Tag Archives: the-formerly

Jessica Simpson Is Huge

Here’s the formerly sexy Jessica Simpson rolling her huge self out of an automobile the other day in her best Harley Davidson shirt and fat chick sweatpants. Ugh. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. The good news is that I recently heard a rumor that she’s in talks with Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or one of those lady weight loss programs, so hopefully we’ll be seeing a slimmer hotter Jessica real soon. Try not to lose to much off the sexy front meat please. Thanks.

Follow Up of the Day: Randy Phillips, the formerly anonymous,…


Here is the original post:

Follow Up of the Day: Randy Phillips , the formerly anonymous, now-openly-gay military airman who came out to his dad on the day “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was repealed, follows up that feel-good footage with a sobering chaser: Coming out to his “more conservative” mother. Sounds to me like someone could have used the “Is My Son Gay’” app . I KID! That thing’s messed up. [ gawker .] Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 29/09/2011 10:18 Number of articles : 2

Follow Up of the Day: Randy Phillips, the formerly anonymous,…

Vanessa Hudgens Hot Or Not?

I’m assuming that the formerly hot Vanessa Hudgens had to cut off all her hair for a movie role or something, that or she’s a new mom and has given up on looking good for anyone, because this was not a good idea. Sure the rest of her is looking pretty damn awesome in her high heels, short dress and decent amount of cleavage dropping, but mom haircuts are the worst. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comment section below. more pictures of Vanessa Hudgens here

MTV on Defensive After Word of Snooki’s Underage Boozing

Talk about getting it from both sides. First MTV is criticized for airing Jersey Shore and angering Italian Americans. Now the formerly music-centric cable network is taking…

MTV on Defensive After Word of Snooki’s Underage Boozing

Paris & Nicole Reunite for Casey Johnson

Filed under: Paris Hilton , Nicole Richie It’s been a while since the formerly conjoined BFFs have been seen together — but yesterday in L.A., Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie reunited in honor of their friend Casey Johnson.The two, as well as Brandon Davis and Bijou Phillips, met up for a … Permalink

The rest is here:
Paris & Nicole Reunite for Casey Johnson