Tag Archives: famous-people

Lauren Bonner Close Enough to Boner – Nude Pics of the Day

Lauren Bonner, from Aperture Talent fame, with her 57,000 followers from posting half naked aand sometimes full nude shoots, because I guess she thinks she’s hot, and loves being naked, a nudist…with no bush…a free spirit who wants you all the be kind and work hard…while she just gets naked and fucks rich dudes so she doesn’t have to work hard…or that maybe she thinks showing up to these shoots is working hard….cuz she’s never had to work a day in her life…thanks to being the kind of girl who gets naked easily and effectively. Whilst looking up her career as an LA model who works a day a month…she was one of the other FIJI girls because FIJI likes using sex workers to give celebs water…and sex workers like access to famous people…but unfortunately for her…she’s not the one who got famous and became a Meme…sucks being the third rate girl on a viral stunt…but nothing you can’t get naked over… No hate…but my only critique since I’m a critic is…not enough butt hole on this journey to fame and fortune….more butthole please. The post Lauren Bonner Close Enough to Boner – Nude Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lauren Bonner Close Enough to Boner – Nude Pics of the Day

Haley Joel Osment in a Bikini of the Day

Whilst watching the Bruce Willis roast on the internet for no reason other than the hole I stick my tongue in wanted to watch it, I was reminded a few things…and they were that Bruce Willis’ ugly daughters all look worth fucking, despite being ugly…that the female comic with her tits out flashing her pussy in panties was vulgar and I hate when women comics reduce themselves to vulgar pussy and fuck jokes…it reminds me of the worst kinds of loud drunk girls at the bar…and most importantly the ones who don’t actually fuck….like they say they do….I was also appreciated that Gordon Jordan Levitt was called a Lesbian going to Prom, probably from Jeff Ross who was good….because that’s what he looked like…and that Ed Norton did what I considered actual funny comedy…something that felt pretty brilliant…but most importantly that Hailey Joel Osment had a sex change when he turned 18, became Emily Osment, and here he/she is doing the Bruce Jenner in a bikini since girls have it easier that post-pubescent once cute, Hollywood pedophile bait…..that no longer have the appeal for that pedo ring. The post Haley Joel Osment in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Haley Joel Osment in a Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne and Tana Mongeau Dyke it Down of the Day

Bella Thorne and her click bait with her BFF who is apparently also her lover, that her troll wizard looking, lesbian looking, crackhead pan sexual gender confused opportunist boyfriend in his 40s gets to jerk off on.. They are attention seeking for their record label that is a thing because the internet is dumb as fuck and buy into anything they find popular… They aren’t attention seeking hard enough for my liking, because if you’re gonna put it out there…put it out there with genitals… We’ve already seen this Disney Kid turned instagram whore pretty fucking naked like the bootleg follow Miley’s lead to take charge of their sexuality for marketing purposes cuz tits get hits!. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Thorne and Tana Mongeau Dyke it Down of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne and Tana Mongeau Dyke it Down of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen Simulated 3 Sum of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is one of the children of famous people you want to fuck named LILY…. And she is doing what all the kids on the social media feed are doing, thanks to being raised on porno, and gang bangs are seen as normal and appropriate dinner table talk….cuz the normaliztion of porn…has lead to some pretty epic content produced by people who ten years ago would not be naked or half naked are spread and producing slutty content…tit grabbed…. Naughty fucking rich girl being naughty for attention she seeks cuz her momma taught her proper. Here is her ass in leggings doing yoga with her dad JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lily Mo Sheen Simulated 3 Sum of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Mo Sheen Simulated 3 Sum of the Day

Rosie O’Kelly is Interesting of the Day

Rosie O’Kelly appears to be a pin-up girl…a lingerie loving, posing for the camera….burlesque type….who is clearly a man….but that fact alone…makes her youtube channel substantially weird, yet amazing, because it is the not so famous people who I find wonderfully, strange, disturbing to watch…and Youtube is the hub of that…. It’s like where can I see a shemale tell me about her life, showing off her tits and weird body…Youtube….and the best thing about it is that Youtube runs ads on this shit…they monetize the shemale in lingerie by the fire…or her talking about her nipples….a publicly traded company…monetizing this fetish weirdnes…… There’s more…and it’s terrifying… More… Oh….there’s a car wash video….just like you’ve always wanted a car wash video to be… This one is my favorite… On Living with Big breasts… Rosie O’Kelly, I may find shemales weird and creepy – but I just can’t quit you…these videos are everything…and more… The post Rosie O’Kelly is Interesting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rosie O’Kelly is Interesting of the Day

Emma Roberts is Good of the Day

Emma Roberts is a lovely mainly because she’s skinny, Hollywood starlet raised by Hollywood people who were likely very fucked up people who shouldn’t be raising anything – assuming that her dad had any time for her – while he was self destructing after his oscar… I guess, when you peak…it’s ok to throw in the towel, do B movies all while trying to get as much cocaine and booze in you as possible… That said, we can assume that there are as many many deep rooted issues that come with being raised in LA, and a whole bunch more issues when you’re raised by famous people, then even more issues when you’re thrown into acting….just a weird as fuck reality…and those things make Emma Roberts all the more exciting….while she wears a dress that you can cum on and wipe off without it staining….Convenient… I like her. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts is Good of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Roberts is Good of the Day

Rita Ora Demonstrates How She Got a Record Deal – Using a Chair of the Day

The one time I saw Rita Ora in person, I thought she was Kelly Osborne, meaning she’s not very hot, but apparently she’s at the right table at the party and fucks the right dude in the industry – because both her and both her tits exist, and make money and do well…and no one can name one of her songs…but we can accurately guess her bra size…even with our eyes closed… This is a fashion nude shoot for some Victoria’s Secret photographer leveraging the famous people he takes pics of for his “art” or the lie of “art”…in a book he is putitng out…what an honor… All the direction Ora required was “show me how you got the record deal, use this chair”…and the rest is magical….she’s a real natural..when the camera turns on…she delivers… The post Rita Ora Demonstrates How She Got a Record Deal – Using a Chair of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora Demonstrates How She Got a Record Deal – Using a Chair of the Day

Stella Hudgens Shitty Hand Print of the Day

Stella Hudgens is High School Musical Vanessa Hudgens’ little rounder sister, bustier sister who I don’t think is really in the industry, or even works… Because there are two kids of siblings of famous people, those who try to be in the industry as hard as they can to be like the other sisters of yesteryear…who ended up getting knocked up early on…like Solange, Jamie-Lynn Spears and Ashlee Simpson…. And those who just ride the coattails because it’s less pressure, you get to benefit from all the fun without any of the other nonsense.. When you crave that male attention to validate you…you can just post a tit pic to instagram to the fans you only have because of your sister… If you’re more into her sister – VANESSA – Here she is in some nerd costume…that creeps me out but that you love. CLICK HERE The post Stella Hudgens Shitty Hand Print of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Stella Hudgens Shitty Hand Print of the Day

Our Favorite Oscar Snubees in the Buff!

Lots of famous people went home without an Oscar last night, some for the umpteenth time like cinematographer Roger Deakins and songwriter Diane Warren. Here are some of our favorite actresses who have been perpetually snubbed by the Oscars!… read more

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Our Favorite Oscar Snubees in the Buff!

An Artist Reimagined Historical Figures As Urban Outfitter-Clad Hipsters

Artist Amit Shimoni created an illustration series called “Hipstory” that reimagines famous people from history as hipsters.

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An Artist Reimagined Historical Figures As Urban Outfitter-Clad Hipsters