Tag Archives: think-the-last

Tianna Gregory’s Sweet Oily Goodness

I think the last time I did a post on Tianna Gregory here, I may have mentioned that the smoking hot model has one of the best bodies I’ve ever put up pictures of on this site. Well, after this latest bikini photoshoot, I’m starting to think maybe I didn’t go far enough last time. Because now I’m pretty sure she has one of the best bodies of all-time. And no, I’m not just saying that to hopefully score a date with her. Although I guess I wouldn’t say no if she wanted to thank me for all these nice compliments in person — call me, Tianna! » view all 24 photos

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Tianna Gregory’s Sweet Oily Goodness

Taking The High Road: Barack Obama Says He’s Not Offended By Dirty Harry’s Little Speech At The RNC

Obama Not Offended By Clint Eastwood’s Remarks At RNC In case you missed Dirty Harry’s speech… Click Here President Obama wants to make it clear that, in his own words, “I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan. He is a great actor, and an even better director,” the president said in an interview with USA TODAY aboard Air Force One, on his way to campaign rallies in Iowa Saturday. “I think the last few movies that he’s made have been terrific.” However, Obama seemed less eager to review Eastwood’s latest performance, on stage at the Republican National Convention Thursday. The 82-year-old Hollywood icon preceded Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney with a rambling 12-minute improvisation that included a rude “interview” with an empty chair purportedly occupied by an invisible Obama. “One thing about being president or running for president — if you’re easily offended, you should probably choose another profession.” Obama said with a smile. He said there would be no effort to counter with a similar stunt at the Democratic National Convention, which opens in Charlotte Tuesday. “I think we’ll be playing this pretty straight,” he said. Source

Continued here:
Taking The High Road: Barack Obama Says He’s Not Offended By Dirty Harry’s Little Speech At The RNC

Adam Lambert Talks Fashion, "Honest" New Album

Adam Lambert walked the red carpet of the American Music Awards in an impressive three-piece suit, defeating Justin Bieber by a wide margin in this Fashion Face-Off . Based on this dapper look, one can’t help but wonder: Is there a fashion line in Lambert’s future? Maybe, Adam says during his December 9 appearance on the Sundance Channel series, All On The Line with Joe Zee . “I’d love to work on my own fashion line, accessory line, shoes or something. [But] obviously right now I’m focused on my music.” Along those lines, the artist is only too excited to dish on his upcoming album. There’s no release date for it, but Lambert has already laid out a slew of singles. “The style is a little bit evolved,” he says. “I think the last album I was trying to update the style of the late ‘70s, early ‘80s with the glam rock and with rock music on a whole visually and aesthetically. I think this album is more in the direction of contemporary again. It’s fresh and it’s something people maybe haven’t heard before. Lyrically, it’s very honest and real.” The CD will likely hit stores in early-to-mid 2012. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Adam Lambert Talks Fashion, "Honest" New Album

Cee Lo Calls Judging ‘The Voice’ His ‘Day Job’

Singer tells MTV News there’s ‘friendly competition’ with fellow judges Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton. By Gil Kaufman, with reporting by Matt Elias Cee Lo Green Photo: MTV News Given his gigs fronting ATL rap crew Goodie Mob, Gnarls Barkley and his recent mega-viral success with the song “F— You,” you’d think the last thing Cee Lo Green would do is join the cast of a reality singing competition. But you’d be wrong. “At first, I thought it was a very cool and original concept,” Green said of the script-flipping conceit of the soon-to-launch “The Voice,” in which judges sit with their backs to contestants to focus on their vocals instead of their looks as they decide whether to mentor them through later rounds. Secondly, after years of touring and grinding it out on the road, Green said he was looking forward to staying put in Los Angeles and pursuing the new opportunities that have come his way thanks to the exposure from the Grammy-nominated “F— You.”

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Cee Lo Calls Judging ‘The Voice’ His ‘Day Job’

Karissa Shannon Sex Tape Promo Pictures

Judging from these pictures of Karissa Shannon promoting her sextape, I guess it’s safe to assume that she’s not all torn up about a video of her humping coming to light as she would previously have us believe. Shocking. The girl’s a Playboy chick, obviously she couldn’t care less if anyone sees her bumping uglies with her boyfriend. I’ m confused though, isn’t making a sextape for the sole purpose of selling it just porn? I thought so.

Nina Moric Knows How To Pick An Outfit

I thought it would be a good idea to end things off this week with some hot pictures of a woman dressed as a prostitute so here are some shots of Nina Moric in her sweet short skirt and heels. I like this look, alot. I don’t have this chick on the site very often, I don’t really know who the hell she is, but each time she’s been here she sure knows how to pick some sexy outfits. I think the last time I had her up she’s was feeling herself up in an incredible cleavage top. Good memories.

Sophie Monk’s Legs Come Out Again

It’s been a while since we’ve seen any pictures of jobless hottie Sophie Monk , I think the last time she was on the site she had some strange injuries on her knees hips, so I’m happy to see that she seems to have healed nicely. I’ll have to conduct a more thorough examination just to be sure. Anyhow, here she is back to her old trick, doing what she does best…. Absolutely nothing. Luckily she always looks hotter than a camel’s hump while she does it so who gives a crap. Enjoy. more pictures of Sophie Monk here