Britney Spears has been enjoying quite the career renaissance in recent years. The 34-year-old singer is riding a wave of Gen-X and Millennial nostalgia with her lucrative Vegas residency , but she’s not just leaning on her lengthy list of past hits to pay the bills these days. Britney performed her latest single at the VMAs last month and left little doubt about her continued relevance with younger audiences. Most pop stars can only dream of longevity on par with Britney’s. So why would she consider giving it all up for one of the hardest jobs on the planet? According to comments she recently made to NME magazine, Brit has contemplated leaving the spotlight behind for a life of chalkboard dust and runny noses. “Sometimes I’m like, ‘What am I doing? Like, I could be a teacher,’” Spears told the mag. Britney didn’t go into specifics with regard to what grade level or subject she’d like to teach, but not surprisingly, it seems her interests run toward music education. Just last week Ms. Spears tested her chops by taking control of a dance class for young girls: Britney Spears Teaches Dance Class She posted the video above to Snapchat, with a caption reading: “Teaching these little ones dance brings me so much joy. It’s so refreshing being with children. You’re reminded of the UNKNOWN once again… let’s all keep learning.” But while it seems she enjoyed her time in front of a group of eager pupils, Spears is realistic about how well she’d cope with the day-to-day demands of teaching after nearly two decades as an A-list celeb. “I see other people doing it, and I’m like, ‘Well, you know, it’s probably all they’ve known for so long, so it just kind of makes sense,’” Britney said. We’re not entirely sure what she means by that comment, but she seems to be saying that the reason prince-and-pauper life-swap scenarios are so rare in the real world is because we tend to grow accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Is teaching a room full of fourth graders more challenging than entertaining thousands of Vegas revelers every night? View Slideshow: 13 Craziest Things Britney Spears Has Ever Done Tough to say, but given the gap between teacher salaries and what Britney makes in a year, the music icon is probably in no hurry to find out. Besides, she can’t quit music until that Britney Spears-Justin Timberlake duet happens. After that, teach away, girl.
Britney Spears: Considering Quitting Music to Do WHAT?!