In a sad and unexpected story, the self-help couple and hosts of the radio show “The Pursuit of Happiness” Lynne Rosen and John Littig have been found dead in their apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn, from an apparent double suicide. The pair were found suffocated, with plastic bags tied over their heads. Outside their radio show, Rosen, 46, was a psychotherapist and Littig, 48, was a musician. The irony of their death is apparent, as they taught their listeners things like, “It’s always too early to quit.” This story is still tragic, nonetheless. Watch a video of the diseased couple’s show below. Lynne Rosen and John Littig The Pursuit of Happiness
Gene Rosen, a Connecticut good Samaritan who harbored six survivors of the Sandy Hook shooting, has become a target for “Truthers” accusing him of being a liar and/or actor. Yet another element of the Sandy Hook conspiracy , if you believe that sort of thing. How it come to be that an innocent bystander – some say hero – is now being harassed for it? On the morning of the infamous shooting, the Newtown, Conn., resident was feeding his cats when he discovered four terrified children hiding out in his driveway. They told Rosen their teacher was dead, and he listened to their chilling account of the tragedy that was still going on at the nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School. Rosen, 69, was subsequently interviewed by many of the media outlets that descended on the small community, his anguished face flashed across TV screens around the world. The sincerity of that anguish has since come into question by a group of Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists who call themselves “Truthers” and have made his life difficult. These individuals have so far posted Rosen’s personal info online, created fake social media accounts using his name and harassed the Newtown resident via email and phone. “I don’t know what to do,” retired psychologist Rosen told Salon . “There must be some way to morally shame these people, because there were 20 dead children lying there, an eighth of a mile from my window.” “I thought of an expression, that this ‘adds insult to injury,’ but that’s a stupid expression, because this is not an injury, this is an abomination.” Unfortunately for Rosen, it is an abomination that has gained traction. Websites have questioned Rosen’s motives for sharing his story, even suggesting that he made an “audition” tape and accusing him of “pedo under-tones.” A YouTube video suggests Rosen is a actually Screen Actors Guild thespian, and that “The only thing consistent about this clown’s act, is all the fake crying.” “The man has never shed an actual tear in a dozen interviews.” Yet another conspiracy theory blog calls Rosen a “bad crisis actor” who changes his story and focuses on the sound of Adam Lanza ‘s gunshots for political effect. His explanation for being so public about his experience? “I wanted to speak about the bravery of the children, and it kind of helped me work through this,” Rosen told Salon of his decision to give multiple interviews to the media. “I guess I kind of opened myself up to this.”
Tonight Show staffers are just like us! They help fellow motorists in need and are the subjects of heartbreaking Craigslist Missed Connection posts. If you, Jay Leno’s assistant who bears a striking resemblance to “Clark Kent/Superman,” were dancing with a pretty young thing at West Hollywood’s Red Rock on Sunday night, click here . This might be the only way to find happiness in your Leno-subservient life. And you, Missed Connection author, may Movieline suggest 4chan . [ Craigslist ]
Earlier today, with the news that Tom Cruise was almost cast in Goodfellas , Christopher Rosen asked “Can you imagine Tom Cruise as a coked up Henry Hill?” Well, yeah, I actually can! This was a Tom Cruise that just came off an Oscar nomination for Born on the Fourth of July . But could Goodfellas have been better with Tom Cruise as Henry Hill? Ahead, Christopher and I try to get to the bottom of that very question via the convenience of Gchat.
And so another week ends at Movieline, thus bringing our regular Friday retrospective into sharp, clear and unusually bittersweet focus. It’s nothing a double bourbon (or whatever you’re drinking; put it on my tab) and a couple days off can’t fix, though. From all of us, have a fine weekend, and be sure to join Christopher Rosen here for your Movieline fix in the days ahead. Au revoir!
The fun never stops at Movieline, where… actually, yeah, it does stop on occasion. Relive the good times in our handy Week in Review, and tune in tomorrow as your captain Christopher Rosen steers you through the weekend. Have a good one!
Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Chris Brown , Exclusives Chris Brown’s denial tour 2009 continues … he just filed legal papers claiming he’s not to blame for a nasty accident at a sports club in Los Angeles.Brown was sued by a paparazzo (not ours) back in May