Tag Archives: the saturdays

Some Bitch from The Saturdays in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Her name is Vanessa White, not to be confused with Vanna White, the Gameshow model who must be in her 90s, and the funny thing is that she’s not even white, that’d be like my name being Rich Classy, or Rock N. Muscles or some other thing that couldn’t be further than the truth, cuz she’s actually Black Filipina, but she is in some contrived, corporate creation called The Saturdays that produce real shit fucking music in the UK that is sung by girls I want to fuck, the way pop music is supposed to be, before trash like Gaga brought the boring lives of Americans everywhere some minor level of excitement with how freaky she was…none of that excitement being sexual excitement…. Either way, here she is in a see thru shirt. Boring? I know. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Some Bitch from The Saturdays in a See Through Shirt of the Day

The Saturdays are a Pop Band I Want to Fuck of the Day

The Saturdays are a reminder that the UK, despite being a bunch of chimney sweepers are more evolved than us, which really makes sense because they are the reason America exists. It’s like America is the UK’s afterbirth, where all their unwanted trash from the UK came to set up shop a few hundreds years ago only to develop hick accents, fast food, and turn their classy, refined way into a trailer park housing project……because they are a pop band that is actually hot, the way it is supposed to be, unlike America that manages to give every ugly tranny lookn girl a fucking record deal…So here are the Saturdays to remind you that you are second rate USA….and to help you grasp why the UK looks down on you like the embarrassment you are… Pics via PacificCoastNews

The Saturdays are a Pop Band I Want to Fuck of the Day

The Saturdays Performing Without Pants of the Day

The Saturdays may not be a household name to any of us because they are from the UK and no one really gives a fuck about the UK even people who live in the UK but I find myself seriously affected by this girl band….I want to fuck every single one of them at the same time and I hate girls from the UK because they are ugly, but seeing them collectively sucking on stage, humiliating themselves and not caring gives me hope that they have no shame in other aspects of their life like sucking my dick all at the same time even though I don’t have that much dick to go around….and here they are performing without pants….. Pics via LFI Facebook Shut Me Down Cuz They Are Racist- So Add My New Account ADD ME

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The Saturdays Performing Without Pants of the Day