Tag Archives: should-retire

Jada Pinkett Smith On Oscar Boycott: ‘Begging Diminishes Our Dignity And Power’ [Video]

Jada Pinkett Smith Boycott Oscars Video You won’t be finding Jada Pinkett Smith on the Oscars red carpet or at home watching the ceremony either. After questioning whether or not people of color should boycott the show over the weekend, Jada doubled down on her statements with a new Facebook video detailing why it’s time for black folks “to do us, differently.” Jada says we’re too powerful and too dignified to be begging the academy for acknowledgement and that it’s time to pool our resources together and look at ourselves the way we’re asking mainstream to look at us. Do you agree with Jada’s comments? Is it time to stop laughing and actually pay attention to black-centric award shows like BET, NAACP, etc or should we continue fighting for seats at mainstream’s table?

See the original post here:
Jada Pinkett Smith On Oscar Boycott: ‘Begging Diminishes Our Dignity And Power’ [Video]

Ut Oh…I’m Gettin’ Old!: Why You Should Retire In Africa!

Feel old age creeping up on you? It doesn’t matter if you’re almost 30 or 65, you gotta be ahead of your game on retirement. Here’s why you should retire in Africa!

Read more here:
Ut Oh…I’m Gettin’ Old!: Why You Should Retire In Africa!

Ronda Rousey Predicts Her Defeat To Holly Holm

I’m sure most of you saw the fight this weekend and got to see Ronda exposed. I never liked this chick and found her to be a huge phony. Now that she has lost in devastating fashion, I believe she should retire and become a “ do nothing bitch “. It’s a much better life than eating knuckle sandwiches. Continue reading

Izabel Goulart is Pantsless of the Day

Izabel Goulart pulled a Lady Gaga and showed up to an event relatively pantsless….in a leotard…only unlike Lady Gaga…the boners were not on the clits of lesbians…who love her message and don’t really care about looks…as most lesbians…have ugly partners…but instead on the boners of everyone….this lingerie model is like Santa Claus…only instead of molesting kids and buying their silence with gifts…she’s molesting my eyes…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Excerpt from:
Izabel Goulart is Pantsless of the Day

Shanina Shaik Modeling Underwear Hotly For Nordstrom of the Day

I just learned a very important thing…Hotly is an actual word…that I am not forced the use all the fucking time…because it’s hotly… Shanina Shaik is Australian…her genetic code reads Lithuania, Pakistan and Saudi….her labia read elegant and lovely…and her asshole reads “feed me with your tongue”….but she’s too busy letting Tyson Beckford up in it…while not winning Australian supermodel reality shows to make herself relevant… Nordstrom did okay with this campaign…making lingerie modeling…a little more saucy…and by saucy I do mean in my drippy underwear…as much as I mean in concept and flavor… Here are some of the pics…

More here:
Shanina Shaik Modeling Underwear Hotly For Nordstrom of the Day

Miranda Kerr in a Bra of the Day

Miranda Kerr is a babe…even in pixelated shitty pics of her not spreading her asshole…that I don’t even consider pics….she looks erotic to me….maybe it’s the posting to social media for her fans…to keep her relevant despite being a mom and thus a model who should retire…but instead keeping her at the top of her model game..famous as shit…something I am sure her tall, awkward, weird faced body never anticipated when growing up….it’s like it is undeserving…what makes her a million dollar body…while so many other girls aren’t…and I’d debate this shit more…if I wasn’t totally uninterested in debating bullshit…and more interested in just staring at her tits. TO SEE HER ROCKING CAMELTOE IN LEATHER SHORTS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miranda Kerr in a Bra of the Day