Saturday Night Live was placed in the challenging position this week of having to put on a comedy show in the face of tragedy. Just 24 hours before the Elizabeth Banks-hosted episode of this sketch show aired, terrorist created mass chaos in Paris, gunning down well over 100 people in multiple venues in a series of heinous attacks. With celebrities reacting to the violence on social media, Saturday Night Live ditched its typical cold open for a few moving words from Cecily Strong. “Paris is the city of lights. And here in New York City, we know that light will never go out,” Strong said while standing on stage, adding: “Our love and support is with everyone there tonight. We stand with you.” The cast member then went ahead and repeated this statement in French before introducing the show. On Friday evening, those attending an Eagles of Death Metal concert at Bataclan theater were taken hostage and killed by terrorists before authorities broke in and the terrorists and broke up the madness. Other locations where ISIS terrorists attacked included restaurants and the Stade de France, where the French and German soccer teams were competing when explosions went off outside the stadium. The President of France was in attendance at this match and had to be evacuated at halftime. Similar to how it handled its first show following the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in September of 2011, Saturday Night Live is receiving praise for this opening. Watch it now and join us in sending prayers to everyone affected by this tragedy in Paris and abroad.
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This is How Saturday Night Live Paid Tribute to Paris