Middle Schoolers Murder Woman, Take Joyride With Her Lifeless Body Two Missouri teens, age 13 and 14, allegedly attacked a woman while she was vacuuming her car, brutally stabbing her multiple times in the face, neck and hands until she died. The two middle-schoolers then took her car, going on a gruesome joyride with her lifeless body propped up in the front seat with her feet on the dashboard. According to NYDN , 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain visited the local car wash on Nov. 1 to clean out the inside of her vehicle. There is no footage of the crime itself, however surveillance video shows the young boys exiting Quick Clean Car Wash, each wearing very distinctive hoodies. The teens are also seen getting into the vehicle, with Chamberlain in the front seat, at 1:57 a.m. — a full 40 minutes after she is first seen on camera vacuuming her car. According to documents obtained by KCTV5, police pulled over the vehicle about 20 minutes later for swerving in and out of lanes in what appeared to be a case of intoxicated driving. They boys pulled over and jumped out of the vehicle, running out of police sight after a brief foot chase. The two boys showed up for school the day after the murder, wearing the exact same sweatshirts seen on the surveillance footage that day. What a senseless crime and a crazy story! What would make these two young kids decide to kill someone just to ride around in her car for a few minutes — and how did they end up wearing the exact same outfits to school the next day?? One would think their shirts would be intensely blood-stained after a crime like that. The whole story is just tragic and strange… YouTube
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Eighth-Graders Murder Woman At Car Wash, Take A Joy Ride With Her Body Propped Up In The Front Seat