Tag Archives: skanky-goodness

Superhero Paula Labaredas’ Booty Power

Alright, so I said I was done with pictures of hot nerds from Comic-Con , you don’t see the words hot and nerd together very often, but apparently I can’t stay away. Here’s one of my favorite nobodies, Paula Labaredas , showing off that incredible booty I fell in love with in some hot nerdy costumes. I don’t know what the costumes are supposed to be, but I like the way they saved material in the booty section. Very efficient.

Chanelle Hayes New Boobs Busting Out In Nuts

See now this Chanelle Hayes hottie possesses more of the type of breasts I look for in my women, large, soft and completely phony. So hot. Here she is showing off the massive new breasts for Nuts magazine. Saying these things are nuts is an understatement, they’re insane. This is my kind of woman, big fake hair, big fake boobs and a need to show it all off. Marry me? She can where this outfit while she walks down the aisle. I hope our guest don’t mind my erection. Call me.

Chanelle Hayes New Boobs Busting Out In Nuts

See now this Chanelle Hayes hottie possesses more of the type of breasts I look for in my women, large, soft and completely phony. So hot. Here she is showing off the massive new breasts for Nuts magazine. Saying these things are nuts is an understatement, they’re insane. This is my kind of woman, big fake hair, big fake boobs and a need to show it all off. Marry me? She can where this outfit while she walks down the aisle. I hope our guest don’t mind my erection. Call me.

Kristen Bell Needs To Cheer Up

Here’s Kristen Bell looking angry, as usual, walking the streets in a tight pair of jeans. I like the denims, but I can do without the attitude young lady. I don’t know what her problem is, she looks like a bitter former cheerleader turned housewife who’s life hasn’t turned out the way she had hoped. She’s considered sort of a movie star isn’t she? She should be walking around with a huge smile on her face and a pocket full of cash… Not this crabby face. I don’t like it.

Chantelle Houghton And Her Powerful Cleavage

Here’s one of those busty British glamor model that nobody other than myself and a few perverts really gives a crap about over here, Chantelle Houghton , showing off her ample bosom in a low cut dress in jolly old England yesterday. With breasts like that floating around I’d be pretty jolly too. I find it funny that she’s posing next to a horse, her face actually kinda looks pretty horse like, they could be twins. Except for the powerful breasts…. I’m talking about the horse, that thing is jacked!

Chanelle Hayes’ See Through Cleavage

I can’t remember what makes Chanelle Hayes someone I put up on the site, I think she was a ‘Big Brother’ chick or something, but I happen to really like boobs and she’s giving us a decent look at hers so why not. Here she is out the other night in a nice see through dress flashing her cleavage for me. I wish dude didn’t figure so prominently in the shots, but there’s not much I can do about it. Less dude more boob has always been my motto.

Chantelle Houghton Is An Older Paris Hilton With Bigger Boobs

Here’s busty British nobody Chantelle Houghton looking a little worse for wear the other night in the back of car. With big fake boobs like that I’m sure it’s not the first time she’s been drunk in the back seat and probably won’t be the last. If you’ve ever wondered what Paris Hilton would look like a little older, if she put on twenty pounds and treated herself to a nice new pair of boobs.

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Chantelle Houghton Is An Older Paris Hilton With Bigger Boobs