Tag Archives: time-the-rapper

The Game Breaks Internet with GIGANTIC Penis Pic for V-Day

This Valentine’s Day, The Game is keeping romance alive by sharing another photo of his monster schlong to Instagram. (Scroll down for full version.) It’s not the first time the rapper has made the ladies gawk and the men squirm with a pic of his massive man meat , but this time, he also sends a holiday-inspired public service announcement: Gentlemen, treat your ladies right this V-day.   While most men can’t quite gift their ladies with a 25-pound salami, The Game tells the men folk what they can do through a series of 30 hashtags, ranging from the raunchy to the romantic. Here are just a handful: #ValentinesDayWeekendSpecial #WhatIsHeDoingForYou #DoesHeTakeCareOfYourKids #SheDeservesFlowersEveryday #SoMakeHerLookLikeSheGotTheSameStylistAsAKardashian #EatHerP**syLikeSheMadeJesusTheLastSupper #RunHerBathsUntilTheWaterIsWarmAsAMiamiMorningInTheSpring #TreatThatWomanLikeBarackTreatsMichelle #YouHad364DaysToPrepareForSundayBihhhh #MakeThatWomanHappy I mean, WOW. Thanks, The Game! Definitely prefer this over being called a “bitch” by Kanye. But as far as that jaw-dropping photo of The Game’s ballistic missile, well, you can peep it here: You can thank us with Facebook likes and Twitter retweets for grabbing this pic before the Instagram cops take it down, as they have in the past with The Game’s previous manaconda shots. The thing is, he’s technically not violating the social media platform’s no-nudity policy, because said snake is fully clothed in a pair of boxer briefs. They may be skin tight, but so is everything Kylie Jenner wears. I say, if we can see Blac Chyna’s asscheeks and a quarter of  Khloe Kardashian’s nipple , audiences should be more than able to handle an outline of The Game’s ample package. Visually speaking, that is. In bed, now that’s an ENTIRELY different story.   View Slideshow: 18 Stars with Especially Big Penises

Read more from the original source:
The Game Breaks Internet with GIGANTIC Penis Pic for V-Day

DMX Arrested, Reaches Out to Dr. Drew

DMX was arrested Tuesday in Arizona, marking approximately the 126th time the rapper has been taken into custody for some legal matter of another. This time, though, he wants to turn things around, and his lawyer is reaching out to the one man that DMX believes can save him … Dr. Drew Pinsky. The details of the arrest are unclear, but attorney Gary Jenkins tells us “He has been battling addiction for some time and he’s in need of treatment.” Jenkins adds, “We’re hoping that maybe Dr. Drew might be able to help him.” Maybe now that he got that crazy stalker off his ass, he’ll have free time. Can Dr. Drew help DMX get clean? DMX mug shots over the past two years are almost too numerous to count. Jenkins added, however, “He’s a talented man … we’re praying for him.” While unconfirmed, two reports suggest that DMX violated his probation by using illegal drugs and was booked on five counts of probation violation. It’s also being reported that he let fly a few expletives during his initial court hearing last night, which wouldn’t surprise us in the least. This is DMX.

Originally posted here:
DMX Arrested, Reaches Out to Dr. Drew