Tag Archives: show-on-which

Judge to Levi Johnston: Pay Up!

It’s a good thing Levi Johnston posed for Playgirl : as a result, he should be able to actually support his son. An Alaskan judge has sided with Bristol Palin and ordered Levi to pay $18,500 in back child support for 13-month-old son Tripp. The deadbeat father could have saved about $18,485 if he had just bought a pack of condoms back in the day. Johnston must also shell out $1,688.42 per month in child support. Their sham of an engagement over, Bristol and Levi have gone from making public appearances to support Sarah Palin’s political future to fighting it out in a courtroom. “Bristol is pleased with the court rulings today and looks forward to resolving the remaining issues with Levi,” said lawyer Thomas Van Flein, one of the few family employees that has not resigned due to Sarah Palin’s selfish lunacy . Bristol was present in the courtroom for the ruling. Johnston was not. “I have received limited and sporadic financial assistance from Levi,” she said in a statement, citing Johnston’s $105,000 in 2009 earnings, versus his meager payments to her of $4,400. Where will the pair go from here? Johnston might actually guest star on Desperate Housewives , while Bristol is booked for a hypocritical appearance on The Secret Life of an American Teenager . It’s an ironic title for a show on which she’ll cameo. After all, Sarah Palin has gone out of her way to make sure Bristol’s life is anything but secret.

Originally posted here:
Judge to Levi Johnston: Pay Up!

List of 2009 Emmy Winners

There were some predictable outcomes and a few surprises. Overall, the 2009 Emmy Awards got it more or less right.

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List of 2009 Emmy Winners

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Klash on Red Karpet

The uneducated celebrity gossip follower may have spotted Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian on the red carpet of the 2009 Emmy Awards and wondered: What the heck are they doing there?!? But, truth be told, these soclialites possess extensive acting experience. Kim acted completely shocked when her sex tape with Ray J was leaked; while Kourtney continues to act like she’s the first person to ever get pregnant.

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Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Klash on Red Karpet

Reality Show That Cast Ryan Jenkins: Oops

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Producers of the reality show on which accused murderer Ryan Jenkins appeared admits it didn’t do a “full” background check. What’s not clear … did it do any background check at all?51 Minds — the company that produces “Megan Wants a Millionaire” ..

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Reality Show That Cast Ryan Jenkins: Oops