Tag Archives: their-religion

Elsa Pataky Ass in a Weird Diaper of the Day

Fast and Furious Elsa Pataky is pretty fucking old and a mom…so this weird extra ass cheek fold in her ass shouldn’t be an imperfection to mock, but rather one to celebrate, since her Spanish genetics, have allowed her to breed without as much damage as most white people have after they breed, because I guess Spanish people need to breed, it’s culturally in their DNA, survival…and in their religion…Catholicsm…where white people just do it so they can eat whatever the fuck they want for the rest of their life because they are done being attractive and virtually throw in the towel…where as Elsa Pataky has a career to continue…these Fast and Furious movies will go on forever…and at 40…she’s gotta work to keep those paychecks coming in… All this to say…weird bikini choice…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elsa Pataky Ass in a Weird Diaper of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Pataky Ass in a Weird Diaper of the Day

Donkey Style in Iraq Farmer of the Day

The story is simple, this is video was captured by some airbase camera and it is of of an Iraqi Farmer making passionate love with his Donkey, as some Arab people do, because masturbating is wrong according to their religion, but fucking animals, is okay… I have met at least 3 Arab dudes who have told me that growing up they’d fuck dogs or goats to get off…it was the thing to do…cuz fucking women..that shit’s a sin… I love that it is set to a perfectly thematic songs… This is amazing on so many sick as fuck levels…I am ready for the remix… A great man just wrote “this is a better love story than twilight”…and I have to agree with him.

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Donkey Style in Iraq Farmer of the Day

Katie Holmes Weird Ass Flash of the Day

Everyone’s favorite robot, except maybe Tom Cruise’s favorite robot…because he is the man who turned her into a robot in the first place…who must hate her for turning her robot back on him and their religion…because that wasn’t in the fucking robot manual…when he abducted the bitch from the set of Dawson’s Creek and programmed…technology just wasn’t what it is now… Well it looks like her rebellion has taken on new forms…and she’s venturing into the world of being a sex doll rather than one of those weirdo children of the corn style robots she was for so many years before and guess what…I am into it…but only because some of the best sex I’ve had has been with inanimate objects…

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Katie Holmes Weird Ass Flash of the Day

More Anna Chapman Topless PHOTOS: ‘Spy’ Vixen’s Kinky Sex Photos by Ex Husband…

‘Spy’ vixen Anna Chapman’s kinky sex secrets exposed by Ex Husband NY Post By TODD VENEZIA July 5, 2010 Ravishing redhead “spy” Anna Chapman is a sizzling Russian undressing in stunning topless photos shot by her ex-hubby. Alex Chapman, who was married to the undercover — and uncovered — spy for four years, says she loved to pose nude and had a libido worthy of a James Bond femme fatal. The pair orchestrated mile-high airplane bathroom sex romps, used toys for S&M sessions and held love-making marathons he called “incredible.” More Anna Chapman Topless PHOTOS: ‘Spy’ Vixen’s Kinky Sex Photos by Ex Husband…SLIDESHOW… http://ctpatriot1970.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/more-anna-chapman-topless-photos-s… added by: ctpatriot1970

GodBlock, A Web Filter That Blocks Religious Content

What Is It? GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely. Why? In the last century, the United States has seen a resurgence of fundamentalist religion. Fundamentalist Evangelicals, Mormons, Baptists, Muslims, and Jews have held back progress in science, human rights, civil rights, and protecting our environment. How can we reverse this trend and join the rest of the world in the gradual secularization of society and government? Most deeply religious people are born into their religion, but even children raised in a secular household are vulnerable to content on the web. That's why we've produced GodBlock. GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. added by: EthicalVegan