Tag Archives: smokes-weed

Little Girl Dumps Boyfriend, Takes Him to Task in Hilarious Note

Kids. They’re the best. So honest, and never afraid to speak their minds. Or in this case, write down their deep thoughts by hand in notes that go viral online when their parents share them on social media. Long live the Internet! Apparently young Rachel agreed to go out with a boy named Shawn, but Shawn has not exactly stepped up to the plate since she agreed to be his girlfriend. To put it mildly. And she’s grown awfully tired of his (non) actions. Let’s just say that if communication is the crux of a lasting relationship, this little guy has a tough road ahead of him unless he reads this note and takes heed: You heard the woman, Shawn. If you want to get mareed one day go ahead, but it won’t be to her … or anyone else for long if you keep on ignoring your partner. Check out more hilarious little kid notes after the jump … 15 Hilarious Kid Notes Open Slideshow 1. Mommy Signature This little kid tried to forge his mom’s signature. Pretty amazing. View As List 1. Mommy Signature This little kid tried to forge his mom’s signature. Pretty amazing. 2. I Hate Chris! Sorry Ben. I was aiming for someone else … 3. Elementary School Love Letter This elementary school love letter, and the recipient’s response, tells you all there is to know about love among the single-digit set. 4. Not Hungry Signed, the most depressed kid ever. 5. 30 Boyfriend Rules This little kid has already figured out 30 essential rules any potential boyfriend must abide by. Take heed! 6. Kid’s Insane Christmas Letter Drew Magary’s daughter wrote an insane Christmas list. He wrote an insanely hilarious response. 7. Dear Santa Amazon Letter A kid wrote the full Amazon URL on his Dear Santa letter. In crayon. He’s dedicated. 8. Stinky Kid Note Check out this note written by a Buffalo, N.Y., teacher with regard to the alleged stinky nature of the kids in her class. 9. Kid Poem About Sister This little kid wants his sister out of the house, as this poetry makes abundantly clear. 10. #1 Dad Note An adorable note written from a 12-year-old to the single man who adopted him. It brings a tear to your eye … 11. Note to Dad An adorable note written from a 12-year-old to the man who adopted him. 12. Kid Writes Get Well Note This kid’s get well note for his teacher is chock full of helpful advice. 13. Cute Kid Note Check out this cute note written by a little kid to his dad. He meant “cook.” 14. Little Girl’s Breakup Note This little girl’s breakup note says it all … and proves that a lot of guys never learn. 15. Hilarious Apology Note This note was written by an eight-year old. He used to really hate one of his brothers.

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Little Girl Dumps Boyfriend, Takes Him to Task in Hilarious Note

Mad Men Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Enter the Computer Age!

It’s always strange to see the offices of Sterling-Cooper (or whatever they’re calling it these days) devoid of click-clacking typewriters and comely secretaries. After all, the last time Don Draper walked into a silent lobby he discovered his co-workers huddled around a television watching coverage of the JFK assassination.  Watch Mad Men Season 7 Episode 4 Online When Don made his long-awaited return to the office on last night’s Mad Men , he happened upon an equally game-changing moment in history: the dawn of the computer age. Yes, SC&P is being re-designed for the age of information and when Don stumbles into the confusing renovation scene, it’s a perfect visual reminder of his place in the world: confused, isolated, possibly obsolete.  Despite Roger’s promises that the agency’s new computer will do “a lot of magical things, like make Harry Crane seem important,” Don remains defiantly old-school and obviously chagrined, but these days he’s not in a position to say or do anything about it. The former bull-moose of the agency sheepishly takes his place in Lane’s old office and (predictably) immediately uncovers a painful relic of the colleague he may have driven to suicide.  The episode is rife with other signs of the changing times:  Roger receiving word that his daughter has skipped town with a communal (and possibly polygamous!) band of hippies, secretaries doling out diet advice to men (Men! Dieting!) and most importantly…Peggy taking charge over Don! Yes, when the firm lands a new fast food account, perennial jerk Lou puts Peggy in charge of her former mentor. Needless, to say Don is less than pleased. He hurls his computer at the wall (Hey, they have computers now anyway, right?), then skips Peggy’s first meeting in favor of a game of solitaire and an awesomely old-school can of Coke. But, despite all his rage, Don is still just an ad man in an office. Even when he’s staging his silent protest, he manages to land new clients as SC&P’s tech guy comes to the Drape in search of PR help. Strangely, Bert Cooper rejects Don’s new account and makes a surprisingly callous comment about Lane’s suicide. We can hardly blame Draper for immediately hitting the bottle in direct violation of the new rules of his continued employment. Roger, meanwhile, attempts to hunt down his wayward daughter and lands on a commune and winds up smoking “dynamite grass” with his daughter’s hippie compatriots in what may be the show’s plainest mash-up of late and early 60s culture thus far. Hammered Don attempts to bond with a computer expert, Roger smokes weed with some new-age farmers and holes up in a barn…are the men of Madison Avenue finally going to embrace the cultural shift that surrounds them? Nah, Don gets wasted and accosts said tech guy, and after an enlightened night, Roger wakes up and attempts to physically drag his daughter from the compound. So it looks like all is well! Hey, we don’t watch this show for its progressive ideals! Watch Mad Men online at TV Fanatic to see if these dudes ever get the hint! 9 Memorable Mad Men Moments Open Slideshow 1. Lane Price and Pete Campbell Fight Lane and Pete go at it. Lane won the fight but this season, um…didn’t end well for him. View As List 1. Lane Price and Pete Campbell Fight Lane and Pete go at it. Lane won the fight but this season, um…didn’t end well for him. 2. The Sterling-Cooper Lawnmower Incident A tragic mishap in the Sterling-Cooper offices. Well, tragically hilarious, anyway. 3. Betty Draper Shooting Pigeons Betty took her frustrations out on some neighborhood birds. She became a somewhat character in seasons since. 4. Kiernan Shipka as Sally Draper Don’s daughter has had too many memorable moments to choose just one. It’s been a pleasure watching her grow into a sassy teenager. 5. Mad Men: JFK Assassination Scene Mad Men memorably tackled a day that brought the nation to its knees. Just one of many historical events the series has vividly brought to life. 6. Don Draper Hits Rock Bottom Don was a drunken mess for most of season four. He drinks a lot, but now he manages to do his job…for the most part. 7. Peggy Olson Smokes Weed Elisabeth Moss puts her foot down as Peggy Olson. That girl really wanted to get high. 8. Roger Sterling: Drunk For Pearl Harbor Day Every day is an occasion to drink for Roger Sterling. Though he got especially plastered (and bigoted) on Pearl Harbor Day. 9. Don Draper Crying Don broke down and showed his human side after learning about the death of a friend. We’re sure the final season will hold many more emotional moments for Don.

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Mad Men Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Enter the Computer Age!

Lady Gaga Called a Drug-Glorifying "Slut" By Staten Island Borough President

James P. Molinaro just pissed off 25 million Little Monsters and possibly women everywhere. The Staten Island borough president called Lady Gaga a slut yesterday. In what context, you ask? To kick off an anti-drug abuse initiative, Molinaro showed off a poster-sized photo of Gaga smoking marijuana on stage in Amsterdam (where it is legal) this month. He said: “We have to understand there’s a tremendous influence with our youth, which I didn’t have as a youth. And there’s the influence right there. Stop glorifying drug use.” “There’s Gaga. Here’s this … I’d call her a slut. This slut is influencing many, many children.” Putting aside his point about marijuana and the obvious counterpoints – weed is legal in the Netherlands, so she broke no laws, and if you don’t want Gaga influencing your kids , don’t send them to Gaga concerts – the use of “slut” is beyond absurd. Not according to Molinaro, though. He looked it up! “Looking up the word ‘slut’ to see if it was properly used before I used it, it said ‘improper conduct,'” Molinaro told the New York Times . “Now, isn’t it improper for someone who is so high profile to be smoking reefer in front of children? I have grandnieces that idolize her – 12 and 13 years old – and it’s ridiculous.” “You see these young girls walking around on Halloween with her outfit on.” Lady Gaga Smokes Weed on Stage It’s true that the Random House dictionary definition notes that in the 15th century, the word was used to describe “a woman given to immoral or improper conduct.” However, here in 2012, it implies sexual promiscuity, something Gaga has never been associated with; she’s in a monogamous relationship with Chicago Fire ‘s Taylor Kinney now. Molinaro lost his son to an overdose in 2006, and one can certainly respect his anti-drug efforts as a public official to spare other families that unthinkable tragedy. Nevertheless, his word choice makes unfair assumptions about Lady Gaga’s private life and perpetuates misogyny, while singling out a relatively harmless incident no less. Meanwhile, “slut” Lady Gaga revealed her ongoing struggle with eating disorders and offering support to young men and women who might be experiencing devastating body issues. What a horrible individual.

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Lady Gaga Called a Drug-Glorifying "Slut" By Staten Island Borough President

Lady Gaga Smokes Weed on Stage, Praises "Wondrous Marijuana" in Amsterdam

At a Tuesday performance in Amsterdam, Lady Gaga took a moment to catch her breath … and by catch her breath we mean inhale some serious marijuana smoke. As she sat at the edge of the stage, a box of cigarettes caught her eye that she was unimpressed by, but a plastic bag containing marijuana and a lighter? Sweeeeet. “Holland, is it real?” Gaga asked before smelling it and confirming that it was in fact marijuana. Then she lit up the joint and took a few hits. Check it out (2:00):