Tag Archives: sexiest-photos

Kylie Jenner: MASSIVE Cleavage Selfie Sparks Boob Job Rumors … Again

Those familiar with Kylie Jenner know that the reality star isn’t exactly shy when it comes to posting revealing Instagram selfies. In fact, she’s been known to frequently test the limits of the site’s no-nudity policy with controversy-stirring images such as her latest: All of that near-nakedness means a couple of things: 1. A lot of really, really excited millennial dudes; 2. Kylie’s millions of followers, male and female, are very well acquainted with Kylie’s peaks and valleys at this point, if you catch our drift. That means they’re quick to point out even slight changes in the landscape, and lately, there’s been a lot of fodder in that regard. For years, the ” has Kylie had plastic surgery ?” question has been batted around the web, and she says the answer is simple: None. Yes, the 19-year-old cops to ” temporary lip fillers ,” but insists that she’s never gone under the knife to alter her appearance. Not surprisingly, with photos like the two appearing above, many of her 80 million-plus social media fans aren’t buying it. Over the years, we’ve watched Kylie morph into a virtual clone of older sister Kim, and fans believe there’s more than genetics at play. Kim and Kylie are only half sisters, first of all. As such, when Kylie seems to look less and less like her full sister, Kendall Jenner, with each passing year, the Kim resemblance feels … unnatural. If the mogul-in-the-making were to choose a family member to emulate, it makes sense that her first choice would be Kim … … and it makes sense that her famously curvy shape would be the quality she would echo as she achieves Internet stardom. After all, the Ray J- Kim Kardashian sex tape launched not only Kim’s career, but indirectly, those of her siblings as well. Almost a decade and a half later, it remains one of the most-watched adult films of all time (as Ray will gladly tell you). False reports of a Kylie Jenner sex tape seem to surface about once a month, but that’s well-trod territory at this point. We’re sure Kylie (and her team of PR handlers) are well aware of it. What seems more likely is that Kylie is mimicking Kim unconsciously. View Slideshow: 19 Reasons to Believe Kylie Jenner Got a Boob Job Her latest selfies have spurred another round of Kylie Jenner boob job rumors, and, well, let’s just say the “evidence” is starting to add up. If you look at recent trends, it appears increasingly unlikely that Kylie’s face and figure could transform so dramatically without surgical help. But the fact remains that despite their apparent indifference toward privacy, the Kardashians are incredibly calculating when it counts. Controlling what information about their lives goes public is a skill they don’t outwardly practice, but manage brilliantly behind the scenes. Despite fans’ clamoring for answers, we’ll probably never get a plastic surgery confession for the same reason we’ll never get a Kylie sex tape: It just wouldn’t be good for her brand. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner: Her 41 Raciest, Sexiest Photos of All Time

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Kylie Jenner: MASSIVE Cleavage Selfie Sparks Boob Job Rumors … Again

Kylie Jenner Poses Topless: It’s a Christmas Miracle!

Kylie Jenner is known for five major things. Two of them are on her face, one is around back, and the last two? Well, they’re smack dab in the middle of her chest. And they simply will not be contained. If you’re having trouble picking up what we’re putting down, then don’t worry, Kylie’s bras are having the same problem . And if you’re still at a loss, it’s her boobs. We’re talking about her boobs, particularly about how big they’re getting these days, and if you missed the memo, then here, check out the situation in this new topless photo. That’s Kylie up there in that totally see-through piece of “clothing.” She was modest enough to place a couple of emojis over her nipples, but shortly after sharing this, she just deleted the whole thing. Now, from this photo, we can deduce a couple of things. One, there are hard copies of Kylie nudes out there in the world, which seems like either a bad plan or a lucrative business move. And two … those rumors that she’s gotten breast implants get more believable by the day, right? Not to get all pervy — but come on, you clicked on this story to see a photo of Kylie topless, no one’s on a moral high horse here — but if you really check out the shape of her boobs here, they don’t look all that natural. There’s a solid chance that little thing she’s wearing is so tight that it pushes her breasts up like that, and that would account for each breast being a different shape. But there’s also a chance that those are implants. For additional evidence, please review this photo that our girl shared yesterday. If you can get past the denim baseball cap and the skin-tight leopard print turtleneck (and that’s a big “if”), you’ll see that her boobs just look humongous. They’re so big. So very, very big . And then, in this photo she shared just a few hours ago … well, them things didn’t get any smaller, we’ll tell you that for free. Now, Kylie’s still a young woman, and there’s a chance that she could be experiencing some late growth spurt here. But, knowing Kylie the way we do, it’s also likely that she felt the need to go and get herself a little surgical enhancement . Check out this photo, taken just back in August: There’s a pretty obvious difference in size, right? At this point in time, Kylie still looks great. She’s still an attractive girl, and though her boobs, her lips, and her ass all seem to grow by leaps and bounds every single day, it’s still working for her. Just be careful, OK, Kylie? Don’t ruin a good thing. A very, very good thing. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner: Her 37 Raciest, Sexiest Photos of All Time

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Kylie Jenner Poses Topless: It’s a Christmas Miracle!

Joseline Hernandez: Stevie J Watches Gay Porn and I Passed a Polygraph Test to Prove It!

Former “spouses” Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J of Love & Hop Hop: Atlanta fame were already embroiled in a feud for the ages. Now she’s taken it up about 10 notches. While Joseline has been spreading Stevie J gay rumors ever since the couple split, well, now she decided to take a polygraph to prove it. She has said for some time that Stevie J watches gay porn, but as a pathological liar and bona fide crazy person, we had real doubts. Enter the lie detector test … and a one-sided debate on Twitter about whether or not to share the results now or at the reunion show. Seriously, it would surprise us at this point to learn that the woman has multiple personalities, because there are some screws loose: Indeed … what do her fans think?! She really wanted them to weigh in before she did what we all knew she was going to do anyway: If you watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online , you know she has as much dignity as she has impulse control, so obviously, she dished. “F**K A REUNION,” Joseline captioned the photo below. “MAMA WAITING ON YOU TO WATCH THEM GIRLS WITH THE C**KS!” “DONT BE SHAME WE ALL LIKE TO PLAY!” she added. “SINCERELY TO MY HUSBAND #STEVENJORDAN” Clearly we are dealing with a very stable human here. Joseline shared her documentation of the polygraph test on Instagram series of videos and photographs, Starcasm reports Thursday. “I’ve been vindicated,” Joseline boasted of the results. “The truth is here. And this right here, you can’t get away from the truth! OK?” “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” As you can see, the test was administered under the description: “Ms. Hernandez has been in a relationship with Steven since 2012.” You can see it for yourself here: “Ms. Hernandez stated he would watch porn on a regular basis and was involved in watching gay porn.” “Ms. Hernandez stated that she left him because primarily because of his porn addiction.” “She has agreed to undergo a polygraph examination to prove she is telling the truth in this matter of importance.” Joseline was then asked: Are you lying when you say Steven was watching gay porn? Are you lying when you say Steven was watching gay porn while you and he were living together? Her answers to both of those questions was no, and the (alleged) results claim that she is telling the truth regarding Stevie J’s interests: ”Based on an analytical review …. it is the professional opinion of this examiner that Ms. Hernandez was being truthful during the testing proceedings.”  Joseline then tweeted, “TO MY DEAREST HUSBAND YOU ARE NOT A GANSTA OR A WOMEN LOVER OR A PLAYER. BUT IS OK!”  “MAMA WILL FULFILL ALL YOUR DEPEST FANTASIES. #Lahhatl #STEVENJORDAN #puertoricanprincess #BaddestPuta #stevie” Wow. So far, Stevie J has remained silent, but it’s only a matter of time. Remember how their last Twitter feud played out? See gallery below: View Slideshow: Joseline and Stevie J: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Feud Goes NUCLEAR!

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Joseline Hernandez: Stevie J Watches Gay Porn and I Passed a Polygraph Test to Prove It!

Real Housewives All Stars: Who Should Be Cast?

Andy Cohen recently confirmed that at some point there will be a  Real Housewives: All Stars  coming to Bravo. While he's not sure how it will come about, he does know that All Stars will happen when ratings on each franchise starts to tank considerably. “It's something that we don't waste now. We want to save it for later,” Cohen told Entertainment Tonight . Naturally, every outlet put together their dream cast, but there are so many combinations of conflicting personalities it's anyone's guess who Bravo would pick.  Check out our dream cast, and let us know who you think should be part of Real Housewives: All Stars . 1. Brandi Glanville She gives zero f**ks and loves her cocktails. 2. LuAnn De Lesseps When she’s hungover, Lu is a card. Plus, she has a delightful way of insulting you with her passive-aggresive nature. 3. Alexis Bellino She’s infuriatingly ignorant and was RHOC’s unofficial punching bag, but I wonder if being part of a more diverse cast (and by diverse, I mean affluent females from different parts of the country) will make Bellino more likeable. Probably not, but let’s give it a try! 4. Jill Zarin I have missed the sh** out of Zarin since she was “not asked back” to The Real Housewives of New York. Bethenny’s behavior lately is really chapping my ass, so I need a little Zarin to balance it out. 5. Caroline Manzo The show will need a voice of reason. Plus, I want to see how she gets along with Jill Zarin. 6. Ramona Singer Singer is very, very good at making digs, and I have a feeling those outside her RHONY crew will not let her get away with it. View Slideshow

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Real Housewives All Stars: Who Should Be Cast?

Kylie Jenner: Did She Just Totally Diss Her Dad?

Oh, Kylie Jenner. Perhaps you ought to stick to nearly-naked selfies near your shower . The young reality star shared a throwback image on her official app today, one meant to pay tribute to her dad a few days prior to Father’s Day. But some critics believe Kylie actually insulted  Caitlyn Jenner when she meant to pay her respects instead. The post in question is titled “Throwback Thursday: Daddy’s Girl,” and it includes the following message from Kylie to her famous dad: “This #TBT is dedicated to my dad in honor of Father’s Day! I love you so much! Thank you for being you. :)” It’s a very sweet notion, no doubt. But it’s also a snapshot of Caitlyn back when she was Bruce Jenner, an identity this transgender star has said many times she was uncomfortable and unhappy with. In April of last year, meanwhile, Kylie also selected an old picture of Bruce in a cropped t-shirt and tight Daisy Dukes to promote his coming-out interview with Diane Sawye. Mere weeks after Caitlyn’s debut as Caitlyn, Kylie shared a “major throwback” to when she went to the 2003 Finding Nemo premiere with Bruce, Kris Jenner and sister Kendall Jenner . Is this a big deal? Is Kylie throwing shade at her father’s new identity? Is she not-so-subtly making it clear that she wishes Caitlyn had never become Caitlyn? We doubt it. Remember what Jenner told People Magazine last year of Caitlyn? “She’s lived an amazing life, and she’s always done amazing things,” the Keeping Up with the Kardashians said in November. “She’s such a good role model for so many people, and I know she wants to do so much good with what she’s doing.” This may just be a case of Kylie having some fun with a throwback photo. We doubt she meant anything by it except for what she said: She loves her dad very much. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner: Her 29 Raciest, Sexiest Photos of All Time

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Kylie Jenner: Did She Just Totally Diss Her Dad?

Kylie Jenner: Did She Just Totally Diss Her Dad?

Oh, Kylie Jenner. Perhaps you ought to stick to nearly-naked selfies near your shower . The young reality star shared a throwback image on her official app today, one meant to pay tribute to her dad a few days prior to Father’s Day. But some critics believe Kylie actually insulted  Caitlyn Jenner when she meant to pay her respects instead. The post in question is titled “Throwback Thursday: Daddy’s Girl,” and it includes the following message from Kylie to her famous dad: “This #TBT is dedicated to my dad in honor of Father’s Day! I love you so much! Thank you for being you. :)” It’s a very sweet notion, no doubt. But it’s also a snapshot of Caitlyn back when she was Bruce Jenner, an identity this transgender star has said many times she was uncomfortable and unhappy with. In April of last year, meanwhile, Kylie also selected an old picture of Bruce in a cropped t-shirt and tight Daisy Dukes to promote his coming-out interview with Diane Sawye. Mere weeks after Caitlyn’s debut as Caitlyn, Kylie shared a “major throwback” to when she went to the 2003 Finding Nemo premiere with Bruce, Kris Jenner and sister Kendall Jenner . Is this a big deal? Is Kylie throwing shade at her father’s new identity? Is she not-so-subtly making it clear that she wishes Caitlyn had never become Caitlyn? We doubt it. Remember what Jenner told People Magazine last year of Caitlyn? “She’s lived an amazing life, and she’s always done amazing things,” the Keeping Up with the Kardashians said in November. “She’s such a good role model for so many people, and I know she wants to do so much good with what she’s doing.” This may just be a case of Kylie having some fun with a throwback photo. We doubt she meant anything by it except for what she said: She loves her dad very much. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner: Her 29 Raciest, Sexiest Photos of All Time

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Kylie Jenner: Did She Just Totally Diss Her Dad?