Tag Archives: the-oppressive

Miley Cyrus Posts Nipple on Instagram of the Day

For the last few days Miley has been posting some #freethenipple hashtag, with her face cropped onto the movie poster, because she is probably an investor in the film or the new generation that believes, like most people, that nipples aren’t pornographic, and that women should be allowed to post their nipples whenever they want to post them, anywhere they want to post them… I have been an advocate of this forever, I’ve been deleted countless times off social media for posting nipples. I’ve been rejected by ad agencies and Google for posting nipples. In a lot of ways I’ve sacrificed success for nipples. And made my statement and taken my stance where I have fought the oppressive, Christian regime since starting this stie 2004…. Always told that I was told that my site was a porn site…when it’s not, I mean I can’t jerk off to this shit, but then again, I’m impotent…but still…you’d have to be weird to think this is porn…. So in a lot of ways Miley is Like me….I would never admit that I am like Miley…because she is the worst…except maybe for this nipple thing…which I endorse, but in the porn generation we live in…nipples are practically as erotic as wearing a shirt….but I’ll still stare, because I’m tradition and still jerk off to nipples…especially when they are in my mouth… All this to say…Miley Cyrus…rebel…inspiration….innovative martyr fighting for feminist rights to be topless…a hero to us all…an exhibitionist….#nipples…on instagram…even though it is against the rules….how daring…when she knows she can never be deleted because she is Miley Cyrus…

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Miley Cyrus Posts Nipple on Instagram of the Day

Jessica Hart’s In GQ of the Day

Jessica Hart is a gap toothed, Australian model with big tits who dates Billionaire Stavros, who has likely given her Paris Hilton strain of Herpes, along with all the other girls he allegedly banged, but who I’m not convinced he banged, because he’s so next level rich, that he knows that these girls are just hookers. He is a legit billionaire, there’s just no way to really trust a girl’s intentions when you come with the first class 5 star life. So you just keep them around like a harem of hookers, but don’t call them hookers, call them models, since models are much more respectable in their “Pay me for sex if you have a yacht” hustle. I’m not hating, I like her tits. Tits that I guess by Google Ad standards make GQ pornographers. In America, nipples are bad. Yet people still advertise on GQ, even with the nipples…so maybe I just do things wrong, clearly, as I sit here on my couch with the only tits around are mine – and they aren’t hot at all. That’s all I have to say about gappy tits and her boyfriend she’s trying to marry for obvious reasons – while she’s half naked for a mainstream men’s mag…

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Jessica Hart’s In GQ of the Day

Naked Ashley Benson and Troian Bellisario of the Day

Ashley Benson and her “friend” who I guess is on the same publicity stunt train as Ashley Benson – decided to post this fully nude running pic, bare ass and all, and I love it. More people need to be posting nudity on Instagram, especially hugely famous people like Ashley Benson, because they are paving the way for perverts like me to have stuff to masturbate to, and for exhibitionist hipster girls to post all their nude pics -because thanks to selfies – nude pics are trendy, the future, what all the influencers are doing…and non nude pics are frowned upon in the cool circles… Meaning… More and more nudity will happen and the oppressive big brothers on social media sites who are trying to control us will LOSE…. It blows my mind that people can’t post nipple pics, asshole pics, all kinds of pics on whatever the fuck they want to post them on. Censorship is so archaic. That said, I prefer Ashley Benson, who isn’t really famous to me, but who is apparently HUGELY FAMOUS to the rest of the world, thanks to her show…when she’s photoshopped like this, because the real Ashley Benson is sloppy…which is why I am more into her topless pics…like when she was topless HERE -because that’s usually the better angle for sloppy girls…and as far as I’m concerned – it’s her best work yet…not that she actually works.

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Naked Ashley Benson and Troian Bellisario of the Day

Miley Cyrus Gets Black Dudes Beat Up of the Day

I know Miley is marketed as hick….instead of the bratty cunt celebrity with too much money and a bad attitude that is overshadowed by her tight little body I love staring at because getting her pregnant would be gold…for both my penis and my financial situation….. So it would only make sense that she had her security go after a black paparazzi….and even he says “They always go after the black guy”….cuz guess what…they do….that is the injustice in our society run by the oppressive whites…. Either way, Awesome video…

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Miley Cyrus Gets Black Dudes Beat Up of the Day

Miley Cyrus Gets Black Dudes Beat Up of the Day

I know Miley is marketed as hick….instead of the bratty cunt celebrity with too much money and a bad attitude that is overshadowed by her tight little body I love staring at because getting her pregnant would be gold…for both my penis and my financial situation….. So it would only make sense that she had her security go after a black paparazzi….and even he says “They always go after the black guy”….cuz guess what…they do….that is the injustice in our society run by the oppressive whites…. Either way, Awesome video…

See the article here:
Miley Cyrus Gets Black Dudes Beat Up of the Day

Miley Cyrus has Got Shorts of the Day

Miley Cyrus is in little shorts with short hair…and I would fuck lick those motherfuckers so fucking hard that my saliva makes them dissolve off her….cuz she’s gone fit and stylish and posts pics of herself in ways that make me forget the bobble headed cunt from Disney who was raped on many levels to become a billion dollar brand, ruining a generation of girls like she was Katy Perry or Lady Gaga…the modern day Hitlers…and allows me to focus on what is important…her hot, fit little body……that makes me want her to wear my mouth as a diaper….just to get close….She’s good.

Miley Cyrus has Got Shorts of the Day

Hannah Wheelan the Gymnast Panty Flash of the DAy

Hannah Wheelan is a Gymnast and like all pro athletes, she’s a fucking horny pervert, that I can only assume stems from the higher levels of testosterone that come with her level of fitness or the oppressive environment in which she was raised….where she would train every fucking day for days….unable to fuck dudes…despite her gymnast flexibility….because all the male gymnasts were homo…..leading to her big day, when she gets to celebrate her sport, the year the Olympics are in her home town, by getting drunk and showing panty….you see cuz skirts aren’t something she’s used to….while crotch hugging leotards that might as well are panties that she parades in like it is outerwear are…and the whole thing loses its level of importance when you realize she’s not hot…. Here are the pics anyway…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Hannah Wheelan the Gymnast Panty Flash of the DAy