For the last few days Miley has been posting some #freethenipple hashtag, with her face cropped onto the movie poster, because she is probably an investor in the film or the new generation that believes, like most people, that nipples aren’t pornographic, and that women should be allowed to post their nipples whenever they want to post them, anywhere they want to post them… I have been an advocate of this forever, I’ve been deleted countless times off social media for posting nipples. I’ve been rejected by ad agencies and Google for posting nipples. In a lot of ways I’ve sacrificed success for nipples. And made my statement and taken my stance where I have fought the oppressive, Christian regime since starting this stie 2004…. Always told that I was told that my site was a porn site…when it’s not, I mean I can’t jerk off to this shit, but then again, I’m impotent…but still…you’d have to be weird to think this is porn…. So in a lot of ways Miley is Like me….I would never admit that I am like Miley…because she is the worst…except maybe for this nipple thing…which I endorse, but in the porn generation we live in…nipples are practically as erotic as wearing a shirt….but I’ll still stare, because I’m tradition and still jerk off to nipples…especially when they are in my mouth… All this to say…Miley Cyrus…rebel…inspiration….innovative martyr fighting for feminist rights to be topless…a hero to us all…an exhibitionist….#nipples…on instagram…even though it is against the rules….how daring…when she knows she can never be deleted because she is Miley Cyrus…
Read this article:
Miley Cyrus Posts Nipple on Instagram of the Day