Well, we’ve already seen four out of the five nominees for Best Actress naked, but what about that slightly less prestigious but no less important category of Best Supporting Actress? It turns out that four of those five babes are also naked right here on Mr. Skin. Awesome Aussie Jacki Weaver, up for her role in Animal Kingdom , bared her outback bush and boobs in 1974’s Jock Petersen . The name says it all. Melissa Leo , nominated for boxing drama The Fighter, has shown off her Golden Gloves in Streetwalkin’ , Always , Silent Witness , and The Three Burials of Melquaides Estrada . Clearly, Leo’s no Virgo! Amy Adams , who is also up for her supporting role in The Fighter , is a true knockout, especially below the belt. Just check out her butt-baring performance in Ms. Pettigrew Lives for a Day and Psycho Beach Party . Ding Ding Ding! Finally, the perennial favorite Helena Bonham Carter received the nomination for The King’s Speech , where she played the devoted wife of a stuttering royal. Once you get a look at Helena’s hoots, heinie, and hairpie in The Wings of the Dove , you’ll be a little tongue-tied yourself. 2011, another great year of Oscar nods for Oscar bods.

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Breast Supporting Actress Noms Nude at MrSkin.com
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged Actress, animal-kingdom, beach, best supporting actress, celeb news, Celebrity News, dove, full-frontal, golden, Hollywood, nomination, psych, psycho-beach, supporting, three-burials