of society on all levels…truth.. I am sure you can google her to see her being violated to fuck for very little pay…in an industry you per What a fucking waste.. The post August Ames is the Dead Pornstar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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August Ames is the Dead Pornstar of the Day

Beyonce Slutty in Bikini of the Day

Beyonce is obviously a fame whore, attention seeking, up on some Kim Kardashiana hoping for all the media attention that she can get…trying to have sex appeal, or flaunt her tits so that you think she has sex appeal…in efforts to compete with the younger sluts pulling off her Popstar hustle…and maybe to hope her husband doesn’t keep cheating on her…cheapening herself, lowering herself, leading to selfie bikini pics like an instagram whore…which to some may be the best work she’s ever done, the best song she’s ever sung…to others..it’s just desperate…and if you love desperate girls, even when they are worth 500,000,000 dollars and not that desperate…you’ll love this.. To me…it’s all just bullshit noise I want to turn off…because it turns me off…. The post Beyonce Slutty in Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce Slutty in Bikini of the Day

Craiglist Wedding Date Ad Actually Works, Results in Epic Time!

A D.C. man used Craigslist last weekend to find a wedding date, and … ended up having the best time ever! We know, we can’t believe that either. Jake the Huffington Post that he can thank his friends. Why? They shared his Craigslist ad on Facebook, and a woman he’d previously volunteered with at Dreams for Kids D.C. sent him a private message. With a request to be his date. And he accepted. And it ruled! “I’ve had a crush on her since we met almost two years ago but never acted on it,” Jake said. “We both had the time of our lives at the wedding.” He adds, “We will definitely be hanging out again soon.” Safe to say things don’t work out like that too often! These two make a cute couple, don’t you think?

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Craiglist Wedding Date Ad Actually Works, Results in Epic Time!

The Baby Bachelor Returns: Will You Accept This Dinosaur?

The Baby Bachelor is back for a second, adorable installment! As we break down The Bachelorette spoilers and await Monday’s premiere on ABC, Jimmy Kimmel’s cute, late night parody is becoming a viral hit. The fake show premiered last week, starring Kimmel’s nephew Wesley as a love-seeking young fellow who courts and dates 25 female toddlers. Here’s the sophomore episode of The Baby Bachelor : The Baby Bachelor Episode 2 While the first episode introduced Wesley and his ladies, the second episode brings us the season’s group date. Paste is eaten. Tales are tattled. As the emotionally volatile and desperate girls stoop to new lows in an attempt to stand out from the field, we learn the most important lesson yet: Nap time is not an excuse to miss the Dinosaur Ceremony.

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The Baby Bachelor Returns: Will You Accept This Dinosaur?

Behind the Scenes of Kimberly Caldwell’s Desperate Girls Video


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Kimberly Caldwell (born Kimberly Ann Caldwell) guides fans through the making of her recent video for Desperate Girls & Stupid Boys in a new behind-the-scenes video clip. The sassy blonde introduces friends and family who are helping her with the shoot, and explains why she loves the song itself: “I think it’s a good message about pretty much being yourself, and not allowing other people who don’t… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Star Celeb Discovery Date : 16/02/2011 07:20 Number of articles : 2

Behind the Scenes of Kimberly Caldwell’s Desperate Girls Video

Rebecca Gayheart The Baby Killer Makin’ Babies of the Day

I am sure I am not legally allowed to call Rebecca Gayheart a baby killer because she got off for running over that kid, but she still ran over a fucking kid. I am sure she’s also had numerous abortions over the last decade after having random sex with people in hopes of advancing her career, but I don’t have proof of it and can probably get sued for saying tha and I don’t hold Abortions against girls, if anything I celebrate the shit, cuz there’s nothing worse than unwanted pregnancy, especially when I being called the dad, but more often than not, even if I do knock up whores, they go to the richer, more accomplished dudes they are fucking and claim shit is his, which is one of the benefits of being a total hurtbag.

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Rebecca Gayheart The Baby Killer Makin’ Babies of the Day