Tag Archives: taking-photos

Bali Security Guard Planting Drugs On Australian Teen

Remind me never to go to Bali!

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Bali Security Guard Planting Drugs On Australian Teen

Sara Jean Underwood’s Booty Keeps Getting Fatter In The Wilderness

For someone who seems to spend all the time in the wilderness taking photos of herself for Instagram, you’d think Sara Jean Underwood would be super thin. I don’t know what they’re feeding her at those camp fires in the wilderness or if her old age is catching up to her, but any bigger than this I’m going to stage an intervention. She used to be my favorite Playmate of all time, but then she got fake boobs (which wasn’t necessary) and now this big fat ass. I just hope they’re not implants! » view all 11 photos          

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Sara Jean Underwood’s Booty Keeps Getting Fatter In The Wilderness

Wendy’s Employee Guzzles Frosty Straight From Machine, Goes Viral on Reddit

Two quick notes to American fast food employees: Please stop doing gross stuff with the food At least stop taking photos of it if you do Actually, never mind the second step. If you’re dumb enough to do #1, you’ll obviously want to share it, and we can at least help you get fired that way. The dude above, guzzling straight from the Wendy’s Frosty machine (the vanilla kind, for unknown reasons), became a viral hit after his pic hit Reddit. Not by his doing. “I was going to buy a frosty from Wendy’s until I saw the employee do this,” the poster wrote, and shortly thereafter, the guy got 86’d. If there’s any consolation to be found in this, it’s that Taco Bell Guy tongue-bathing and fondling a set of shells this spring was probably even worse. Remember that guy? No? Well, here’s a revolting refresher: Where will the next addition to this series come from? McDonald’s? Subway? Burger King? Let’s hope none of the above, and the food defiling ceases. But if we’re forced to put money on it, BK all the way.

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Wendy’s Employee Guzzles Frosty Straight From Machine, Goes Viral on Reddit

Russell Brand And His Con Ed Crew

Russell Brand ignored the photographers outside ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ in NYC on his way to an appearance but gave a lot of attention to Con Edison workers outside the show who were working on an overflowing Sewer that had backed up. Ignoring the nasty smell from the sewer, Russell looked like he was loving being a working man’s hero, joking and taking photos with the guys.

Russell Brand And His Con Ed Crew

Wu Tang Vs The Beatles

Link: http://wutangvsthebeatles.bandcamp.com/ Epic mashup album of Wu Tang with Beatles instrumentals.

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Wu Tang Vs The Beatles

Kermit Shuts Down School

No, this is not CSI taking photos of Kermit after his death. It is however the result of a suspicious package being found and a school being cleared. Turns out it was just a big Kermit doll in a duffel bag.

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Kermit Shuts Down School

Julianne Hough’s Best 21st Birthday Gift? A Camera!

The Dancing with the Stars champ and country singer tells PEOPLE she’s “addicted” to taking photos of her dog Lexi

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Julianne Hough’s Best 21st Birthday Gift? A Camera!