Tag Archives: rolling-through

Bella Hadid Plays Up the Titties of the Day

Bella Hadid and her totally restructured, face injected face, went to some basketball game in a low cut shirt, and sat courtside because she’s Bella Hadid and very relevant and important this year thanks to her dad buying her career…I guess she realizes if you put your tits out for the players at your courtside seats, the media will document you, and you can possibly land a boyfriend, or at least some black dick rolling through town, while your at it, because why not fuck the already black loving model who isn’t a model but looks like a hip hop video vixen / sex worker, when she’s pretty much begging you to do it…you’re a pro athlete, that’s kinda the point….. I guess she’s out trying to make a dude jealous, cuz there’s no way she’s this into basketball, and her lack of acting skills makes her shit pretty transparent… Here’s some of her social media. The post Bella Hadid Plays Up the Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Plays Up the Titties of the Day

Alexis Ren has a Nipple of the Day

So snapchat is the source of all sluts to be sluts in their natural element of slutland…because it gives them the opportunity to just be their exhibitionist self for their fans – to help get more opens – to keep the audience engaged – and dudes watch this shit and love this shit – hoping for moments like this to happen – the slip up – the nude or nipple flash – the “real time” had to be there to see what happened life…unscripted – totally scripted hustle… This is a girl who created this aspirational young couple every woman wanted to be part of nonsense. Traveling and being hot an young and free of all things like college…but I could always see through her angle…and see the whore she is..the whore…flashing her nipple that she is… The post Alexis Ren has a Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alexis Ren has a Nipple of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Snapchat Titty Flash of the Day

Bella Thorne’s found a new way to cocktease…Dancing with a low cut….or loose fitting…tank top that’s arm holes are big enough for her to lift her arms up and show that titty…and when put into motion on snapchat, during dance classs, it makes the tit flash seem so innocent, unintentional, not planned…but you know that she’s clever enough to know how to be subtle in her seduction and exhibitionism…she doesn’t want to be a straight up ho, this way..she can still get jobs instead of just giving rich guys blow jobs…which is also a job…but not one that gets you millions of fans… I don’t know if there’s tit or nipple or pasties…I just know she’s getting creative in her half nakedness and for that…we should celebrate her. Snapchat is the source of all disposable masturbation material… The post Bella Thorne’s Snapchat Titty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Snapchat Titty Flash of the Day

Kim Kardashian Twerking in the Pool of the Day

A video posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Aug 20, 2016 at 7:47am PDT Kim Kardashian is the fucking worst, and there’s obviously no secret in how she got her notoriety, but I am still fascinated that brands choose to work with her, or that people choose to idolize her, when despite being so fucking rich, a mom of two, she remains trashy as fuck….whether it’s getting naked every chance she gets, or milking her huge fake ass, and thin waist from Lipo that young girls are emulating, along with buying hair products and other shit she is selling like an Armenian market worker…back in Armenia…giving out all the bananas to the Africans rolling through…or some shit… She’s in her mid 30s, posting ass shaking videos and nipple pics…and instagram doesn’t delete her shit, they need her, she’s their prized hen…and other brands throw millions at her…and it’s irresponsible marketing, and it’s hypocritical marketing, and it’s fucking disgusting to look at all this greed, wealth, consumerism, destruction of intelligent, thinking, analytical minds…replaced with hip hop video glamour models are our role models… It doesn’t matter how many of us hate this shit, we still see this shit in our everyday…and no matter how confused we are…lazy media buyers are booking these pieces of shit…instead of not funding them…and ending them…which would be nice… Here’s more of the monster.. The post Kim Kardashian Twerking in the Pool of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian Twerking in the Pool of the Day

Video of the Day: San Francisco Rendered in 100,000 Toothpicks



Artist Scott Weaver’s Rolling Through the Bay, a toothpick Rube Goldberg machine of San Francisco, is made from over 100,000 toothpicks and took him 35 years to complete. Multiple ball runs allow the viewer to go on “tours” of different parts of the city while hitting up major landmarks — from the Golden Gate Bridge Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Flavorwire Discovery Date : 22/04/2011 17:15 Number of articles : 2

Video of the Day: San Francisco Rendered in 100,000 Toothpicks

Exclusive Bossip And Diddy Dirty Money #ComingHomeTour Flip Camera Giveaway!

Ladies and gentlemen, Bossip, along with Diddy Dirty Money, is conducting a Twitter Flipcam giveaway promoting The #ComingHomeTour rolling through your city very soon! We will be giving away an exclusive custom Diddy Dirty Money Flip video camera to a reader that can tell us: How many Grammy awards has Diddy won? Which categories? Which songs? Send in your answers via Twitter to both @Bossip and @IAmDiddy using the hashtag #ComingHomeTour (only answers using this format will be eligible to win.) The winner will be announced Friday afternoon, make sure you follow @Bossip on Twitter to find out it’s YOU!!! Good luck!!!

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Exclusive Bossip And Diddy Dirty Money #ComingHomeTour Flip Camera Giveaway!