Tag Archives: brightness

Ariana Grande’s Panty Flash of the Day

Everyone is so concerned with this popstar chick Ariana Grande, and not for having a porn name, but rather for having a bad attitude towards her fans, because they don’t understand most famous people don’t actually care about their fans, they just like the attention their fans give them. It all stems from having horrible parents that throw them into this world at a young age, making them competitive and more importantly confident enough to do what they do through positive affirmation, you know to keep baby going to the auditions, and spoiling them as reward because they are the meal ticket….making for a pretty awful person – with an ego – who feels entitled to all that comes her way…. I think it’s probably a publicity stunt to make her edgy, even though she fucks black dudes, which to white people everywhere – is as edgy as a girl can get… I also think I’m more into her panty flashes on stage…because she has a hot body and her celebrity doesn’t interest me at all…her fall from celebrity when she turns to porn in a decade does…and in the meantime the panty flashes are good enough to tide me over. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ariana Grande’s Panty Flash of the Day

Pippa Middleton’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Pippa Middleton disappoints me. I had such high hope for her to lose her shit after her sister became the future queen, without realizing that her sister being the future queen probably allows her to get on payroll and be part of the fun, without any of the real work…while I just thought it meant that she’d have middle-child syndrome, of feeling like nothing she does in life will be good enough, because her wife gold dug her way to the top like a fucking master…you know stuck in her one bedroom apartment, filling the void with drugs and cock, but the truth is – she probably gets to be just as fancy and live just as luxurious a life and her whoring and drugs can be done in the privacy of villas in beautiful locations….so there’s no need to go out there and humiliate the family to get a little attention of her own…except maybe in bikini pics…and the whole thing could have been way more fun, controversial and exciting…now all I see is disappointment, when the disappointment I wanted from Pippa was from the Royal Family and her parents…oh well… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Pippa Middleton’s Bikini Ass of the Day

Taylor Swift Panty Flash of the Day

Apparently, this is a Taylor Swift panty flash. I don’t know if it has to do with the brightness on the computer I am using, you know since I found it in a dumpster, but I can’t see any panties in this pic, there are probably other angles, HERE but I am too lazy to look… I am just going to assume that there is Panty, because Taylor Swift is growing up, you know coming of age story of a girl who is into experimenting with her sexuality and then singing about it, whether it is running through all kinds of random dudes who she pretends on her boyfriend for the media because it is acceptable…to spending a lot of time fanning out with a Victoria’s Secret model…to now making pop songs about shaking her ass…it’s just a matter of time before this good girl, who has given up all her privacy for a 100 or more million dollars a year, full throws in the towel and shows vagina… It’s like the only real controversial celebrity nude leak – is right here – it just hasn’t happened yet…but when it does…it’ll be bigger than Jennifer Lawrence’s big tits… In the mean time, try to find her panties, it’s a modern day Where’s Waldo… TO SEE ALL THE TAYLOR SWIFT PICS CLICK HERE

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Taylor Swift Panty Flash of the Day

Chrissy Teigen Shitty See Through of the Day

Chrissy Teigen wore a see through shirt a few days ago. She posted it to her instagram. Her fans that she doesn’t deserve, because she’s not very hot, downloaded the shit and played with the brightness and contrast so that you can see her nipple. Nipple that she’s had exposed in photoshoots before. Nipple that is hardly interesting, kind of dumpy, but like any gold digger, smart enough to land a man right before he gets actually famous, make him co-dependent, so that all his fame and fortune he attributes to you…so much so that his last song is about you…which will hold up nice in divorce court. She’s an enemy of the site, she’s gone to war with me. I don’t really care, I figure old sloppy bitches who never made it deserve someone to target their frustration on, and it might as well be me…I am selfless like that…

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Chrissy Teigen Shitty See Through of the Day

Lara Stone Fills Out Her Dress Nicely

Here’s model Lara Stone at the 22nd Annual Gotham Independent Film Awards — and apparently she’s pregnant, which explains the small stomach bump. But I’ll leave that for the mommy bloggers. Personally, I’m way more interested in the two larger bumps pushing out of her dress a few inches up. Adorable. I can’t wait to see how big they get. Related Articles: Lara Stone Will Make You Rock Hard Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

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Lara Stone Fills Out Her Dress Nicely

Lucy Pinder In Lingerie Will Help You See The Light

We’ve got even more awesome pictures of Lucy Pinder in lingerie today, but don’t try and adjust your brightness settings, because I’m pretty sure that light is just what happens any time you stare into Lucy’s cleavage. Either that, or her boobs are creating a solar eclipse. Regardless, you’re probably gonna want to be careful and not stare at these for too long, otherwise you might hurt your eyes. Along with a few other important body parts. Related Articles: Lucy Pinder’s Super Busty Lingerie Pictures Lucy Pinder’s Super Sexy Hot Shots Calendar Shoot Lucy Pinder’s Breasts Go A Long Long Way Lucy Pinder Nude In Nuts

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Lucy Pinder In Lingerie Will Help You See The Light

LG has first THX-Certified LCD HDTV

LG has announced that their LH90 model has become the first THX Display certified LCD HDTV . According to HighDefDigest “the 240hz capable LH90 features LED backlighting with local dimming for precise picture control and a 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio ensuring a ridiculously good picture.” Says Peter Reiner, LG VP of marketing: “LG’s advanced LED Backlight technology precisely controls the brightness of specific areas of the screen, providing crisper, clearer pictures while using less energy than traditional LCD models.” The HDTV also has THX Movie Mode , which allows owners auto-adjustments for black levels, colors and signal.

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LG has first THX-Certified LCD HDTV

Android ‘Donut’ upgrade looks excellent

Google has released an early alpha version of the upcoming Android update 2.0, dubbed Donut , and XDA-developers are currently working on making it available to all Android phone users.

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Android ‘Donut’ upgrade looks excellent