A drama secretly filmed inside of a Burbank, CA IKEA.
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IKEA Heights
A drama secretly filmed inside of a Burbank, CA IKEA.
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IKEA Heights
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged creek, dawson, drama-secretly, filmed-inside, kitchen, laughing, links, not-sure, performs, performs-stealth, sale-yet, satellite
Advances in technology! Simplified TV and Satellite remotes that are easy to understand and use, for once. I'm not sure if these are just prototypes or if they're ready for sale yet, but they're beautiful. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
“South Korea launched its first space rocket on Tuesday but failed to put a scientific satellite into its planned orbit in a setback for the country's nascent space program. The launch was expected to rile prickly North Korea, which was hit by U.N. sanctions after it fired a long-range rocket in April in what was widely seen as a disguised missile test
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South Korea launches first rocket
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged after-it-fired, center-on-south, country, from-the-second, Hollywood, korea, north, north-korea, partial-success, satellite, science, south-korea, space
Space is preparing to go a little nuts. NASA satellite images could soon give information to nut growers about their orchard's health, allowing them to stay ahead of plant stress issues, pests and diseases that could affect crop yield and quality
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Nut growers look to space for support and guidance on orchards
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged agriculture, archetype, children, eyelashes, flirt-on-street, internet, looks-at-girls, mexico-state, minimize-stress, phone, satellite, toddler, trees, university