Tag Archives: sagging pants

Flaw Enforcement: 96% Of People Arrested In Shreveport, Louisiana For “Sagging Pants Law” Are Black Men Since 2007

Source: Roberto Machado Noa / Getty 96% Of Sagging Pants Arrests In Shreveport Have Been Black Men Since 2007 Look, we get it. Some people truly abhor seeing men walk around a$$ed out with their pants sagging below their waist, but this is f***ing ridiculous. According to Shreveport Times , ever since ordinance 50-167 was passed into law in 2007, a law prohibiting sagging pants in public, there have been 726 arrests made. Of those 726, 699 of them are Black men in comparison to the 12 white men arrested. That’s right, 12. Additionally, 13 Black women were arrested for this crime in comparison to 1 white woman. This means that 98% of the people placed into the criminal justice system behind this law are Black, 96% are Black men. Tuesday, City Councilwoman LeVette Fuller proposed to abolish the law prohibiting the public wearing of pants below the waist, exposing the skin or undergarments. At least three national news outlets reported on the proposal in connection with the death of Anthony Childs that occurred during an officer-involved shooting. For those unaware, Anthony Childs was shot at eight times by a cop, SPD Officer Traveion Brooks, three of those shots hit him. A reported self-inflicted shot to the chest ultimately killed Childs. The officer was trying to stop Childs because his pants were sagging. This law is racist as HELL.

The rest is here:
Flaw Enforcement: 96% Of People Arrested In Shreveport, Louisiana For “Sagging Pants Law” Are Black Men Since 2007

Have It My Way: Restaurant Owner Bans Sagging Pants At 25 McDonald’s Locations In Dallas

Racist or nah? McDonald’s Owner Bans Sagging Pants In 25 Restaurants A Dallas-based McDonald’s restaurant owner is taking the crack down on sagging pants to the next level. The franchisee is reportedly refusing service to customers who enter the restaurant their pants on the low-down lean. via KHOU Houston If you plan to visit the Golden Arches, better bring a belt. One local McDonald’s franchisee with 25 locations around Dallas is posting this warning in bold red-and-yellow: “No Sagging Allowed in This Restaurant.” News 8 spotted the signs at four locations: Two along Lancaster Road; one at Camp Wisdom Road and Interstate 35; and another in Seagoville. McDonald’s corporate headquarters declined to comment for this story. “We basically in the neighborhood, we were first,” said Loquita Record, who runs Record’s Bar-B-Q in South Dallas. Hanging in the front door of her 60-year-old restaurant is a sign reading: “If Saggin’, No Service.”z She said the warning has been there for two years. Does it work? Do they have customers with sagging pants who come in and pull them up? “Yes, we do,” Record said. We’re all for encouraging folks, especially young men, to carry themselves in a presentable way as not to fall victim to the undeniable recent increase in racial profiling specifically directed towards minorities……but are these “sagging pants” bans taking it too far?

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Have It My Way: Restaurant Owner Bans Sagging Pants At 25 McDonald’s Locations In Dallas

Get ‘Em Up: “Jersey Shore” Mayor Proposes Ban On Man Cake-Exposing Saggin’ Pants

Sign might as well say: “No Chief Keefs Allowed!” Jersey Shore Mayor Proposes Ban On Sagging Pants Via ABCNews It’s the Jersey Shore, no doubt, but Wildwood’s mayor doesn’t want the stereotypes that come along with it. And saggy pants, he said, do nothing but perpetuate the negative stereotypes that come with a summer “down the shore.” That’s why the mayor of Wildwood, N.J., is leading the charge on a saggy pants ban on the beach town’s boardwalk. “Their whole rear ends are sticking out,” Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. said. “These kids have no respect for anyone including themselves.” There was no one event that led to the proposed ban, he said, rather a long line of complaints from people who were tired of seeing people’s underwear hanging out of their pants. “People kept asking what I was going to do about it,” he said. Locals are “extremely offended” by the saggy pants. “We welcome everyone here, we don’t discriminate against anyone,” he said. “But what about my rights not to have to see your rear end?” The vote on the ban, which the mayor said he is “99.9 percent sure” will succeed, takes place June 12. It will take 20 days to become law. So how will the local Po-9 enforce the new law if it passes? On the 21st day, he said, police will begin “politely asking” people to hike up their pants. “It’s not a hit squad,” he said. “There’s no Gestapo running up and down the boardwalk looking for offenders.” If they don’t comply, Troiano said, they will be asked to leave the boardwalk. If they become belligerent they will get a ticket. That’s it?? We’re not against encouraging these young dirt-ball ninjas to get their lives together, but you’re going to have to do better than a ticket and a stern warning to make ‘em pull up their True Religions. Good luck mister Mayor. Image via Instagram

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Get ‘Em Up: “Jersey Shore” Mayor Proposes Ban On Man Cake-Exposing Saggin’ Pants

Florida On The Verge Of Passing An Anti-Sagging Law?

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There’s been talk about passing an “anti-sagging law” for years now, which would prevent men from wearing their pants below their waist and exposing their underwear in public. Although some states have already banned “sagging pants”, it seems that more states are jumping on the bandwagon with this new law. Now, Florida senators are in the midst of passing the law that men can not expose their underwear in public and especially in school settings. State Senator Gary Siplin has been working on the bill which would be targeted towards school’s dress codes for six years now, and it seems like he is finally close to closing the deal. These rules will make it against the law when boys wear their pants so low that you’re able to see their underwear. This rule applies to both boys and girls. Kevin Gordon, a principle in a Florida school, says administrators are attempting to teach youth what is appropriate in the workplace. He stated: “if you are not dressed appropriately, then you’re not ready for school. If you are not ready for school, you’re not ready to be successful.” Hm, what do you think about this statement? The problem comes in when this law is targeted toward a certain group of men, i.e. African American men and boys. What happened to our First Amendment Right? I believe in the freedom of expression, so forgive me for thinking that people should be able to dress however they want to dress, even if it means having their pants hanging off their butts. My motto is “hey,  you do you!” I don’t think that this issue of “sagging pants” would be a problem if the negative stereotypes didn’t come from it such as “thugs”, “gang bangers”, “jail birds” etc. and I think that it is a shame that the government would try and regulate people’s style of clothing. If they take away that freedom, what’s next?! What do you think? Do you think the way that you dress affects your success level? Do you think that the government has a reason to regulate how people dress? Read the full story at Bossip.com. Why We Need To Get Tough On Guns “If He Goes To Grad School I May Have To Leave My Job”

Florida On The Verge Of Passing An Anti-Sagging Law?

Florida Passes An Anti-Sagging Law?

Continued here:

There’s been talk about passing an “anti-sagging law” for years now, which would prevent men from wearing their pants below their waist and exposing their underwear in public. Now, Florida senators are in the midst of passing the law that boys can’t expose their underwar in public and especially in school settings. State Senator Gary Siplin has been working on the bill which would be targeted towards school’s dress codes and he is close to making it a law after six years of fighting. SB 228 and House version, HB 61, makes it against the law when boys wear their pants so low that you’re able to see their underwear. This rule applies to both boys and girls. Kevin Gordon, a principle in a Florida school, says school administrators are sending a message on what is appropriate in the workplace. He stated: “ If you are not dressed appropriately, then you’re not ready for school. If you are not ready for school, you’re not ready to be successful.” What do you think? Do you think the way that you dress affects your success level? Do you think that the government has a reason to regulate how people dress? Read the full story at Bossip.com. Why We Need To Get Tough On Guns “If He Goes To Grad School I May Have To Leave My Job”

Florida Passes An Anti-Sagging Law?

You Can’t Be Serious…Florida Is Ready To Pass An Anti-Sagging Law

Really? A bill?? We don’t want to see men’s underwear either but the government is going to tell people how to dress now??? State Senator Gary Siplin has been working on a bill aimed at a school’s dress code policy for six years and he’s close to making it law. SB 228 and House version, HB 61, makes it against the law when teens wear their pants so low you can see their underwear. The proposed rule under the school code of conduct applies to boys and girls. The Senate version passed without any dissenting votes. The saggy pants fashion among teens is bad enough to inspire this song on American Idol a couple of seasons ago. The opening lyrics say, “Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.” Florida lawmakers agree with “General” Larry Platt’s song and are fast approving a bill banning clothing that shows underwear in public schools. Mike Davis, a senior at Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg, says he supports the bill. “You should dress appropriately for school. It’s a business. It’s the place training you to become the person you will be in life.” A local school principal agrees wholeheartedly: Principal Kevin Gordon says school administrators are sending a clear message on what’s appropriate for school and the workforce. “If you are not dressed appropriately, then you’re not ready for school. If you are not ready for school, you’re not ready to be successful,” says Gordon. He adds, “Those are patterns students get into. We try to create patterns that are going to be patterns of success.” Do you think the government has a right to dictate how people dress?? Source

See more here:
You Can’t Be Serious…Florida Is Ready To Pass An Anti-Sagging Law