Tag Archives: rielle

Rielle Hunter PICTURES: GQ Photos Called ‘Repulsive’

http://www.youtube.com/v/M7xcohXSYgI?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read the rest here: Rielle Hunter PICTURES: GQ Photos Called ‘Repulsive’

Rielle Hunter | Rielle Hunter Photo Leaked(UNCENSORED)

Video Links: www.stream-online.info Rielle Hunter Photo Leaked, Rielle Hunter Nude Video,Rielle hunter, rielle hunter gq pictures, rielle hunter gq, rielle hunter photo, gq mag Continue reading

Rielle Hunter’s Revealing GQ Photos & Interview

John Edwards’ mistress talks about her first night with “Johnny” and their love child Quinn. Plus, she poses for pics with no pants in April 2010 GQ magazine. Continue reading

Rielle Hunter Sexy GQ Pictures UNCENSORED

any-url.info Click the link to view the uncensored pictures of Rielle Hunter from her recent GQ interview. Rielle is said to be upset about these images being printed along with her lengthy interview discussing her affair with John Edwards Continue reading

John Edwards Photos & Pics | Rielle Hunter Opens Up About Love …

It’s been four years, and now Rielle Hunter has finally decided to speak out about her relationship with former senator John Edwards, the man that fathered her 2-year-old daughter Quinn. We’ve seen Rielle in numerous tabloid photos … Continue reading

Rielle Hunter Speaks

Link: http://www.gq.com/news-politics/polit… John Edwards' mistress finally gave an interview, in which she verifies basically everything that's been said about her in a bewilderingly sunny manner. The Daily Beast also has a graphic description of the Rielle/Edwards sex tape. Enjoy. The Best Links: Edwards Sex Tape Details Rielle Hunter – Featured on BuzzFeed Read

Source: Grand Jury to Indict John Edwards

John Edwards is already a walking disgrace, having cheated on his cancer-stricken wife with Rielle Hunter, knocking up his weird mistress, trying to cover the scandal up, and lying about it repeatedly while running for President of the United States. Now a Federal grand jury may decide there was criminal behavior in there, too. The former U.S. Senator may find himself indicted shortly, according to reports, for illegally using campaign funds to hide his affair with Hunter. One-time aide Andrew Young and none other than Edwards’ own estranged wife Elizabeth could help take the fallen presidential candidate, too. Edwards is being investigated by FBI, IRS and election officials for possible campaign violations related to paying hush money to Rielle Hunter . The grand jury has been meeting since April 2009, and an indictment is imminent . FALL FROM GRACE : There’s truly never been one like this . “John is terrified he’s going to be indicted,” a friend said. “While he believes he’s done nothing illegal in trying to hide his affair with Rielle and their daughter, he thinks the Feds are going to make an example out of him.” Right. Make an example of him. Because they do that. Sorry, John, weren’t you a personal injury lawyer at one point? They never make examples out of anything. Tell us, how’s the view look from the other side? Do the crime, do the time, pal. All because you had to go and do Rielle Hunter, too. So worth it right about now.

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Source: Grand Jury to Indict John Edwards

Rielle Hunter: Engaged to John Edwards?

This story keeps on getting better and better. John Edwards is reportedly engaged to Rielle Hunter, his mistress and the mother of his love child, reports say. Two weeks ago, Edwards finally admitted that he is the father of Hunter’s two-year-old daughter. Since then, Edwards and wife Elizabeth legally separated. According to the National Enquirer, who broke the Edwards love child scandal, he proposed to his mistress on the same day he came clean about paternity. “John dropped the proposal bomb on Rielle shortly before he issued his statement that he was indeed Frances’ father,” a source told the celeb news tabloid. “ Rielle Hunter has been waiting for a proposal for two long years. She deserved to know he wanted to raise their child together, and wanted Rielle in his life.” If this is true, which we highly doubt but can’t officially rule out, you know what’s coming next: The John Edwards Sex Tape II: Honeymoon Suite Style! Will Rielle Hunter become the new Mrs. John Edwards? “John said that when his divorce is final, he’ll buy her a diamond ring. In the meantime, he’s getting them a house.” A $3.5 million beach house, allegedly. The Enquirer says that Edwards expects his divorce from his cancer-stricken wife to be completed within a year, paving the way for a marriage to Hunter. A spokeswoman for John Edwards denied this report, much like his people did numerous times about the affair … and the love child … and the coverup. “It’s absolutely not true,” his spokesman said, adding that

John Edwards Tormented Man-Servant with Sex Tape, Hated ‘Fat Rednecks,’ Wanted Abortion: A Guide to the New Rumors

Someone finally read John Edwards aide Andrew Young ‘s forthcoming tell-all, putting a cherry on top of months of crazy Edwards rumors. He’s a wellspring of scandal—but is it all John’s fault

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John Edwards Tormented Man-Servant with Sex Tape, Hated ‘Fat Rednecks,’ Wanted Abortion: A Guide to the New Rumors

Andrew Young: John Edwards Apology Just "Empty Words"

The former aide who helped John Edwards cover up his affair and love child with Rielle Hunter is dismissing his former boss’ long-overdue confession yesterday as mere “empty words” that are nothing more than a desperate PR campaign. Andrew Young is lashing out at the two-time presidential candidate in an exclusive interview with ABC News hours after Edwards released a statement Thursday admitting he is the father of mistress Rielle’s nearly 2-year-old daughter

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Andrew Young: John Edwards Apology Just "Empty Words"