Tag Archives: sosefina amoa

No Chill: Serial Sidechick Sandrina Shultz Talks Creeping With Dwyane Wade, Lamar Odom & Says She Doesn’t Feel Sorry For Gabby Or Khloe

Serial Mistress Sandrina Shultz Speaks On Dating Lamar Odom & Dwyane Wade 2014 has definitely been the year of the secret sidechick struggle and one name that seems to repeatedly surface anytime there’s mention of groupies or jump-offs is Sandrina Shultz. Sandrina most recently made headlines as the shameless former sidepiece of Dwyane Wade before his actual secret babymama was revealed and she’s also been linked to troubled NBA baller Lamar Odom in the midst of his struggle to keep his marriage to Khloe Kardashian afloat. Sandrina recently chatted with Black Sports Online’s “The Break Room” and no topic was off limits, including her relationships with Dwade and Lamar, Khloe being a sidepiece, not feeling sorry, private investigators at her door step and more. Check out what she had to say below On her thoughts about being called a groupie: You know, that’s a very good thing that I did wanna talk about because there are groupies out there that are bad ones but, then there’s the good groupies that are successful. You know, Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian and all of them. But, my take on the whole groupie thing is that I have a certain group of men that I’m interested in and thus far, it’s been basketball players…NBA players. So, for me, when someone calls me a groupie, I don’t get offended because I do love those group of men..that’s how I take the word groupie . And I’m just like them. Whether they love the dark-skinned girls or the light skinned-girls with big booties and long hair and all these other kind of characteristics that they like; they, themselves are groupies. So, call me a groupie or call me a jump-off or calling me whatever but I love these group of men and I’m not going to stop just because I’m labeled as a groupie. On her relationship with Dwyane Wade & his baby news: Well with Dwyane, it was a shock. I didn’t have a clue that my pictures were going around like that. I didn’t even know that he was having a baby, he didn’t tell me. We are friends and we’ve been friends for close to 10 years now. So it was really heartbreaking in the sense that we have discussed relationships and things and babies and then you come out to find that he had a baby! That was a little bit too much for me to handle. On whether they discussed having babies and a relationship while Dwyane was with Gabby or Sivohaughn: It’s so complicated because we started when he was going through some trials and tribulationswith his ex-wife and we became friends. And now we’re just friends, I do wanna clarify that. I do have his back. On relationship with Lamar Lamaar is another person that’s been in my life for over 10 years. On his marital problems with Khloe: Definitely now my take on him trying to [save] the marriage…..he should have thought about all that before he did all of this extra stuff. He choose this life so, he has to deal with it. She continued the interview with some not-so-nice choice words for Gabrielle Union and Khloe Kardashian after explaining why she’s not ashamed or regretful about her slorey sidepiece lifestyle.

See original here:
No Chill: Serial Sidechick Sandrina Shultz Talks Creeping With Dwyane Wade, Lamar Odom & Says She Doesn’t Feel Sorry For Gabby Or Khloe

Jesus Wept: Woman Who Came To D.C. To Become A Nun Charged With Murdering Her Newborn Son

This story is just sad ! Nun Charged With Murdering Newborn Son Via Washington Post reports: Sosefina Amoa arrived in the District from the Pacific island nation of Samoa, completing a 7,000-mile journey to become a Catholic nun with the Little Sisters of the Poor. What neither she nor the nuns knew, she later told police, was that she was pregnant and near full-term. According to court papers, Amoa, 26, told detectives that when the 6-pound 2-ounce baby was born in her bedroom Oct. 10, she was afraid the nuns in the convent would hear his cries. D.C. police said she smothered the newborn — called Baby Joseph — with a black wool garment, and a day later, with the help of a nun, she took the body to a hospital in a suitcase. Amoa was arrested Wednesday and charged with first­­­-degree murder after the medical examiner ruled the death a homicide by asphyxiation. Her scheduled arraignment in D.C. Superior Court on Thursday was postponed while she receives hospital care. Her attorney, Judith Pipe of the District’s Public Defender Service, declined to comment. Many questions remain about the case as authorities look into Amoa’s long path to the District and her acceptance as a postulant, or student of doctrine and prayer life. Little Sisters of the Poor, a religious order with missions around the world, operates nursing homes and assisted-living residences for the impoverished elderly. The order, which started in France in 1839, operates more than 100 apartments and rooms on seven acres in the 4200 block of Harewood Road NE, across the street from Catholic University. The order came to the United States in 1869, establishing its first house in Baltimore, and now has provincial headquarters in the suburb of Catonsville, Md., from where it oversees missions in the District and in seven states. “It’s really a tragic situation,” said Mother Alice Marie Monica, who runs the province. “We are praying for everyone that is involved.” She would not comment further. “She said that she placed a black wool garment over the child’s nose and mouth and applied pressure with her hand for two to three minutes,” police wrote in the affidavit. “The mother said that prior to placing the wool garment over the child’s nose and mouth, the child was breathing and had cried. The mother said that after she removed the garment from the child’s nose and mouth, the child was not breathing and she knew the child was dead.” Premarital sex is strictly discouraged in the Samoan culture, so you can imagine why this woman who is trying to be a nun hid her pregnancy and stupidly thought the poor child would be hidden somewhere. SMH!!!!

Go here to read the rest:
Jesus Wept: Woman Who Came To D.C. To Become A Nun Charged With Murdering Her Newborn Son