Tag Archives: save-the-world

9/11 Truth Billboad in California

In what may be the first of it’s kind in the nation, a group of 9/11 Truth activists organized, designed and paid for a commercial billboard in which 1,200 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth invite the public to “Examine the Evidence.” The 24’ (w) x 12’ (h) billboard was installed sometime Thurs. afternoon, Aug. 5, 2010 on South Higuera, just south of Elks Lane. The activists who have brought this matter to the people of SLO County who drive by this area realize that the evidence we are attempting to share is difficult to digest. Many simply cannot bear to question 9/11, knowing somewhere deeply in the collective unconscious that the truth may be more than we can stand. In order to understand the facts regarding the collapse of 3 modern, high rise buildings one has to free ourselves from our preconceived notions. Of course to investigate 9/11 carries with it the burden of doing something about it. While this is true, no one is asking any one of us to save the world single-handedly. It does not take long to get educated (just go to http://www.ae911truth.org/ ). The volumes of evidence presented include a peer reviewed paper published by an international team of scientists that positively found unignited thermite in all 4 samples of World Trade Center dust they tested. There has been no coverage of this paper in any of the mainstream press, including the so-called “Left media.” For more details about this highly charged issue, which we need to remember was the “reason” we went to war in the Middle East, please visit: http://www.ae911truth.org/ We Are Change.org August 7, 2010 added by: rodstradamus

Ne-Yo Debuts ‘Beautiful Monster,’ ‘Champagne Life’ Videos

The singer takes on superhero powers in two new clips from his upcoming Libra Scale. By Jayson Rodriguez Ne-Yo on the set of his music video “Beautiful Monster” Photo: MTV News Ne-Yo took over BET’s 106 & Park on Thursday evening (July 14), premiering two story-driven videos, “Beautiful Monster” and “Champagne Life.” The singer promised MTV News last month that the clips accompanying his forthcoming album, Libra Scale, would form part of a larger overall visual narrative. ” ‘Beautiful Monster’ is one piece of a very long and intricate story,” Ne-Yo revealed. “When you see the first video, make sure that you’re paying attention because all of the videos tell a story. So pay attention — you don’t want to miss nothing.” Under Ne-Yo and Wayne Isham’s (Madonna, Aaliyah, Adam Lambert) direction, the clips present the singer as a member of a crime-fighting trio called “The Gentlemen.” Ne-Yo is granted otherworldly powers by a mysterious figure (Columbus Short), who assures the three blue-collar workers that their new powers will remain active so long as they don’t fall in love. In “Beautiful Monster,” Ne-Yo is portrayed as a disheveled superhero,

The Daily Spill: Diamond Saw Fail, BP Should Not Pay Out Dividends

http://environment.change.org/blog/view/the_daily_spill_diamond_saw_fail_and_bp_… The Daily Spill serves you up the latest developments as oil continues to coat the Gulf. Forget Plan B, C or D. With how fast their schemes are failing, BP may be soon require the Greek alphabet. So, remember that diamond-tipped saw intended to cut through that troublesome well pipe in order to cap it? Yeah, that got stuck. Most of yesterday went by before it was freed. Now, I kid you not, the company has turned to giant “garden” shears, though it’s unclear when that will begin. Don’t hold your breath. Oh, but just in case you were worried, federal officials assured us that nuclear weapons are not on the table. Nothing would surprise me at this point. Back on the East Coast, President Obama gave a serious and politically important speech yesterday at Carnegie Mellon University. He finally spelled out the obvious: the Gulf disaster should be a catalyst to pass a climate bill with a price on carbon, and also said he wants to roll back billions of dollars in oil company tax breaks – something he had tried to do in past budget proposals. He also vowed to personally whip votes for a climate bill “in coming months,” which climate advocates have urging for awhile. While Obama talked policy, other politicians did what they do best (for better or worse): made demands. Alabama Republican state senator Ben Brooks explained that “there’s nothing inherently contradictory” with a small government advocate, such as himself, demanding the very same wimpy government protect public safety. Um, sure, no comment. Democrats, meanwhile, made some more sensible demands: Sens. Chuck Schumer and Ron Wyden rightly told BP it was “unfathomable” that the company is considering pay shareholder dividends before total cleanup costs are known (the latest estimates rise to nearly $40 billion). Florida Sen. Ben Nelson, in a letter, formally asked that the military take charge, and others said BP CEO Tony Hayward’s head should roll. Some news on this should play out when Hayward addresses his investors tomorrow. Speaking of – the man of the hour has been busy backpedaling, said he was “appalled” by his own “I’d like my life back” remark and admitting to The Financial Times that criticisms of BP’s spill preparedness are “entirely fair.” As for BP’s response since, Vice President Joe Biden seems to believe the company is doing the best it can. BP and Halliburton are certainly experts at getting politicians to favor their interests. The former hired at least 27 former government insiders to be their lobbyists in the first three months of this year alone, reports the Huffington Post, and is a company with incomparable influence. In a busy donation month, the latter gave $17,000 to candidates this November, Politico reports, several of whom are on committees investigating the oil spill. And so much for a respite from new offshore drilling. Yesterday, the Minerals Management Service approved the first new shallow oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico since President Obama put a short moratorium in place. The site is a mere stone’s throw from a Louisiana state wildlife refuge. Drilling in deeper waters, for the record, is still frozen, but I’m not sure I get why drilling closer to the shore is better. At the very least, Interior has taken steps to demand more in drilling applications and, as The Hill reports, is asking approved permit holders to resubmit plans if they’d used a loophole that exempted them from environmental review. And lastly, sometimes being funny pays. Or at least being friends with funny people. The anonymous tweeter behind BPGlobalPR’s fake feed donated $10,000 to the Gulf Restoration Network yesterday. added by: captainplanet71

UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet

Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today. As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management. It says: “Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.” Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: “Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.” The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions. The panel of experts ranked products, resources, economic activities and transport according to their environmental impacts. Agriculture was on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth, they said. Ernst von Weizsaecker, an environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said: “Rising affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products – livestock now consumes much of the world's crops and by inference a great deal of freshwater, fertilisers and pesticides.” Both energy and agriculture need to be “decoupled” from economic growth because environmental impacts rise roughly 80% with a doubling of income, the report found. Achim Steiner, the UN under-secretary general and executive director of the UNEP, said: “Decoupling growth from environmental degradation is the number one challenge facing governments in a world of rising numbers of people, rising incomes, rising consumption demands and the persistent challenge of poverty alleviation.” The panel, which drew on numerous studies including the Millennium ecosystem assessment, cites the following pressures on the environment as priorities for governments around the world: climate change, habitat change, wasteful use of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilisers, over-exploitation of fisheries, forests and other resources, invasive species, unsafe drinking water and sanitation, lead exposure, urban air pollution and occupational exposure to particulate matter. Agriculture, particularly meat and dairy products, accounts for 70% of global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use and 19% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, says the report, which has been launched to coincide with UN World Environment day on Saturday. Last year the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said that food production would have to increase globally by 70% by 2050 to feed the world's surging population. The panel says that efficiency gains in agriculture will be overwhelmed by the expected population growth. Prof Hertwich, who is also the director of the industrial ecology programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said that developing countries – where much of this population growth will take place – must not follow the western world's pattern of increasing consumption: “Developing countries should not follow our model. But it's up to us to develop the technologies in, say, renewable energy or irrigation methods.” added by: animalia_libero

‘Fringe’ Finale Is A ‘Tug-Of-War Between Two Universes,’ Stars Say

‘You have to watch the last five minutes … and that will tell you a lot,’ Joshua Jackson says of the episode. By Jocelyn Vena Fans are eagerly anticipating the season finale of “Fringe” on Thursday night (May 20). With a rift in the Bishop clan, the entire crew trying to save the world from an alternate dimension and the possibility that Peter is the key to the end of the world, anything is possible. John Noble and Joshua Jackson, who play the Bishop father/son combo, said the show’s final few minutes will really leave fans shocked. “You have to watch the last five minutes … and that will tell you a lot,” Jackson revealed earlier this week to MTV News. Noble said that even he isn’t sure if Peter (Jackson) is the key to saving or destroying the universes. “It’s only Walter surmising that that’s the case, so science, as we know it now, would suggest that unless we do something rapidly, it could happen,” he said. “But it won’t happen, because we have a story to tell, and being very inventive people, we will find a way to get past that problem. “The interesting thing about ‘Fringe’ is, the only character that doesn’t change is Peter,” he continued. “Peter is the constant, and this season we’ve been talking about Peter a lot. … It’s all been building. When Walter said in the last episode [that Peter] could be responsible for the end of the world, it’s actually about Peter. So we have this tug-of-war between two universes for this character, and I play both dads.” Fans, however, wonder when the rift between the Bishop men will eventually mend. “Isn’t that the foundation of a good story? Isn’t the whole point that they never get to the end of the story until the show is off the air? But that’s what family is too,” Jackson said. “We were making progress. We become closer together. Circumstances, like being from an alternate universe, come and tear you apart and then slowly repair.” What do you think will happen on the “Fringe” season finale? Share your theories in the comments!

See more here:
‘Fringe’ Finale Is A ‘Tug-Of-War Between Two Universes,’ Stars Say

MassSave Rebates

In a press conference earlier today, Governor Patrick announced that the state will be using money as incentives for people to upgrade their equipments and appliances by getting a big discount.  Residents of Massachusetts will be receiving rebates if they trade their current appliances with an energy-efficient counterpart. This action of the government is in line with the Earth Day celebration. For consumers to get a rebate voucher, they must log into Mass Save’s Great Appliance Sale website (www.masssave.com/gax) or they may call the MassSave hotline. Retailers have been urging consumers to start making their reservations since this government offer will only last until May 5, 2010. The Mass Exchange Save Great device exchange is the latest example ofuse of the federal republic of recovery dollars to reduce household energy usage, cut costs and reduce waste and emission of greenhouse gases. Discounts are offered for qualified dishwashers, refrigerators, clothe washers and freezers. Residents and consumers can get discounts as high as $250 for every exchanged appliance. MassSave Rebates is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Katy Perry Knows What She’s Good for of the Day

My life is like a really shitty CD on repeat. I don’t even know if I should write about Katy Perry dressed like a mermaid for her stripshow that doesn’t involve stripping, but is equally as humiliating and takes the same level of shamelessness to exploit herself and because every day she goes out there, it’s pretty clear to all of us that she’s a fucking joke, so I guess it is only fitting that she staged being engaged with Russell Brand, a homosexual comedian in on her joke, but at least she brought out her tits, cuz that almost takes away with the fact that she’s an ugly, useless, annoying piece of shit, proving that tits do save the world, lets just hope they don’t save her world, cuz if I get polluted by her shitty songs again this summer, I will probably kill myself, and I’d rather it be her than me, even if my life is shitty, I’m not ready for it to end yet….

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Katy Perry Knows What She’s Good for of the Day

Tila Tequila: Nude, Ranting, In Need of Help

The Successful Viral Video I Don’t Understand of the Day

There was a time I used to think up all kinds of ideas for viral videos in efforts of hitting the next big internet phenomenon because the shit looked fucking easy, but for some reason I never bothered making the videos and that reason is laziness and talentless and uninspired but I still get annoyed everytime one of these videos comes across and I see that 2,000,000 people have checked a clip out over the course of a few days because it strikes a chord with people or some shit, while my videos would only get 2 views, both me from different computers, while putting a head in bed with your gf who freaks the fuck out that may just be staged will get the creator of this video his own show.

Continued here:
The Successful Viral Video I Don’t Understand of the Day

Scarlett Johansson is the Jolly Green Monster of the Day

I get a lot of hate from people who have little goin on in their lives who get worked up over celebrities enough to get mad when I say that Scarlett Johansson is a fucking pig of a girl.

Here is the original post:
Scarlett Johansson is the Jolly Green Monster of the Day