Elsa Pataky brought her busty tits, on her fit for a 42 year old mom, midget body…cuz se looks short…to the beach in a bathing suit that thankfully doesn’t draw too much attention to her ravaged stomach from all their kids…. She’s got a great ass, but we have to remind ourselves that she’s 42 years old, which in and of itself is tragic….but not as tragic as our sexualizing of an old lady…. I mean, blame her Spanish genetics, her rich person lifestyle, or the fact that she’s an inch tall in all her slutty pics….knowing that if you take the pic from a distance there’s more leniency on whether she’s actually lookin that good or not. I guess as Miley Cyrus’ sister in law, since she is married to and has three kids with one of the Hemsworth brothers….getting naked just makes logistical sense….especially since her sex appeal is the foundation of her having a career in Hollywood. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elsa Pataky Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Elsa Pataky brought her busty tits, on her fit for a 42 year old mom, midget body…cuz se looks short…to the beach in a bathing suit that thankfully doesn’t draw too much attention to her ravaged stomach from all their kids….in Byron Bay Australia where I guess she lives with her husband and baby daddy of 8 or 9 years…Chris Hemsworth….who I guess has a fetish for Spanish Women who are the size of most Junior Highschool students, because it makes his dick look bigger….we’re onto you Hemsworth…all you actors and your fetishes are weird…. You probably know her from the Fast and the Furious movies, where she didn’t Kill Paul Walker, but he’s dead….and apparently Elsa Pataky isn’t…that latin blood and fitness and diet’s got her looking fucking hot….especially for an old mom of 3….in her 40s…. TO SEE THE REST OF TE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elsa Pataky Big Tits in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Chinese Escalator Eats People… Biker Escapes Death Sad End to a Poor Goose People Sturggling to Cross the Glass Bridge Another Baby Falling from the Sky Worker Gets Destroyed Deer Being Hunted Licks Gun Barrel – Sad Motorcycle Finds Achilles Heel of Truck Worst Place to Break Down Food Tower Fail – I Call Staged.. Camel and Bus Accident Fork Life Murder Weird Chicago Shoot Out The post Drunk Naked Woman Dancing and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Elsa Pataky has a great ass in these pictures…which would probably explain why people, mainly virgin loser dudes are into Elsa PAtaky… I recognize her name, but everytime she pops up, clothed or in slutty bikini pics for Vogue, showing off her great Spanish ass…I have to google her…I guess she’s not memorable even though she has such a silly fucking name… She is fucking old, 40 years old…and she’s Chris Hemsworth wife and mom of his 3 kids…interesting….someone sounds like she may be a hooker…or at least a vain bitch who doesn’t want her man to cheat on her with young pussy, or at least appreciate her old pussy because she can’t be a hooker, since she’s in movies and has a career of her own..and did before linking up with Chris Hemsworth…the hookers are the girls he pays to piss on him – but more importantly since this is Vogue, bitch is clearly fashion. Fashion you can jerk off to. The post Elsa Pataky Ass Looks Great in Elle Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I missed the Demi Moore Nipple slip – because I really didn’t care to post some old haggard plastic surgery ridden 60 year old’s nipple that she probably doesn’t even feel, sneaking out of her dress because these things happen and it’s just a tit, not her natural tit, but it’s still a tit within her….and a nipple stapled onto her… BUT THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WILL MISS THE EVER IMPORTANT ELSA PATAKY PANTY FLASH… I just don’t know who Elsa Pataky is… The post Elsa Pataky Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
To prove my theory that the Golden Globes don’t matter, since Hollywood is a fucking joke, a bunch of masturbating assholes sitting on too much money, lazily putting together shit that the masses consume because they are scat fetishists so long as they are told to be, fucking drone retards who just want to consume and be part of something bigger than they are…. Well, along with Jennifer Lawrence, the most ridiculous scam in Hollywood has come the movie Lala Land, that I saw won some Golden Globe awards, awarded by people who clearly never watched the movie…because I saw the movie…it was a lot of hype and someone invited me…so I figured “How bad can it be”…. Well, it’s really fucking bad….Emma Stone can’t sing, Ryan Gosling can’t sing and I guess neither can dance, the story was weaker than my ejaculation now that I have prostate issues, the song lyrics even worse than the story…about two self involved narcissists trying to get famous and choosing being famous over their “love’….and their tribute to the golden era of Hollywood, basically shat on the Golden era of Hollywood, where the song and dance came from actual professionals in the field….not some coddled Mickey Mouse Club menial actor and some bitch with a lisp….who can’t act…. I just saw Emma Stone won the Globe for her performance…it’s a fucking joke…a lie…a scam…the worst….seriously, I burst out laughing with a few other people at the climax you didn’t know was the climax until it was over…because it’s that shit….who clearly realized the dog shit we were sitting though, thank god I wasn’t alone.. and all the other drones sucked in on the nonsense were offended by us, but not nearly as I was offended that there was only one negative review on the movie…on the internet…in a Hollywood owns the media…obviously… Then…I saw the awards come in….for Below average….shitty movies that should have never happened and I was reminded what I already know…Hollywood is a fucking scam and the general public fucking morons…I can’t be friends with anyone who thought this was a good movie… So here I was, leaving the movie offended, only to find out that the same movie is being praised by the industry, when it shouldn’t have even happened in the first place….it’s just that bad….and not just because the SJW’s are mad it didn’t have enough gay or black story to it…but because it’s fucking bad…do not let yourself be manipulated like I was…into the Lala Land – shitty take on the hollywood story…. But look at the bitches at the Golden Globes who probably sucked a lot of dick in their soulless quest to be at the Golden Globes…as these people do… Narcissism celebrating Narcissism Awarding movies about Narcissism….makes sense…the best thing is that there’s a guest list and it’s hard to get into the event…like people actually want to attend this shit…it looks like the worst party ever, one good for a terrorist attack….seriously…this is a nightmare to me….but here are the pics anyway I don’t find actors inspiring, they are coddled pieces of shit and their work in the world is so self indulgent and insignificant TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE CLICK HERE The man of the hour, lispy…the winner who proves the Golden Globes are an absolute scam…. Heidi Klum was there and she’s still old – but her tits are awesome (check earlier post) Sofia Vergara was there – still has big tits… Speaking of Tits…or as the basics call them GLOBES AT THE GLOBES…Chastain was there… Anna Kendrick and her Werid face were there – with some weird bra harness dress…probably amazed the other overrated nerd friendly actress won for singing…when this one’s the singer…but the nice thing is her dress is making some sort of armpit pussy…good to fuck…after she lubes up with nervous sweat and tears from not being Emma Stone… I guess Mandy Moore wanted a big reveal – with her tits…since she’s old and no one remembers who Mandy Moore is…they say the top is see through… Jessica Biel was there…in a skimpy top – showing off them strong man legs she uses to fuck her gay husband up the ass with…. A pug and another Homosexual who feeds her were there together! From hooker to hollywood wife… Hailee Steinfeld was there skinnier than usual…fascinating… Blake Lively was there with her mom body – lookin’ good enough to be a homewrecker… Elsa Pataky was there showing her ass in some full bottom panties… Reese Witherspoon – New Face – Who This… Gal Gadot – fat and jewish like the man who works at my Deli… Some Indian was there – Dot not Feather – for Affirmative Action Emily Ratajkowski was at the Golden Globes…a nude instagram hooker…who fucked her way into one or two movies…at the Golden Globes…talk about degrading the exclusivity and integrity of the industry…not there is any integrity int the industry…Sure I’m sure there were always hookers on the arms of people who were invited to these shows…but to let one walk in on her own…UNREAL…that said, if I was ever invited to anything fancy, and I won’t be, I’ll bring the rattiest crackwhore I can find, you know one half dead with AIDS and Hepatitis and a rash….in a fucking wheelchair…as my date…because I think that’s more authentic than this shit…Look how her mangled face is posing like it’s a vogue cover shoot on the red carpet…work it low level trash…work it… Seriously Rat Cow Posing is Too Ridiculous.. Oh Kristin Calvallari was there, so clearly there’s no standards…. In another example of how ridiculous the world we live in is…Evan Rachel Wood wore pants…like she was Hilary Clinton and the media are pulling stories out of this from every angle…and saying it was inspiring….like you didn’t just watch a bitch in pants run for President the last two years….it’s not the 50s anymore, bitches can wear pants…bitches have worn pants to the Golden Globes before an no one fucking cares…this isn’t some revolutionary act…My god…what world is this…clickbait, fake news, lazy retards taking your goddamn selfies…I hate you…I need to find a product to sell to you… Everything is an act of Social Justice warriors…oh and Jimmy Fallon was the host…fuck that.. People are pumped on Meryl Streep’s Anti-Trump speech, because people are idiots, mainly actors who think they have some exceptional view on the world, like they are gifted, brilliant and their opinion matters, because they are overpaid and annoying….most uneducated and delusional, yet experts who must use their voice to tell the world Trump is a moron, when the world knows Trump is a moron…but at least he’s not Hilary TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE CLICK HERE Oh there are after parties…and very rich Kaley Cuoco brought her very important fake tits to them…and made sure they were celebrated…focal point…tits.. The post The Golden Globes Happened of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Ever since she went and had kids, we don’t see nearly as much of Elsa Pataky as I’d like anymore. And that’s pretty selfish, if you ask me. But luckily, the Spanish MILF took a night off to show up at the Gioseppo 25th anniversary party in Spain. And hopefully she’ll get even more “me time” after this. And by that I mean time with me. It’s the one thing every MILF needs. As far as I’m concerned, at least. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading →
Fast and Furious Elsa Pataky is pretty fucking old and a mom…so this weird extra ass cheek fold in her ass shouldn’t be an imperfection to mock, but rather one to celebrate, since her Spanish genetics, have allowed her to breed without as much damage as most white people have after they breed, because I guess Spanish people need to breed, it’s culturally in their DNA, survival…and in their religion…Catholicsm…where white people just do it so they can eat whatever the fuck they want for the rest of their life because they are done being attractive and virtually throw in the towel…where as Elsa Pataky has a career to continue…these Fast and Furious movies will go on forever…and at 40…she’s gotta work to keep those paychecks coming in… All this to say…weird bikini choice…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elsa Pataky Ass in a Weird Diaper of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
This is all so stupid..but here’s some Elsa Pataky doing some bikini shoot…for some random bullshit.. She’s 39 and was in Fast and the Furious…so that means a bunch of the lamest motherfuckers in the world, who sit through movies like Fast and the Furious, like you…love her.. She’s too old for me, even if she’s fit…she died at 25…and she can keep trying, and she does keep trying…it gets her in movies…and movies make her money..so who gives a fuck about what I have to say about another girl getting in a bra to appease the male audience..by objectifying herself to get ahead because she feels it is the only way in the Patriarchal world we live in…where I am king and you are my minions… The post Elsa Pataky in her Bra for Some Bullshit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Meryl Streep is celebrated as one of the most talented actresses out there, and I guess based on her lack of sex appeal alone, she’d have to be a pretty amazing actress to have the career that she’s had while looking the way she does. That’s not to say she’s ugly, or some kind of acting monster, it’s just to say that her look isn’t one I’d ever masturbate to…not in the 70s and not today…and if I was a casting director in the 70s when she happened, I would have required the kind of blowjob that leaves my testicles sticking out of my urethra to give her her first break… All this to say, she’s got a bunch of clones that I guess she made in her lab in the pool house of her mansion…and this is what they look like…the Next generation of Streep, being introduced to the world..in whatever this is a campaign for…and it’s creeping me out. The post Meryl Streep’s Creepy Clones of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .