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Matthews Whacked Fox for Being ‘Stooges’ for Senate Candidates, But What About MSNBC’s Senate Shilling?

On Tuesday night’s Hardball, Chris Matthews theorized (confessing he didn’t really have evidence) that GOP candidates like Sharron Angle get to pre-screen their questions before appearing on Fox News. He concluded: “How far will these candidates go in expecting the networks, especially Fox in the case of the right wing, to do their bidding and set them up as basically stooges, asking pre-arranged questions, pre-arranged answers?” Matthews mocked Angle’s chutzpah that interviews should be fundraising opportunities. It’s a little mysterious that MSNBC would get on a high horse for offering repeated bites at the publicity apple for Senate candidates. Take the case of Bill Halter, the staunch leftist who challenged Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D.-Ark.) in a primary for not supporting a socialist “public option” in the health-care debate. From March through the June 8 primary, MSNBC hosted Halter in ten interviews (on programs included in the Nexis transcript database), including seven on The Ed Show, one on The Rachel Maddow Show (on March 3), one on Hardball (on March 12), one on Andrea Mitchell Reports on primary day (June 8).  Don’t like candidates repeating their websites on air, MSNBC? Halter did on the Ed Show. Here’s May 19:  SCHULTZ: Governor, you have gotten the grass roots support, I mean overwhelming compared to your opponent. Is it going to be there between now and June 8th? Can you count on the same people that got you close last night to close the deal for you? HALTER: Well, Ed, I`m just going to ask them right now. Go to billhalter.com. Our average contribution has been $30. That`s something that people across Arkansas and across the United States can do, and I can guarantee you this, we`re going to put that money to good use. Actually, it happened again on that night:  SCHULTZ: Adam, what if the progressive movement in this country can`t pull it off in Arkansas? Would this be a big setback? Because I see this as a real turning point right here. I mean, she is the first corporate Democratic senator that fought hard against health care reform. I don`t think she held insurance`s feet to the fire at all. If she is successful, is that a real blow to the progressive movement? ADAM GREEN: Sure. Any loss would be a blow to any movement. But we`re going to win, and here`s why we`re going to win. One by-product of the fact that she has taken millions and millions of dollars from big corporations is that she really has no grassroots support here on the ground. You can feel it. Meanwhile, thousands of thousands of people are chipping in with their time and their money to Bill Halter, either at BillHalter.com or on our website, BoldProgressives.org. Halter also did two website plugs on the Ed Show of May 24:  SCHULTZ: The latest Research 2000 poll shows you were slightly ahead of the Senator, 48-46. Is it going to be this close all the way? What do you think? HALTER: I think it will be close, but I believe that we`re headed for a victory on June 8th. Certainly, we have all the momentum, Ed. We`ve seen that all over the state. SCHULTZ: Do you have the money? HALTER: We can always use help, Ed. BillHalter.com for anybody who wants to help out. SCHULTZ: But right now do you have the money? HALTER: Well, we`ve got enough to get our ads up, but we can always use more. SCHULTZ: Well, what about her war chest? She doesn`t seem to have the grassroots the way you do. HALTER: No, that`s true. But she`s had six years to raise money, and so she banked over $8 million. We`ve out-raised Senator Lincoln ever since we got in the race, but she just had a big head start. Of course, she spent a lot of that money, too. But we could use everybody`s help, $10, $20, $30. BillHalter.com is the place to go . The Ed Show dates for Halter were March 2, March 5, March 31, May 14, May 19, May 24, and June 2.  But Matthews called Sharron Angle’s grinning insistence to Cameron on fundraising plugs in her interviews as “the most incredible 26 seconds of television history for a very long time.” That’s obviously a very slanted lesson in TV history.

See the rest here:
Matthews Whacked Fox for Being ‘Stooges’ for Senate Candidates, But What About MSNBC’s Senate Shilling?

CBS and ABC Wish Obama Happy Birthday: Still ‘Full of Energy,’ But Feeling ‘Weight of the Presidency’

Playing Stevie Wonder’s version of ‘Happy Birthday’ at the end of Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Erica Hill reported: “The Obamas, of course, big Stevie Wonder fans. And President Obama, 49 years old today.” After she observed that Obama looked a little grayer, co-host Harry Smith, who interviewed the President on Friday, chimed in: “He came bounding into the interview area full of energy.” Smith went on to note how “in terms of energy and sort of lines on the face or any of that other kind of stuff….looks like [Obama’s] still got it together.” Hill wondered: “He doesn’t look tired or drawn or stressed?” Smith replied, “No, no. Nope,” and started to joke about his own age: “[Obama] was probably very happy to see me….Because Lord knows, everybody likes it when they see the old- ” At that point, weatherman Dave Price interjected: “But keep in mind, you really never notice it until you see those pictures.” He added: “…the only one who really came out looking just like he did was Reagan….left looking great.” Smith couldn’t resist getting in a quick shot at the late president: “…they insisted till the end that he never dyed his hair.” Back in 2001, Early Show news reader Melissa McDermott offered only a dry, three-sentence news brief on President George W. Bush’s 55th birthday: “Well, today is President Bush’s 55th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bush arrived in Maine yesterday to celebrate with family and friends at the family’s home in Kennebunkport, Maine. The White House says his only goals for the day are to make an early tee time and shoot a low score.” In 2002, Tracy Smith and Mark Knoller added a couple extra lines to a nearly identical brief: TRACY SMITH: All right, Mark. Now it is the president’s 56th birthday today, so how’s he celebrating? KNOLLER: Well, he’s celebrating it with his family at the family home here at Kennebunkport, Maine. The president and his dad were up early this morning, teeing off for a round of golf at just after 6 AM. There’ll be a birthday party by the family for the president this evening. We’re told there will be birthday cake and singing. SMITH: Yum. All right. Thanks, Mark. There was no birthday music or discussion of Bush’s energy level and hair color. The Early Show wasn’t the only network morning show to send Obama a special birthday message on Wednesday, ABC’s Good Morning America had a similar segment. With ‘They say it’s your birthday!’ playing in the background, co-host Robin Roberts announced: “…the President of the United States is celebrating his 49th birthday today.” A headline on-screen read: “Happy Birthday, Mr. President: Has White House Aged Obama?” Correspondent Yunji de Nies reported: “It’s the President’s birthday. And apparently, he’s been feeling his age….It was just 18 months ago that the vibrant 47-year-old took the oath.” A clip was played of de Nies fretting over the President’s aging to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs: “Does he feel like the weight of the presidency is, perhaps, accelerating his aging?” She explained: “This president isn’t unique. Bill Clinton entered a fresh-faced baby-boomer and emerged mature. Eight years weren’t easy an George W. Bush, either. And take a look at Abraham Lincoln. No matter the century, the Oval Office takes its toll.” De Nies went so far as to ask Dr. Michael Roizen of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, “What’s the best advice on his birthday? How can he stay young?” Roizen replied: “Keep playing basketball. And make sure he makes time for family time.” Here is a transcript of the August 4 Early Show segment: 8:51AM [SONG: Happy birthday to you] ERICA HILL: A little Stevie Wonder Happy Birthday for you. The Obamas, of course, big Stevie Wonder fans. And President Obama, 49 years old today. HARRY SMITH: You really tied it all together there. HILL: I just – I just tied it up with a bow for you on a birthday gift. DAVE PRICE: Thank you Casey Kasem. HILL: Any time. Your top 40- DAVE PRICE: How about a long distance dedication? HILL: Oh, coming up a little later in the show. So, it’s President Obama’s birthday today. He’s heading home to Chicago to celebrate tonight. Of course, Mrs. Obama and Sasha are in Spain, Malia’s at camp. He’s hanging out with friends in Chicago. I got to ask you, Harry, he’s looks a little gray, but other than that, you just interviewed him last week- SMITH: It was on Friday. He came bounding into the interview area full of energy. That is the most telling thing, is – he really is grayer, without question, grayer, but in terms of energy and sort of lines on the face or any of that other kind of stuff, we’ve seen over the years what being in the White House can do to a president. HILL: What it does. SMITH: And he looks like he’s- HILL: Even his face? SMITH: -at least overtly, looks like he’s still got it together. HILL: He doesn’t look tired or drawn or stressed? SMITH: No, no. Nope, he was – well, he was probably very happy to see me- JEFF GLOR: Of course, of course. SMITH: Because Lord knows, everybody likes it when they see the old- PRICE: But keep in mind, you really never notice it until you see those pictures one, two – I mean, look at Carter. You know, the only one who really came out looking just like he did was Reagan. He went into the office, you know, being relatively senior, and left the same. And left looking great. SMITH: And you know, PRICE: Right. GLOR: Of course not.         HILL: I have no comment. GLOR: Reagan always looked great. HILL: Hey, have a great day, everyone. If it’s your birthday, happy birthday to you as well. Stay tuned, your local news is next.        Here is a full transcript of the Good Morning America segment: 7:49AM ROBIN ROBERTS [singing] They say it’s your birthday! Around the water cooler this morning, nine days before Sam celebrates his birthday, the President of the United States is celebrating his 49th birthday today. ABC GRAPHIC: Happy Birthday, Mr. President: Has White House Aged Obama? GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Sam’s only going to be 34. SAM CHAMPION: No, we’re oddly the same age. But, I do love you for that, George. ROBERTS: See how close you were to becoming the President of the United States. But, he’s on his own, Barack Obama is, today. He’s in Chicago, because Malia is at sleep away camp. Michelle is with Ms. Obama on vacation in- STEPHANOPOULOS: Spain. ROBERTS: in Spain. And, so, he’ll have a celebratory dinner we’re the boys, with his friends in Chicago tonight. Yunji de Nies decided to take a look, because this is his second birthday in office, to see how the two years have treated him. YUNJI DE NIES: It’s the President’s birthday. And apparently, he’s been feeling his age. BARACK OBAMA [montage]: I have a lot more gray hair than I did last year. I don’t have as much gray hair in that clip. [At a Subway] I want everybody to know when I was 20, I could order a 12-inch. I’m turning 49 next week, which means I need just the half. DE NIES: It was just 18 months ago that the vibrant 47-year-old took the oath. OBAMA: So, help me, God. DE NIES: As months grow, so do the grays. [At a press conference.] Does he feel like the weight of the presidency is, perhaps, accelerating his aging? ROBERT GIBBS: I can’t imagine that the weight of the job doesn’t take a toll. It will just require that he get more frequent hair cuts. DE NIES: This president isn’t unique. Bill Clinton entered a fresh-faced baby-boomer and emerged mature. Eight years weren’t easy an George W. Bush, either. And take a look at Abraham Lincoln. No matter the century, the Oval Office takes its toll. DR. MICHAEL ROIZEN (Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic): We looked at all the presidents and the typical one ages two years for every year they’re in office. DE NIES: Using Aprilage Facial Progression Software, we got a glimpse of what the President might look like after one term in office. And then, after two. What’s the best advice on his birthday? How can he stay young? ROIZEN: Keep playing basketball. And make sure he makes time for family time. DE NIES: For Good Morning America, Yunji de Nies, ABC News, the White House. ROBERTS: I think our stage manager, Angie, said it’s all the secrets they know as president. You think you know what’s going on in the world. But, once you become president and you open up the docket and you go- STEPHANOPOULOS: oh, my god. JUJU CHANG: I have to settle that now. STEPHANOPOULOS: Our gift will be, we’ll send him a case of Grecian Formula 16.

Read more:
CBS and ABC Wish Obama Happy Birthday: Still ‘Full of Energy,’ But Feeling ‘Weight of the Presidency’

George Stephanopoulos Defends Ground Zero Mosque: What Better Way to Say Terrorists Haven’t Won?

Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday Defended the building of a mosque near Ground Zero as a monument to tolerance. Talking to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, he proclaimed, ” This is a country founded on the notion of religious freedom. What better way to say they [the terrorists] haven’t won ?” Ingraham decried the plan for being so close to the site of 9/11 terrorist attack: “And I say the terrorists have won with the way this has gone down. 600 feet from where thousands of our fellow Americans were incinerated in the name of political Islam?” This prompted the ABC co-host to chide, “In the name of militant, radical Islam, not in the name of Islam.” Deborah Norville, a former co-anchor of NBC’s Today, also appeared and strenuously disagreed with Stephanopoulos. Pointing out that a Greek Orthodox Church destroyed on 9/11 has had trouble rebuilding, she contrasted, “And, yet, a mosque, with no presence in the area, has been given the green light by getting the landmark status of this building rejected. A lot of people look at that and go, where are our priorities?” This logic seemed to give Stephanopoulos pause. (His father is a Greek Orthodox priest.) He conceded, “That’s a good point. I’m all for getting St. Nicholas up again. No question about it.” A transcript of the August 4 segment, which aired at 8:12am EDT, follows: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Time now for our Morning mix, where we tackle the topics everybody is buzzing about. This week, uproar over that decision to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Mommy wars. Should breast feeding be mandatory? One super model thinks so. And why is Sarah Palin is happiest person in Alaska this morning? Levi is out of the picture. Joining me to talk about all this, Fox News contributor, Laura Ingraham. Also, the author of the new, number one New York Times bestseller The Obama Diaries. and Inside Edition anchor Deborah Norville. And let me talk about the decision to build a mosque. The clearance came yesterday, Laura. And this has created such passion here in New York City. LAURA INGRAHAM: There’s a disconnect, George, between the elites and the way they think about this. And, I think, most New Yorkers and most of the country. I know Michael Bloomberg was out there saying, our values need to be properly represented to the world. And if this mosque isn’t built, what is that going to say? The terrorists have won. And I say the terrorists have won with the way this has gone down. 600 feet from where thousands of our fellow Americans were incinerated in the name of political Islam? And we’re- and we’re supposed to be- we’re supposed to be considered intolerant if we’re not cheering this? STEPHANOPOULOS: But, what- But, what- In the name of militant, radical Islam, not in the name of Islam. And what better- This is a country founded on the notion of religious freedom. What better way to say they haven’t won? INGRAHAM: We don’t have to prove anything to anyone, I don’t think. DEBORAH NORVILLE: Here’s the point. There is a point, George. There’s a church that was buried when the second tower came down. STEPHANOPOULOS: St. Nicholas Church. A Greek Orthodox church. NORVILLE: St. Nicholas church. A Greek Orthodox church. That church has run into every conceivable impediment. And in nine years that this church, this place of worship has not been able to get the port authority and other agencies to get them the green light to rebuild. And, yet, a mosque, with no presence in the area, has been given the green light by getting the landmark status of this building rejected, a lot of people look at that and go, where are our priorities? STEPHANOPOULOS: [Pauses] That’s a good point. I’m all for getting St. Nicholas up again. No question about it. INGRAHAM: Yeah! Come on, Greek orthodox . But, it’s a finger in the eye, I think, of New York. New York is coming back. You know, we hope. And it’s vibrant, economically. A lot of stuff happening downtown. This is sacred ground. Okay? And I don’t think people across the country are protesting. STEPHANOPOULOS: Ground Zero is sacred ground. The actual Ground Zero. INGRAHAM: This is 600 feet. I think the legitimate question to ask, George, is why? Why do they want to build a $100 million, 15-story mosque, Islamic center? Why? Why there? And no one’s protesting it around the country, building mosques. I don’t think- I don’t think there are big sit ins at mosques. So, I don’t think we’re intolerant. NORVILLE: And here’s another point: There’s no funding for this. This is an idea. But the funding for this, this mosque, this Islamic center, is not in place. They’re going to be going to charities and other agencies. INGRAHAM: Saudi Arabia. NORVILLE: And the people trying to put this up there. Saying, we’re going to be strict about who is allowed to contribute. But, we’ve seen how agencies and organizations that have contributed to causes, that often times are in support of Muslim issues, sometimes later are found to have terrorist connections. STEPHANOPOULOS: And that means this conversation is not going away for a very long time.

Original post:
George Stephanopoulos Defends Ground Zero Mosque: What Better Way to Say Terrorists Haven’t Won?

USA Today Reporter: ‘Do You Care About the Nationality’ of Drunk Driver Who Kills a Loved One?

On Sunday morning in northern Virginia, a drunk illegal immigrant — who had previously been convicted twice on DUI charges —  allegedly crashed head-on into a car full of nuns, killing one, Sister Denise Mosier, and injuring the rest. The Benedictine Sisters have since come out to say they are “dismayed and saddened” that the crime “has been politicized and become an apparent forum for the illegal immigration agenda.” USA Today religion writer Cathy Lynn Grossman picked up on that angle of the story yesterday, asking readers if they could forgive a drunk driver who killed a loved one of theirs, a perfectly legitimate query for a blog called “Faith & Reason.” But Grossman then gratuitously threw in a loaded question that confuses anger over lax federal enforcement of immigration laws with xenophobia, asking: Do you care about the nationality of the drunk who kills someone you love? Suspect Carlos A. Martinelly-Montano is an illegal immigrant from Bolivia and a repeat DUI offender — two convictions, one in 2007 and one in 2008 — with a revoked license. He doesn’t belong behind a wheel on Virginia roads and should either have been in jail or deported to Bolivia. There is plenty of blame to go around to both the Bush and Obama administrations and there’s also a legitimate concern by the Benedictine Sisters that this tragedy not be crassly politicized.  But isn’t it politicizing the tragedy for Grossman to suggest that it’s bigotry that informs the average person’s anger over the government’s failure to deport Martinelly-Montano? Isn’t it possible to grieve for Sister Mosier while simultaneously seeing her death as an event that would not have happened had Martinelly-Montano been deported two years ago? It’s entirely possible for a Christian to extend forgiveness and pray for Martinelly-Montano’s immortal soul while also expecting the government to do justice by enforcing immigration laws, particularly against illegal immigrants with two DUI convictions. Surely Grossman, a religion reporter, has to understand that.

Continued here:
USA Today Reporter: ‘Do You Care About the Nationality’ of Drunk Driver Who Kills a Loved One?