Tag Archives: started-smoking

Britney Spears: Considering Quitting Music to Do WHAT?!

Britney Spears has been enjoying quite the career renaissance in recent years. The 34-year-old singer is riding a wave of Gen-X and Millennial nostalgia with her lucrative Vegas residency , but she’s not just leaning on her lengthy list of past hits to pay the bills these days. Britney performed her latest single at the VMAs  last month and left little doubt about her continued relevance with younger audiences. Most pop stars can only dream of longevity on par with Britney’s. So why would she consider giving it all up for one of the hardest jobs on the planet? According to comments she recently made to NME magazine, Brit has contemplated leaving the spotlight behind for a life of chalkboard dust and runny noses. “Sometimes I’m like, ‘What am I doing? Like, I could be a teacher,’” Spears told the mag. Britney didn’t go into specifics with regard to what grade level or subject she’d like to teach, but not surprisingly, it seems her interests run toward music education. Just last week Ms. Spears tested her chops by taking control of a dance class for young girls: Britney Spears Teaches Dance Class She posted the video above to Snapchat, with a caption reading: “Teaching these little ones dance brings me so much joy. It’s so refreshing being with children. You’re reminded of the UNKNOWN once again… let’s all keep learning.” But while it seems she enjoyed her time in front of a group of eager pupils, Spears is realistic about how well she’d cope with the day-to-day demands of teaching after nearly two decades as an A-list celeb. “I see other people doing it, and I’m like, ‘Well, you know, it’s probably all they’ve known for so long, so it just kind of makes sense,’” Britney said. We’re not entirely sure what she means by that comment, but she seems to be saying that the reason prince-and-pauper life-swap scenarios are so rare in the real world is because we tend to grow accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Is teaching a room full of fourth graders more challenging than entertaining thousands of Vegas revelers every night? View Slideshow: 13 Craziest Things Britney Spears Has Ever Done Tough to say, but given the gap between teacher salaries and what Britney makes in a year, the music icon is probably in no hurry to find out. Besides, she can’t quit music until that Britney Spears-Justin Timberlake duet happens. After that, teach away, girl.

Britney Spears: Considering Quitting Music to Do WHAT?!

Catelynn Lowell On Smoking Weed: I Was Crazy!

Catelynn Lowell has had a tough time recently.  If you watch Teen Mom OG online , you’ll know that Catelynn recently revealed that she needed more help in her battle with anxiety.  The scenes were heartbreaking, but it showed that the Teen Mom star was doing her best to find a way to get better.  It’s not news to fans that Lowell entered rehab in March of this year to focus on her mental health.  The first step to getting better, is admitting that you need some help, so it’s great that Lowell knows she needs help and is not alone in her quest to feel better. Catelynn’s husband, Tyler Baltierra has been supporting his wife every step of the way, but that didn’t mean he didn’t shed some tears. In a recent clip for the MTV hit, Tyler had a chat with his mother about Catelynn going to the rehab facility.   It paved the way for him to reveal a lot of details of what Lowell was going through.  Seriously, the recent scenes are seem to be the most genuine that have ever come from the show.  Watch a clip of the sad scene below.  Tyler Baltierra Gets Emotional Talking About Catelynn, Breaks Down You could tell by the look on his face that he was worried about his wife and just wanted her to get better.  He did acknowledge that it’s going to take some time for her to be back to her former self.  At least he can take comfort in knowing that Catelynn was the one who reached out for help.  MTV released a new clip from an interview with Lowell.  In the clip, she revealed when she started smoking weed.  “I started smoking weed when I was probably around 12 or 13, when I was younger, which I’m not proud of,” she explained. “But that was when I was young and crazy.” Okay then.  Here’s the video of the interview.  That’s a really young age, but we can take comfort in knowing that Lowell intends to give up smoking pot as part of her treatment.  Everything came to a head for Catelynn on the most recent episode of the series.  When she was on her way to purchase a $3000 mini-pig, she realized that she could not care for the animal in her frame of mind.  It all got too much for her and the she realized it all by herself. View Slideshow: 25 Most Insane Teen Mom Moments of All Time This led to her reaching out to an MTV producer about seeking help.  It was an immensely mature move.  “I just feel like I need help. ‘Cause I wasn’t really feeling good this morning, and I was having a little bit of anxiety last night,” Lowell stated on the show. “I just broke down and I was like, ‘You know what, I’m not OK … I do need mental help, something’s just not right.'” What do you think of all this? Are you shocked she Catelynn was smoking from such a young age? Hit the comments below!

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Catelynn Lowell On Smoking Weed: I Was Crazy!

This Teen Found Out The Hard Way That Bringing Your Bong To School Is A Bad Idea

A Colorado teen’s gravity bong started smoking in a classroom, forcing the school into lockdown.

Excerpt from:
This Teen Found Out The Hard Way That Bringing Your Bong To School Is A Bad Idea

Must Be Nice: Michael Strahan And Nicole Murphy Purchase “Modest” $16 Million L.A. Mansion

We’re not sure it’s big enough! Michael Strahan and Nicole Mitchell Murphy just copped a new crib in L.A.’s Brentwood neighborhood for a whopping $16 million according to RadarOnline and RealEStalker reports . It’s got 9 bedrooms, which is exactly how many kids the pair have between them! Hit the flip to see their new crib-ski!

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Must Be Nice: Michael Strahan And Nicole Murphy Purchase “Modest” $16 Million L.A. Mansion

Yawk! Yawk! Yawk! Rapper Schoolboy Q Says He Wants White People To Say The “N-Word” At His Shows

Should White people be able to say the “n-word” at rap shows? Schoolboy Q Says He Wants White People To Say The N-Word At His Shows Via AllHipHop reports: ESPN’s Skip Bayless and the NAACP have tried to kill the N-word but Schoolboy Q has a different approach to handling the N-Word: Let everyone say it at his show. During an interview on The Pete Holmes Show, Schoolboy Q spoke about his feelings on white people reciting his N-word laden lyrics at his shows. According to Q, a large number of White people attend his shows and he revealed his signature way of breaking the ice: I usually stop, because all of the white people be scared to say it. I’ll make them say the hook over and everybody says it. They think I’m some super down to Earth dude when really is I just want you to say it. [Laughs] Yeah, just say it. It’s 2013. I don’t care. Q also reveals an interesting way how marijuana not only saved his life but helped his parenting skills: I was a little too antsy. I’d jump around. Want to go here, want to be there. Once I started smoking weed I just wanted to stay and play the video game and rap. You know what I’m saying? You spend good time with your daughter after you go smoke, go chill with your daughter, you willing to do whatever she willing to do. Do you think Q is right?

See the rest here:
Yawk! Yawk! Yawk! Rapper Schoolboy Q Says He Wants White People To Say The “N-Word” At His Shows

Pink Flaunts Hot Body, Talks Drug Use

Having a baby, it does a body good. VERY, VERY good if you’re Pink, who graces the cover of this month’s Shape and shows off her incredible, slim physique in the process: The 33-year old says she devoured sweets while pregnant with daughter Willow (“I ate a lot of cheesecake during those nine months. Also anything sour, Sour Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, Key Lime Pie…”), but has since lost 55 pounds since her heaviest weight. Pink has an impressive gym routine to thank for her figure. She also has a scary past from which she’s learned, one that included cigarettes and drugs at a very early age. “I was 9 [when I started smoking],” she tells the magazine. “By the time I turned 12 I was smoking a pack a day. I quit when I got pregnant.” What else did she do in her younger days? “I was into ecstasy, Special K, crystal meth, acid – you name it.” For the sake of her child, it’s so very nice to see how Pink has turned her life around. And for the sake of our hormones, it’s so very nice to stare at her body.

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Pink Flaunts Hot Body, Talks Drug Use