Everyone is so concerned with this popstar chick Ariana Grande, and not for having a porn name, but rather for having a bad attitude towards her fans, because they don’t understand most famous people don’t actually care about their fans, they just like the attention their fans give them. It all stems from having horrible parents that throw them into this world at a young age, making them competitive and more importantly confident enough to do what they do through positive affirmation, you know to keep baby going to the auditions, and spoiling them as reward because they are the meal ticket….making for a pretty awful person – with an ego – who feels entitled to all that comes her way…. I think it’s probably a publicity stunt to make her edgy, even though she fucks black dudes, which to white people everywhere – is as edgy as a girl can get… I also think I’m more into her panty flashes on stage…because she has a hot body and her celebrity doesn’t interest me at all…her fall from celebrity when she turns to porn in a decade does…and in the meantime the panty flashes are good enough to tide me over. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Ariana Grande’s Panty Flash of the Day