Tag Archives: state bicycles

Thick Katy Perry Flexibility of the Day

This is probably some of Katy Perry’s most fascinating work…. Sure, that’s not saying too much because to date, Katy Perry has never impressed me. Yes, she’s got big tits, but so many girls have big tits, and if anything her garbage music and awkward dancing was more offensive and comedic than anything and the fact that it went viral, established her as an “artist”…with a massive career is in and of itself amazing, fascinating and confusing… But, the fact that she can grab her heels like a stripper or hooker trying to get in position to get fucked as deep as you can go with your small dick, on stage, while standing, like some kind of ballerina, who isn’t thick as fuck, while wearing a leotard…is bigger and more important than anything she’s done to date… It’s one of those things, that has forced me to be a fan..this is incredible… CLICK HERE – TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS -CLICK HERE CLICK HERE – TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS -CLICK HERE The post Thick Katy Perry Flexibility of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Thick Katy Perry Flexibility of the Day

Giesele’s Naked in her New Book of the Day

Gisele Bundchen has a 700 dollar book coming out from Taschen, that we can assume no one in the fucking world will buy, except maybe for Tom Brady, because she’s his wife and the bitch will make him, so if you’re friends with Tom Brady and Gisele, you know what you’re getting for Christmas this year instead of a Christmas…sorry for ruining the surprise.. I know nothing about the book, because I only went to TASCHEN to steal the pics, but I can say it’s not worth 700 dollars, even at the peak of her career…to try to command this kind of money when you’re a has been model, is clearly just a marketing stunt that they probably drummed up at some party during fashion week…because why the fuck not..fuck with the public, make Gisele feel relevant, get people talking, show off her new tits, what else is a sports wife who was once a model to do with her time… I still wonder if she’s a man or not… The post Giesele’s Naked in her New Book of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Giesele’s Naked in her New Book of the Day

DrunkenStepfather X State Bicycle Company Win a Bike Contest of the Day

We are running a contest where you can win a giftcard worth enough to buy yourself a State Bicycle Company bike… CLICK HERE – TO ENTER THE CONTEST – TO WIN THE BIKE We did a photo shoot with a #stepGIRL to celebrate this joyous occasion…because hot girls and bikes are porn to me…and should be porn to you…especially when the girl looks this good… CLICK HERE – TO ENTER THE CONTEST – TO WIN THE BIKE So Bikes and babes…to get you to sign up to win a bike…seems like we’ve all fucking won to me… CLICK HERE – TO ENTER THE CONTEST – TO WIN THE BIKE Photos by: Spencer Edwards | Instagram Model: Ariadna Contreras | INSTAGRAM The post DrunkenStepfather X State Bicycle Company Win a Bike Contest of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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DrunkenStepfather X State Bicycle Company Win a Bike Contest of the Day

Rihanna’s Grabbing Her Braless Hard Nipple of the Day

Rihanna was at the Clippers game, in a white tank top with no bra, wearing a pink wig, because that’s how you draw attention to yourself, when being Rihanna isn’t fucking enough for you… The reality is this level of fame and fortune would fuck up anyone…but I’ve been to sleepy Barbados, where nothing really happens, and can’t imagine what going from Shanty to 20 million dollar penthouse apartment would do to the psychology of someone…but I am going to assume good fucking things…like CYBER BULLYING …posting nudes to instagram…and whatever else this hooker turned popstar has going on… I encourage the demise, it’s always more fun to watch the crash than then rise… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Rihanna’s Grabbing Her Braless Hard Nipple of the Day

Babes on State Bicycles of the Day

Summer is coming…or in a lot of places it is already here…and nothing says summer like bikes, but more importantly, like babes on bikes…and nothing says bikes like State Bicycle Company . I don’t always get turned on by nice padded seats, or handlebars, or an amazing designed bike, I’m lazy and the last time I was on a bike was in the 90s, but that doesn’t mean I don’t watch girls on bikes every time they ride by me…. It’s one of my many fetishes… Their hair in the wind, panties or bikini bottoms all rubbing up against the seat, and the nicer the bike they are on, the cooler I assume the girl is…You know, like she just takes it seriously and is into the Bicycle lifestyle, making her all around cool as fuck…appreciating her freedom, without needing a baller in a Bentley to cart her gold digging ass around…the right kind of low maintenance that can still involve babes you want to go on magical adventures with, and by magical adventures I mean steal the seat when she’s left her bike unattended, because otherwise she’d find you weird…. Here are a bunch of pictures I’ve pulled up of girls on State Bicycles…to ring in the summer this weekend… Enjoy…Alysha Nett…but remember it’s all about the bikes… See more at STATE BICYCLE COMPANY They are the best quality of the bike for $429 + Free Shipping. All of models are limited edition and they are offering a discount for DrunkenStepfather.com Readers Use code: stepfather14 expires 6/1/2014 CLICK HERE See more at STATE BICYCLE COMPANY They are the best quality of the bike for $429 + Free Shipping. All of models are limited edition and they are offering a discount for DrunkenStepfather.com Readers Use code: stepfather14 expires 6/1/2014 CLICK HERE

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Babes on State Bicycles of the Day