Hope you're ready for a good old-fashioned fit of unnecessary rage, because it's coming! See, Netflix is making this new show called Dear White People. They just released the trailer yesterday. The show is about a group of minorities attending a mostly white college and the racism and discrimination they face. And that's fine, right? Sounds like an OK topic for a TV show. Except, according to several white people who took great offense to the trailer, it's not fine at all. Believe it or not, there are many, many people who are angry about the title alone, which again, is Dear White People. It's not called Dear White People Who Are All 100% Terrible, it's not Dear White People, You Are the Worst. It's just called Dear White People. And that's enough to set plenty of people off. “Netflix had the gaul to launch a show called Dear White People,” one person tweeted. “I say F-CK NETFLIX.” “Dear White People,” another person wrote (see what they did there?), “If you waste 1 second watching this absurd, racist show, you're dumber than the #Netflix clowns producing it.” Many people are threatening to cancel their Netflix accounts because of this “racist” show, but the thing is — surprise! — it's actually not racist. If you watch the trailer, it's clearly about combating racism, which is obviously a subject that needs to be taught right now. Check out the reason for all the anger in the video below:
See the original post:
Dear White People Trailer Drops; White People Are Outraged