Tag Archives: steve-levitan

Where is the Runaway Train on the New Unstoppable Poster?

So Fox has unveiled the first official poster for Tony Scott’s long-gestating runaway-train thriller Unstoppable , featuring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine as an unlikely duo charged with halting said train — loaded with chemicals, natch — before it jumps the rails, barrels into a bus full of children and/or achieves any number of other cataclysmic scenarios. All of which raises the question: Where’s the train?

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Where is the Runaway Train on the New Unstoppable Poster?

Modern Family Tapes Gay PDA Episode in 3, 2…

Last May, Modern Family creator Steve Levitan promised that his comedy’s gay couple Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) would tackle their PDA phobia head-on in a very special season two episode… that is finally about to be taped. While details are still being kept secret, star Ed O’N eill revealed that producers rejected the scenario he suggested. “My idea was Christmas,” O’Neill joked. “But go right to oral sex. You know, in the easy chair by the tree with Christmas carols. Maybe the camera outside, amber light, snow gently falling, some soft moaning. And we go out on that.” [ E! ]

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Modern Family Tapes Gay PDA Episode in 3, 2…