On Tuesday night’s episode of Little People, Big World , Amy Roloff felt bullied and pressured by her ex-husband. Matt wants her to make a decision, but Amy wants to weigh all of her options with a major decision like giving up her home. But some fans and viewers have grown impatient, and they’re putting Amy on blast for not making up her mind already. “I just want to make the best decision,” Amy explains of her reluctance to commit to either staying or going. “Moving out of a house that I never really thought I’d move out of years ago …” she says. Amy confesses that “to think about that now is a little daunting.” “It is a little scary,” she notes. “It’s a little intimidating” Amy admits that she feels this way “because I’ve never been on my own before.” Matt was feeling impatient, and even accused Amy of being “selfish.” Unfortunately, some very outspoken fans felt the same way. They took to Amy’s Instagram comments to let her know how they really feel about her dragging her heels on making this major decision. “Keep your house. Not fair to have lived with your kids coming back there until they moved on and now you’re alone and don’t want it. You’re selfish” ” You seem mean and controlling even though you divorced Matt you want to try and control his destiny! .” “Watching tonight and all I can say is make up your dam mind,” one angry fan comments. The viewer writes: “even your kids say the same” “And why should Matt have to give up the side of the farm he’s been on for 3 years?” the comment asks. “He didn’t want the DW but had no choice and after 3 years you wAnt it ?” the fan expresses. The comment concludes: “I’d tell you to go pound sand.” “I think you need to move to someplace else,” suggests another comment. “Or,” the fan speculates. “You have FOMO syndrome.” Amy is very clearly experiencing a degree of fear of missing out . “You ask for the divorce and you start dating,” the follower writes. “You have to move on with you life.” The viewer reassures Amy that “you kids always going to be there no matter where you move.” “And,” the fan admonishes. “Stop playing the victim card.” “I watch the show faithfully and I’m a huge fan,” another comment begins. “But I must say that it’s 5 episodes that Matts been waiting for a response on the farm,” the fan notes. “Just settle it and be done,” the commenter demands. “The poor guys been waiting for over a month on your response,” the follower expresses. “And,” the fan accuses. “I think it’s pretty selfish of you to throw Matt out of his current house so you can move in.” Matt is not as mobile as Amy. That’s a fair point. We have to say that we understand where (most) of the comments are coming from. It can be difficult to watch someone be indecisive, especially when it’s drawn out for so long on television. A lot of fans have already decided that they know what is best for both Roloff grandparents. Others have simply chosen sides. But Amy’s point — that this has been her home for a long time, and that she has never been on her own before — makes a lot of sense. Moving is a huge decision for most people. It’s very fair that she doesn’t like feeling rushed. Eventually, though, she will have to decide. View Slideshow: Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler Share Special Photo, Spark Engagement Chatter
Amy Roloff TRASHED by Fans: Just Give Matt an Answer Already!!