Tag Archives: the-cuteness

Kid Busts Out Truffle Shuffle at World Cup

The U.S. women’s team fell to Japan in the World Cup final yesterday, but this kid’s epic celebration of America’s first goal almost made up for it. Seeing his native country take the lead late in the second half (the Americans ultimately lost on penalty kicks), was too much excitement to contain. Watch this youngster back the Truffle Shuffle in all its glory … Truffle Shuffle at World Cup NOTE: If you don’t know the origin of the Truffle Shuffle, follow the jump for a clip from The Goonies (1985) and the above clip will seem even funnier: Truffle Shuffle – The Goonies

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Kid Busts Out Truffle Shuffle at World Cup

Miley Cyrus Has a New Puppy!!!

Miley Cyrus took to Twitter this weekend for a reason far more adorable than expressing shock over the state of our country : The singer owns a new puppy!!! “I’m so in love with him it is ridiculous,” Cyrus Tweeted, along with the following photo. “His name is Floyd.” Floyd is accompanying Cyrus on her world tour, which is still in progress and which is receiving rave reviews around the globe. Prepare squeal in delight at the cuteness of this canine in 3… 2… 1…

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Miley Cyrus Has a New Puppy!!!

Justin Bieber Performs on QVC

What does an artist do when he wishes to grow a fan base whose average age is 14? He performs on the one network that no one who doesn’t qualify for Social Security has ever clicked to: QVC. That’s what Justin Bieber has done, at least, as you can watch him take to an unusual stage below. Don’t worry, the cuteness translates across all channels… Justin Bieber on QVC

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Justin Bieber Performs on QVC

How to Make a Kitten Look Ferocious

Savor the cuteness before your cat claws your face off for trying to make it wear a sweater. You can get this special feline sweater on etsy for $32. The Best Links: via Boing Boing View

I Can Has Watermelon

Puppies + kitten enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon in a gratuitously cute om nom nom video. It should be against the law that one person should own three pets that cute

Go here to see the original:
I Can Has Watermelon

A Gentlemen’s Quarrel

It' refreshing to see an Internet flame war end so amicably. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Clients From Hell

A new Tumblr that all creative professionals can relate to: A collection of the stupid things the stupid clients have said. It's like Postcards From Yo Momma, but replace the cuteness with crazy-making. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Heather Locklear: Returning to Melrose Place?

Let’s hope this means less screen time for Ashlee Simpson… Following months of rumors, talk is growing stronger that Heather Locklear will appear on the new Melrose Place . Locklear starred on the original series in the role of Amanda Woodward, but she’s fallen on hard times recently

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Heather Locklear: Returning to Melrose Place?

Celebrity Baby Sighting: Levi McConaughey

Levi McConaughey went for a stroll with his father this week and we’ve got one word for the sighting: AWWWWW!!! With apologies to Kingston Rossdale, Suri Curise and both Jayden James and Sean Preston, the contest is over. The cutest celebrity baby has been decided

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Celebrity Baby Sighting: Levi McConaughey