Tag Archives: school-the-day

Eighth-Graders Murder Woman At Car Wash, Take A Joy Ride With Her Body Propped Up In The Front Seat

Middle Schoolers Murder Woman, Take Joyride With Her Lifeless Body Two Missouri teens, age 13 and 14, allegedly attacked a woman while she was vacuuming her car, brutally stabbing her multiple times in the face, neck and hands until she died. The two middle-schoolers then took her car, going on a gruesome joyride with her lifeless body propped up in the front seat with her feet on the dashboard. According to NYDN , 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain visited the local car wash on Nov. 1 to clean out the inside of her vehicle. There is no footage of the crime itself, however surveillance video shows the young boys exiting Quick Clean Car Wash, each wearing very distinctive hoodies. The teens are also seen getting into the vehicle, with Chamberlain in the front seat, at 1:57 a.m. — a full 40 minutes after she is first seen on camera vacuuming her car. According to documents obtained by KCTV5, police pulled over the vehicle about 20 minutes later for swerving in and out of lanes in what appeared to be a case of intoxicated driving. They boys pulled over and jumped out of the vehicle, running out of police sight after a brief foot chase. The two boys showed up for school the day after the murder, wearing the exact same sweatshirts seen on the surveillance footage that day. What a senseless crime and a crazy story! What would make these two young kids decide to kill someone just to ride around in her car for a few minutes — and how did they end up wearing the exact same outfits to school the next day?? One would think their shirts would be intensely blood-stained after a crime like that. The whole story is just tragic and strange… YouTube

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Eighth-Graders Murder Woman At Car Wash, Take A Joy Ride With Her Body Propped Up In The Front Seat

Hey everyone, my name is Bradly! I never ever thought I would be…

Hey everyone, my name is Bradly! I never ever thought I would be writing one of these! I have been a boy belieber since 2009! He had me at ‘aye.’ My Bieber experience is honestly a very unique one. Let me just say Justin LOVES his boy beliebers, and that’s why I staying so true to him. It all started when I was getting bullied but Justin’s lyrics and voice got me through it every time. When I saw he was going to Miami (my hometown) I literally was gonna pee myself! I stayed home from school the day of pre-sale and used the BieberFever code because I’m a member. God was on my side that beautiful day and I got 1st row tickets with meet & greet!  I STARTED CRYING. Then the day of the show finally came! I have never been so nervous in my life. When I got to the arena at 3:00 p.m. to pick up my meet and greets I was the first one there, so I was the first in line. I saw Kenny, Scooter and Fredo walk out of the curtain. I had to hold the tears back. Then Kenny asked me if I was ready, I couldn’t even respond. As the curtain pulled back I saw my beautiful idol Justin Drew Bieber. He was like an angel. He looked at me and said, “HEY BRO! Thanks for supporting me, it’s so cool you are here.” I thought I died and went to heaven! Then I said, “I love your outfit!” Then we took the picture and I gave him my very long and detailed letter I wrote for him , that explained my whole story and how he helped me. He said “Thanks,” and told me to enjoy the show. Once I left I broke down in tears. So many girls came up to me asking me why I was crying. I said the same exact reason you guys cry. He’s flawless! I am still in awe of the fact that Justin Drew Bieber and I were in the same room. Thank you Justin for supporting ALL of your fans – not just girls but boy beliebers as well. WE EXIST! Never say never.  See the rest here: Hey everyone, my name is Bradly! I never ever thought I would be…

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Hey everyone, my name is Bradly! I never ever thought I would be…

I’m Delaney and I met Justin Bieber on October 18th 2012…

I’m Delaney and I met Justin Bieber on October 18th 2012 when he was in Winnipeg, Canada.  The second I found out his tour dates I was screaming like crazy! I stayed home from school the day the tickets when on sale and right at noon, both me and my mom were on the computer and my iPad to get tickets. We started to just look into tickets but I wanted something more this time. Last time he came to Winnipeg we had the tickets that let us go to his sound check. I asked my mom if we could look into meet and greet tickets and we did. They were $450 but I knew I wanted them. We ended up getting row 2 on the floor, right up against the stage and MEET AND GREET! I was going to meet Justin Bieber . I totally lost it, I was shaking, I was crying, I didn’t even know what to do. I posted on Facebook that I had the tickets and a lot of people wanted to go but didn’t wanna pay the $450. Eventually I found someone to go with. Even from the moment I knew I had meet and greet tickets, I put the countdown on my phone. I remember it being like 187 days or something. When the week finally came and I found out he was already in Winnipeg the day before the show I begged my mom to go on a Bieber hunt but I had to go to school and I had drivers Ed that night. When we woke up the next morning I couldn’t sit still! I couldn’t even eat breakfast. I got my mom to write place lips here on both of my cheeks so he would kiss me and we were off to the MTS center. We were about 10th in line and we met a few beliebers while standing there. We saw Kenny walk past us and he smiled and waved. There was a big black curtain and girls were going in with huge smiles on their faces and coming out crying. Finally it was our turn and the curtain was pulled back. I saw him! I SAW JUSTIN BIEBER!!! I barely even remember it I was so happy. I just remember looking at his hair and going in for the hug. I dug my head into his chest while he grabbed my friend on his other side. We saw Fredo on our way out and he was smiling and taking pictures. In our picture I didn’t know I looked like I was planning a terrorists attack. But I didn’t know. I was so happy to just be standing next to the hottest guy on this planet! Skip ahead to the show – Carly Rae Jepsen was amazing. I’ve known her cousin for a few years now but I didn’t see her. Carly grabbed my hand a couple of times. Justin had an amazing performance and he also grabbed my hand like 50 times! Our whole row was crying so he came over and was talking to us and asking us why we were crying and telling us not to cry. He lifted up his shirt right in front of us and when we all started screaming, he told us to calm down. He performed ALAYLM shirtless! It was the best experenice ever and I will never forget it!  View post: I’m Delaney and I met Justin Bieber on October 18th 2012…

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I’m Delaney and I met Justin Bieber on October 18th 2012…