If you thought being Lindsay Lohan’s assistant was a bad job, try being Dina Lohan’s assistant – with Ali Lohan’s b!tch work thrown in for good measure! Welcome to the private hell of Eleonore Lieven . One would assume that with the actress in rehab, Lindsay’s long-suffering assistant would have relatively little to do for 90 days. Not exactly the case. She’s “miserable,” “super-stressed” and “incredibly worn out” these days, according to reports, even though Linds has been indisposed since July 20. Saddled with Dina and Ali Lohan’s dueling bidding instead, she’s stuck listening to the world’s most terrible mother “go on about nothing for days.” Worst. Job. Ever. Dina, sources close to Eleonore say, rambles about potential business deals – one of which centers on a storage locker with Lindsay’s old clothes and other belongings. Dina wants to do a garage sale with crap that doesn’t fit in her place. Riiiiiiight . That would be lucrative. There’s an entire line of Lindsay Lohan fashion they can purchase brand new. Why would anyone want items that have been on the floors of so many nightclub bathrooms? It just makes no sense. That’s only half of it, too. Ali Lohan , 16, has Eleonore doing pick ups, drop offs, etc. Suddenly, being Lindsay’s lackey seems like the lap of luxury. How bad is the job market that someone even wants to be Lindsay Lohan’s assistant? What does one get out of that? On second thought, Kate Major ended up dating Jon Gosselin and briefly engaged to Lindsay’s dad. Totally worked out.

See the original post:
Poor Lindsay Lohan Assistant Now Being Tortured as Dina Lohan Lackey