Congresswoman Maxine Waters Talks About Why She’s Dedicated To Trump’s Impeachment Clap it up for Congresswoman Maxine Waters. The 78-year-old politician continues to speak out publicly against Donald Trump and a new Washington Post article hones in on her newfound status amongst millenials who are just as determined to see him impeached. The outlet details a recent open mic appearance Waters made at Busboys & Poets in D.C. where she spoke fervently against Trump: “Donald Trump is someone that found his way to the presidency of the United States of America — I still don’t know how,” she said, drawing boos at the mention of the president’s name. “But he’s someone that I’m committed to getting impeached!” “He’s a liar! He’s a cheat! He’s a con man!” she said, each declaration punctuated by cheers. “We’ve got to stop his a$$!” “I’ve been criticized because people said, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t use the impeachment word.’ But I have a deep and strong feeling about what I’m hearing and what I’m seeing and what I’m learning,” Waters said in an interview with The Washington Post. “This involvement with so many of the people in his Cabinet with the Kremlin, with Putin . . . worries me and it bothers me,” she said. It bothers us too! Unfortunately it seems we have yet to reach our breaking point, both publicly or within the branches of government. Trump’s camp a;sp continues to be unfazed by Waters determination: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House principal deputy press secretary, said of Waters: “Her calls for impeachment are baseless and ridiculous.” Be careful what you say about Rep. Waters though. We all see how Bill O’Reilly ended up riiiiight? WENN
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Go Bye Like O’Reilly: Maxine Waters Is Committed To Prez Cheeto’s Impeachment