To the delight of shrieking Twi-hards across America, Oprah’s Twilight spectacul-aaaaaaar aired today. Kristen Stewart spent the hour fidgeting in her seat and avoiding eye contact with everyone, even the Jamaican fan whom Oprah had flown in just to meet her. Robert Pattinson responded to every serious questions with quippy answers (“She’s pregnant,” he shouted when Oprah asked if he was dating Stewart). Taylor Lautner talked about his abs and Dakota Fanning seemed wise beyond her years. Basically, it was every Twilight promotional interview you have ever seen plus Oprah. Fortunately, Movieline has compiled the five anecdotes you have not already heard a thousand times after the jump.
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Taylor Lautner’s ‘Cooler of Meat’ Diet and 4 Other Revelations From Oprah’s Twilight Special