Tag Archives: bus-full

Where is the Runaway Train on the New Unstoppable Poster?

So Fox has unveiled the first official poster for Tony Scott’s long-gestating runaway-train thriller Unstoppable , featuring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine as an unlikely duo charged with halting said train — loaded with chemicals, natch — before it jumps the rails, barrels into a bus full of children and/or achieves any number of other cataclysmic scenarios. All of which raises the question: Where’s the train?

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Where is the Runaway Train on the New Unstoppable Poster?

Apparently, Mashable Readers Are Morons

Twitter was down again today. Mashable was on the case to explain that timelines haven't been updated and there is no news from Twitter as to when things will be back up. Let the retweeting begin! [Note: at the time of uploading this over 515 people have retweeted the article

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Apparently, Mashable Readers Are Morons

Chinatown Bus Fight

A fight breaks out on an SF Muni bus in Chinatown between a black woman and a chinese lady. At least this didn't end up in a decapitation and a bloody juggelo . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment