Tag Archives: the-brilliant

Pure Comedy: The Absolute Funniest Of #CivilRightsTwitter

Hilarious #CivilRightsTwitter Tweets Have you ever wondered what Twitter would’ve been like during the civil rights movement ? Just as messy (and petty), we’re sure, but also hilarious like the brilliant #CivilRightsTwitter hilarity that exploded onto social media. Hit the flip for the absolute funniest of #CivilRightsTwitter.

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Pure Comedy: The Absolute Funniest Of #CivilRightsTwitter

The Only Illustrated Review of The Vow You Will Ever Need

From the brilliant mind that brought you the only illustrated War Horse review you will ever need: “I give The Vow two out of five kisses. On the way home from the theater, I saw a rat who found a churro and it was more romantic than the entire movie.” [ Vanity Fair ]

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The Only Illustrated Review of The Vow You Will Ever Need

Michelle Obama State Dinner Gown: Hit or Miss?

The Alexander McQueen dress Michelle Obama wore to the White House State Dinner for the Republic of China marked another fashion risk for the First Lady. But was it one that hit or missed? Dressed in a red petal print silk organza gown, Michelle was both fashionably bold and diplomatic, as the brilliant red is a symbol of luck in Chinese culture: Despite a visiting Chinese President and an A-list guest list, all eyes were on the First Lady, whose impact on the global fashion industry has been unrivaled. What do you think of Mrs. O’s latest effort? Take a look at one of many Michelle Obama pictures from last night’s event and vote in our poll below … What do you think of Michelle’s State Dinner gown?

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Michelle Obama State Dinner Gown: Hit or Miss?

Today in Brilliant Ideas: Robert De Niro, Jason Statham and Clive Owen to Share One Film

The development pipeline has looked like a bit of a sewer lately, making it all the more important to point out the brilliant (or at least potentially brilliant) concepts that happen to flow among the crap. To wit: God has answered your prayers for an action-thriller teaming Jason Statham, Clive Owen… and Robert De Niro .

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Today in Brilliant Ideas: Robert De Niro, Jason Statham and Clive Owen to Share One Film

Hubble Telescope Photos

NASA this craggy fantasy mountaintop enshrouded by wispy clouds looks like a bizarre landscape from Tolkien#39;s #39;The Lord of the Rings#39; or a Dr. Seuss book, depending on your imagination. The NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, which is even more dramatic than fiction, captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being assaulted from within, as infant stars buri

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Hubble Telescope Photos