Tag Archives: sporty-cologne

Sarah Palin on Jeremy Lin: What a Role Model!

Sarah Palin earned the nickname Sarah Barracuda for her gritty play on the basketball court, not in the political arena – though the quality served her well there as well. It’s no surprise, then, that she’s name-dropping popular figures of the moment to stay relevant rooting for another hard-working point guard, New York’s Jeremy Lin. On Fox Business Network yesterday, the ex-Alaska governor flashed a Lin t-shirt and raved about his performance. “All of a sudden, our team is the Knicks,” Palin said. “Linsanity, man,” she raved. Well put. “I mean, talk about an all-American story where sort of the underdog, you know, but works so hard, just erased all the stuff out there on the periphery in his life.” “Humble, and now look where he is.” Look where Sarah Palin is too. Four years ago, on the cusp of being the first woman V.P. of the U.S. Now spouting vapid nonsense people have long since tuned out. A true riches to rags story if ever there were one.

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Sarah Palin on Jeremy Lin: What a Role Model!

Amanda Knox Signs $4 Million Book Deal

Amanda Knox, the American college student who spent nearly four years in an Italian jail for murder, only to have her conviction overturned, is read to tell her story. And be paid handsomely for it. The international drama that unfolded on TV and in newspapers is now about to be told from the inside, in a subjective and profitable account, by Amanda Knox herself. Knox, who was freed last fall after her conviction in the murder of Meredith Kercher was thrown out, has sold her book to HarperCollins for what is said to be $4 million. “It is a story everyone else seems to have told except for the person at the center of it all,” Jonathan Burnham, the publisher of HarperCollins, told The N.Y. Times . “There has been plenty of rumor and conjecture about her, the role she played in events, and speculation about what happened. This book will tell the full story from her point of view for the very first time, and it will be told in her own words.” Amanda Knox, 24, kept prison diaries, the newspaper reports. In addition, her former boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito , who was also cleared in the killing of Meredith Kercher, is said to be preparing to sell his own memoir. Are you interested to hear what Knox’s book has to say? [Photo: Fame/Flynet]

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Amanda Knox Signs $4 Million Book Deal

New York Yankees Perfume: Actually Coming Soon!

The New York Yankees have accomplished everything a baseball team possibly could on the field, having won 27 World Championships, by far the most history. But the squad had left no mark at all in the world of personal fragrances… until now! The Yankees have partnered with The Cloudbreak Group to launch a pair of scents –