Tag Archives: personal-injury

The 9 Most Scathing Critical Responses to Just Go With It

Adam Sandler, that patron saint of scathing critical responses , returns to the multiplex this weekend with bad review magnet Jennifer Aniston in Just Go With It , a romantic comedy about a plastic surgeon who lies about being married to sleep with younger women. As if the trailers or that premise didn’t warn you enough to stay away — shockingly, the film is based on the 1969 film Cactus Flower , co-starring Walter Matthau and Goldie Hawn, which itself was based on a French play — the nation’s best and brightest critical minds have come up with a variety of flowery ways to tell you to how much it sucks eggs. Click ahead for the nine best takedowns.

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The 9 Most Scathing Critical Responses to Just Go With It

REVIEW: Carancho Delivers Sleek, Stirring Argentine Noir

For the first long stretch of Carancho , Pablo Trapero’s elegantly drawn, of-the-moment noir, the camera swerves and wends behind, around and in front of its subjects, brokering space and mapping their movements with smooth, sympathetic constancy. It follows Sosa (Ricardo Darín) and it follows Luján (Martina Gusman), two professionals who cruise the streets of Buenos Aires at night with a vaguely overlapping purpose. Luján is a paramedic and Sosa is a personal injury lawyer. In Argentina, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people under 35, so their nights are long.

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REVIEW: Carancho Delivers Sleek, Stirring Argentine Noir

Dr. Phil, Wife Sued Over Dog Attack

Popular daytime TV blowhard Dr. Phil has always been a bit of an attack dog. Just ask the two women he locked in a house with some naked dude . It’s his actual dog who’s at the center of the doc’s latest controversy, though. Phil and Robin McGraw are being sued for personal injury and damages after it attacked their best friend at the couple’s mansion in Beverly Hills. Janet Harris filed suit against the pair this week, alleging that the couple’s gross negligence resulted in serious injuries courtesy of Maggie. Harris claims she was brutally mauled by canine without provocation or warning, resulting in cuts, abrasions and deep puncture wounds. The McGraws allegedly refused to provide compensation or assistance to Janet to aid with her illness, according to her attorney, who notes: “While their friend suffered severe pain and mental anguish , the McGraws finalized the purchase of a $29.5 million Beverly Hills mansion.” Way to get in that highly relevant dig, attorney guy. Funny, though …

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Dr. Phil, Wife Sued Over Dog Attack

Source: Grand Jury to Indict John Edwards

John Edwards is already a walking disgrace, having cheated on his cancer-stricken wife with Rielle Hunter, knocking up his weird mistress, trying to cover the scandal up, and lying about it repeatedly while running for President of the United States. Now a Federal grand jury may decide there was criminal behavior in there, too. The former U.S. Senator may find himself indicted shortly, according to reports, for illegally using campaign funds to hide his affair with Hunter. One-time aide Andrew Young and none other than Edwards’ own estranged wife Elizabeth could help take the fallen presidential candidate, too. Edwards is being investigated by FBI, IRS and election officials for possible campaign violations related to paying hush money to Rielle Hunter . The grand jury has been meeting since April 2009, and an indictment is imminent . FALL FROM GRACE : There’s truly never been one like this . “John is terrified he’s going to be indicted,” a friend said. “While he believes he’s done nothing illegal in trying to hide his affair with Rielle and their daughter, he thinks the Feds are going to make an example out of him.” Right. Make an example of him. Because they do that. Sorry, John, weren’t you a personal injury lawyer at one point? They never make examples out of anything. Tell us, how’s the view look from the other side? Do the crime, do the time, pal. All because you had to go and do Rielle Hunter, too. So worth it right about now.

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Source: Grand Jury to Indict John Edwards