Tag Archives: time-fanning

Pippa Middleton’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Pippa Middleton disappoints me. I had such high hope for her to lose her shit after her sister became the future queen, without realizing that her sister being the future queen probably allows her to get on payroll and be part of the fun, without any of the real work…while I just thought it meant that she’d have middle-child syndrome, of feeling like nothing she does in life will be good enough, because her wife gold dug her way to the top like a fucking master…you know stuck in her one bedroom apartment, filling the void with drugs and cock, but the truth is – she probably gets to be just as fancy and live just as luxurious a life and her whoring and drugs can be done in the privacy of villas in beautiful locations….so there’s no need to go out there and humiliate the family to get a little attention of her own…except maybe in bikini pics…and the whole thing could have been way more fun, controversial and exciting…now all I see is disappointment, when the disappointment I wanted from Pippa was from the Royal Family and her parents…oh well… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Pippa Middleton’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Taylor Swift Panty Flash of the Day

Apparently, this is a Taylor Swift panty flash. I don’t know if it has to do with the brightness on the computer I am using, you know since I found it in a dumpster, but I can’t see any panties in this pic, there are probably other angles, HERE but I am too lazy to look… I am just going to assume that there is Panty, because Taylor Swift is growing up, you know coming of age story of a girl who is into experimenting with her sexuality and then singing about it, whether it is running through all kinds of random dudes who she pretends on her boyfriend for the media because it is acceptable…to spending a lot of time fanning out with a Victoria’s Secret model…to now making pop songs about shaking her ass…it’s just a matter of time before this good girl, who has given up all her privacy for a 100 or more million dollars a year, full throws in the towel and shows vagina… It’s like the only real controversial celebrity nude leak – is right here – it just hasn’t happened yet…but when it does…it’ll be bigger than Jennifer Lawrence’s big tits… In the mean time, try to find her panties, it’s a modern day Where’s Waldo… TO SEE ALL THE TAYLOR SWIFT PICS CLICK HERE

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Taylor Swift Panty Flash of the Day