Tag Archives: snyder-directed

Man of Steel Teasers: My Two Dads

Today Warner Bros. released the first teaser for 2013’s superhero reboot Man of Steel , an elegiac glimpse of Clark Kent ( Henry Cavill ), as a man and a boy, accompanied by memories of childhood paternal advice telling him of his destiny as Earth’s savior. But Clark/Superman has two dads — biological Kryptonian pop Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and adoptive farmer pa Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner), giving fans a neat double tease: One teaser, two voice-overs. From the looks of things in the Zack Snyder-directed, Christopher Nolan -produced Man of Steel , it appears that Clark Kent is taking some “me” time off from his superhero calling to moonlight as a deep sea fisherman, Deadliest Catch -style. That vocation should give him time to ponder the childhood advice gleaned from his two dads, one who tells him he’s destined to save humanity, another who tells him that destiny is his choice to make. “You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They’ll raise behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.” [Via MSN ] “One day, you’re going to have to make a choice. You have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, it’s going to change the world.” [Via Yahoo ] The teaser had already been reportedly attached to prints of TDKR in theaters. I do like the idea of Hobo Superman slinging crawfish by day and hanging with a scruffy boatyard dog by night as he ponders life and stuff. But you tell me. Man of Steel will be released June 14, 2013. Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

Man of Steel Teasers: My Two Dads

Watch the Similar-But-Terrifying First Trailer for Paranormal Activity 3

How did Catfish directors Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost decide to follow-up their controversial true-life (“true-life”) documentary? By making a “found footage” horror movie, of course! (The moral: stick with what you know.) The pair return to theaters this November with Paranormal Activity 3 , a prequel to the stories told in the first two films, but one that looks no less terrifying. (The moral: stick with what you know.) Click through to be jump-scared out of your office chair.

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Watch the Similar-But-Terrifying First Trailer for Paranormal Activity 3

Comic-Con Cosplayer Profile: Chef Vader

In between the panels , parties and press conferences at this year’s Comic-Con , Movieline will also be recognizing the most elaborately costumed cosplayers roaming Hall H. Today meet veteran Comic-Con-er Michael Olsen, who flew into San Diego from Des Moines with a Star Wars -themed get-up so impressive that he had barely walked through the convention center doors before being surrounded by fans wanting photos of him. Not that he wasn’t expecting that kind of attention… he had come with a stack of special event business cards. Movieline stole a few minutes from the Star Wars -loving government employee to talk about his costume.

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Comic-Con Cosplayer Profile: Chef Vader

REVIEW: Friends with Benefits Pays Almost Zero Dividends

The idea of romantic comedies is that you want to see the two leads get past all their false starts and misunderstandings and get together. But what happens if you just don’t care? Scratch that: What happens if the leads in question are Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis and you still don’t care?

Continued here:
REVIEW: Friends with Benefits Pays Almost Zero Dividends

Warner Bros. Sets Man of Steel for June 14, 2013

Warner Bros. isn’t bringing Zack Snyder and Man of Steel to Comic-Con this year, but there’s always next year. Thursday, the studio announced that the Snyder-directed Superman reboot will hit theaters on June 14, 2013, a change from the previously set time period of December 2012. That gives the film separation from not only The Dark Knight Rises , but also The Hobbit — two other major WB properties. It also gives Kurt Johnstad time to finish those script revisions. Mark those Google Calendars accordingly. [ Coming Soon ]

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Warner Bros. Sets Man of Steel for June 14, 2013

Vanessa Hudgens Brushes Off Marriage, Embraces Life Exploration

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron make up one of the most stable couples in Hollywood.

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Vanessa Hudgens Brushes Off Marriage, Embraces Life Exploration