Tag Archives: roman-catholic

Spiritually Bankrupt: Catholic Church hiding assets from Abuse Victims

This is written with a sense of sadness and some mixed feelings. While not a member of the Roman Catholic Church, I have great respect for the church and its followers. The church has done and continues to do much good in the world. I've seen it among the poor, the downtrodden, and the ill all around the globe. But with a team of other investigative reporters, we uncovered some things that should be brought to light and pondered. Earlier this month, Pope Benedict XVI issued the first apology to priest abuse victims from St. Peter's Square – a gesture intended to show that church leadership is finally ready to confront this growing scandal. But in reporting a recent story, we found that behind the scenes – and in court – the church has taken a much less contrite and more confrontational position. Our investigation found that in various dioceses across the United States, church leaders were going great lengths to avoid making amends with the same victims of abuse they claimed to be trying to make peace with. Facing waves of lawsuits by now-adult victims, we found the church has reacted more like a big business than a sacred institution: Wealthy dioceses have claimed to be broke and taken the drastic act of filing for bankruptcy. Only when forced to open their ledgers in bankruptcy proceedings does it become clear that several of these dioceses were actually flush with assets – cash, real estate, parishes – that it could have made available to victims seeking restitution. Take the Diocese of San Diego: In 2007, just before several abuse cases were scheduled to begin, it filed for bankruptcy. It sought this protection despite owning hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate – everything from commercial buildings, to open land, to parking lots. Only after it became clear that the bankruptcy judge was ready to dismiss the diocese's bankruptcy filing did the church seek to settle with victims. At the end of the bankruptcy proceedings, the judge, a Catholic, scolded the church for being “disingenuous.” Story Continues – with DAN RATHER video report http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dan-rather/spiritually-bankrupt_b_629424.html added by: Stoneyroad

Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen Photos

Gisele Bundchen was born in the Brazilian town of Três de Maio and grew up in Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul. She is of German descent from both her parents, Vânia Nonnenmacher, a bank clerk pensioner, and Valdir Bündchen, a university teacher and writer. She has five sisters — Raquel, Graziela, Gabriela, Rafaela and her fraternal twin Patrícia, Gisele#39;s junior by five minutes. Bündchen is Roman Catholic and speaks Portuguese as her native language. She also speaks Spanish and English. “ I

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Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen Photos

Church Sued Victim of Convicted Sex Abuser

A Catholic diocese in Canada sued the victim of a convicted pedophile priest, driving the victim to attempt suicide several times, according to a newspaper report published Sunday. The church's move would prove to be a successful tactic to force the victim to settle out of court. And some victims of Catholic church sex abuse say the tactic is a common one. John Caruso, a victim of convicted Roman Catholic priest James Kneale, sued the church for $8.6 million over sexual abuse he suffered at Kneale's hands as an altar boy in the 1980s. The church responded with a “legal thunderbolt,” reports Mary Ormsby at the Toronto Star: Kneale and the diocese countersued Caruso’s mother and father. They claimed the parents were negligent in failing to get counselling and medical help for their teenaged son and that Caruso’s father regularly beat him, compounding his psychological troubles. Story continues below… The legal hardball shattered the once-devout family. The Star reports that the strain of the lawsuit pushed Caruso, a resident of Fort Erie, Ontario, to attempt suicide several times. Caruso's mother, Claire, died last year as the legal battle continued to rage. “She took it to her grave thinking she was part of the problem,’’ Caruso told the Star. He settled out of court, for an undisclosed amount, four months after his mother's death. Ormsby reports that the church's tactics in the legal battle were “not unusual.” “Despite the church’s pledge to handle victims with compassion — a position repeated this month by Pope Benedict — it too often plays a game of courtroom chicken with stall tactics, hostile discovery sessions and intrusive psychological probes that unnerve vulnerable clients, say victims and their lawyers,” Ormsby writes. On Sunday, The Associated Press reported that Pope Benedict XVI, while still a cardinal, refused to defrock an American priest who had been convicted on multiple counts of sexual abuse, “simply because the cleric wouldn't agree to it.” (More @ Link) added by: Omnomynous

Lady Gaga Felt Like A Freak In High School

Lady Gaga has said that she felt like a “freak” at her posh all-girls’ school. The “Poker Face” star – real name Stefani Germanotta – revealed that she was singled out by her classmates because she didn’t fit in at the private Roman Catholic school in Manhattan

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Lady Gaga Felt Like A Freak In High School

Pope activates world Catholic charities for Haiti relief

Pope Benedict on Wednesday ordered that the Roman Catholic Church's extensive worldwide charity network be immediately activated to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Speaking at his weekly general audience, the pope also appealed to the international community and individuals to be quick and generous in their aid. “The Catholic Church will immediately activate (its aid) through its charity institutions in order to respond to the most urgent needs of the population,” he said.

Pope activates world Catholic charities for Haiti relief

Grote Tieten zijn Geil – Zomerjurkjes ook!

Sinds we een stipnotering in de zoekmachinerie hebben op het gebied van grote tieten moeten we daar natuurlijk blijvend aandacht aan besteden. Jarenlange noeste arbeid zijn hier aan voorafgegaan. Uw kijkers hebben talloze Vrij Grote Borsten Vrijdagmiddagen moeten doorstaan maar sinds kort kunnen we zeggen dat we niet meer bij de eerste tien zijn weg te slaan. Continue reading

Playboy Nude Virgin Mary Cover Sparks Outrage

A nude model resembling the Virgin Mary on the cover of the Mexican edition of Playboy magazine, published only days before a major Mexican festival dedicated to the mother of Jesus, prompted the company's U.S. headquarters on Friday to apologize. The magazine, which hit newsstands on December 1 as ceremonies began leading to Friday's pilgrimage to the Mexico City shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, showed a model wearing nothing but a white cloth over her head and breasts. Continue reading

No work? Sue your College

A 27 year old woman is seeking the $70,000 she spent on tuition from her Alma mater. This is a great idea

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No work? Sue your College

Facebook a Threat, Says Archbishop

Social networking websites, texting and e-mails are undermining community life, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has warned. added by: Progresshiv 6 responses

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Facebook a Threat, Says Archbishop