Tag Archives: timeline

Amy Roloff TRASHED by Fans: Just Give Matt an Answer Already!!

On Tuesday night’s episode of Little People, Big World , Amy Roloff felt bullied and pressured by her ex-husband. Matt wants her to make a decision, but Amy wants to weigh all of her options with a major decision like giving up her home. But some fans and viewers have grown impatient, and they’re putting Amy on blast for not making up her mind already. “I just want to make the best decision,” Amy explains of her reluctance to commit to either staying or going. “Moving out of a house that I never really thought I’d move out of years ago …” she says. Amy confesses that “to think about that now is a little daunting.” “It is a little scary,” she notes. “It’s a little intimidating” Amy admits that she feels this way “because I’ve never been on my own before.” Matt was feeling impatient, and even accused Amy of being “selfish.” Unfortunately, some very outspoken fans felt the same way. They took to Amy’s Instagram comments to let her know how they really feel about her dragging her heels on making this major decision. “Keep your house. Not fair to have lived with your kids coming back there until they moved on and now you’re alone and don’t want it. You’re selfish” ” You seem mean and controlling even though you divorced Matt you want to try and control his destiny! .” “Watching tonight and all I can say is make up your dam mind,” one angry fan comments. The viewer writes: “even your kids say the same” “And why should Matt have to give up the side of the farm he’s been on for 3 years?” the comment asks. “He didn’t want the DW but had no choice and after 3 years you wAnt it ?” the fan expresses. The comment concludes: “I’d tell you to go pound sand.” “I think you need to move to someplace else,” suggests another comment. “Or,” the fan speculates. “You have FOMO syndrome.” Amy is very clearly experiencing a degree of fear of missing out . “You ask for the divorce and you start dating,” the follower writes. “You have to move on with you life.” The viewer reassures Amy that “you kids always going to be there no matter where you move.” “And,” the fan admonishes. “Stop playing the victim card.” “I watch the show faithfully and I’m a huge fan,” another comment begins. “But I must say that it’s 5 episodes that Matts been waiting for a response on the farm,” the fan notes. “Just settle it and be done,” the commenter demands. “The poor guys been waiting for over a month on your response,” the follower expresses. “And,” the fan accuses. “I think it’s pretty selfish of you to throw Matt out of his current house so you can move in.” Matt is not as mobile as Amy. That’s a fair point. We have to say that we understand where (most) of the comments are coming from. It can be difficult to watch someone be indecisive, especially when it’s drawn out for so long on television. A lot of fans have already decided that they know what is best for both Roloff grandparents. Others have simply chosen sides. But Amy’s point — that this has been her home for a long time, and that she has never been on her own before — makes a lot of sense. Moving is a huge decision for most people. It’s very fair that she doesn’t like feeling rushed. Eventually, though, she will have to decide. View Slideshow: Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler Share Special Photo, Spark Engagement Chatter

Amy Roloff TRASHED by Fans: Just Give Matt an Answer Already!!

Lamar Odom: I Railed 2,000 Women While Addicted to Sex!

Lamar Odom played in 961 games throughout his NBA career, averaging 13.3 points per game and 8.4 rebounds per contest. He even chipped in 3.7 assists on the reg. These are all above average numbers, representative of a perfectly solid 14-year run for four teams. In his new memoir, however, the ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian admits to a far more eye-popping figure, writing in “Darkness to Light” that he has “been obsessed with sex for as long as I can remember.” Odom then reveals that he must have slept with over 2,000 women in his life. “I am a sex addict,” he writes, elaborating on his number of bedroom conquests as follows: “There were too many strippers to count. It wasn’t a big deal, but often I would pay them. I never thought less of them.” Combined with his addiction to drugs and alcohol, Lamar’s need to fornicate eventually doomed his marriage to Kardashian after four years. “I could not handle the lethal cocktail of the spotlight, addiction, a diminishing career and infidelity,” Odom writes in this book, completing this confession with the ultimate quote: “I couldn’t keep my d-ck in my pants or the coke out of my nose.” Khloe stuck by Odom as long as she could. Even after they split in 2013, she talked about Lamar as the love of her life — and she rushed to his hospital bedside after a near-fatal overdose at a Nevada brothel in 2015. Doctors put Odom’s odds of survival at around 50 percent after this incident. Thankfully, Lamar survived. But his relationship with Khloe was killed by his wandering penis and inability to remain loyal. The ex-baller says he cheated on his then-wife and failed to keep the affairs secret. “I was shocked and embarrassed,” Lamar tells People Magazine of his behavior with other women, adding: “I wanted to take it back, but you can’t. [I] wanted to hide it. But that sick sin was hard for me to hide … I had a problem.” Khloe has not yet commented on anything Odom wrote in his book, which will be released on May 28, or on anything he’s said in a recent interview. “Sex was a trigger for me to do drugs,” he adds to People. “Because you double up on [that] good feeling.” View Slideshow: Khloe Kardashian: Who Should She Date Next? How and why did he finally turn his life around? It’s a constant struggle, Odom explains, but nearly dying in a brothel will help one see the light. “That was the wake-up call,” he says. “Like, this can’t happen again.” Odom would love to get back in touch with Khloe and her family and establish some kind of positive relationship… but he’s mostly just focused on his own recovery right now. “I’m still an addict,” he writes in his book. “I still struggle … [But] I will not go into the darkness. Ever again.” View Slideshow: Lamar Odom: A Timeline of Tragedy, Love, Loss … and Redemption?!

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Lamar Odom: I Railed 2,000 Women While Addicted to Sex!

Anti-Black & Boujee: That Texas High School ‘Bonnet Ban’ FOR PARENTS Has Sparked A Twitter Civil War & A LOT Of People Are Getting Dragged

James Madison High School will turn away parents if they show up at the school wearing bonnets, pajamas, hair rollers or leggings. https://t.co/oUM9MxAd9f — Houston Chronicle (@HoustonChron) April 23, 2019 The biggest argument on Twitter right now revolves around a relatively obscure high school in Texas. In case you missed it, James Madison High School in Houston has flipped the timeline on its head by instituting a dress code for PARENTS that includes no bonnets, leggings, sagging pants, shower caps, pajamas or hair rollers. There are two schools of thought about what exactly this means. Some think this is necessary for parents to present themselves well for their children. Others think this is anti-black and targeting black parents and delving into respectability. This has sparked a civil war on Twitter and things are going left. Take a look… If my mom ever showed up to my school in a bonnet I’d call acs on her — Hustle & Motivate… (@DapaDon) April 24, 2019

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Anti-Black & Boujee: That Texas High School ‘Bonnet Ban’ FOR PARENTS Has Sparked A Twitter Civil War & A LOT Of People Are Getting Dragged

Internet Haters Leaked ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Footage On Social Media, Russo Brothers React

Source: Marvel / Disney Marvel fans beware! Internet trolls have taken to social media and have begun leaking actual spoiler footage from the most highly anticipated threequel in the history of comic book cinema, Avengers: Endgame . Is it people down with DC? Maybe the Russians? Knowing Donald Trump’s childlike way of life it could be coming from The White House itself! Either way many fans have accidentally watched these scenes and immediately taken to social media to shed internet tears. I just saw leaked footage avengers endgame and honestly I’m ruined. Man. That sucked. — Quinta. (@quintabrunson) April 16, 2019 Apparently Avengers: Endgame spoilers hit the web. Mute all hashtags. Read your timeline with one eye closed. Do not tweet before you've seen the movie. Delete the Twitter app. Shut down DNS. Cut the submarine internet cables. Burn the internet down. — Rami Ismail (@tha_rami) April 16, 2019 Obviously we’re not going to be posting any of the spoilers (a pox upon the house of those who do), but from what’s being reported all the leaks add up to about 5 minutes worth of scenes which spoil the plot which everyone involved with the film had been trying to guard like an infinity gem in Vormir. Word about the leaked scenes got back to Endgame directors, the Russo brothers, who took to Twitter to plead with fans to refrain from spreading the spoilers while reminding everyone that “Thanos still demands your silence.” #DontSpoilTheEndgame pic.twitter.com/YZhbrwcijJ — Russo Brothers (@Russo_Brothers) April 16, 2019 If anyone doesn’t want to run the risk of accidentally peeping a spoiler they might want to log off of social media until they watch the movie for themselves. You can try just ignoring the potential spoilers but the temptation might prove too much to bare if you don’t have that inner Hulk strength to resist doing it to yourself. Now the only question is, are these same trolls going to be leaking the full unredacted version of that Mueller report.

Internet Haters Leaked ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Footage On Social Media, Russo Brothers React

Tamera Mowry Reveals "Encounter" with Jay-Z, Gets Swarmed by Beyhive

From '90s TV star to cohost on The Real , Tamera Mowry has experienced a lot in her life. But when she recently shared an anecdote about encountering Jay-Z and being overwhelmed by his “charm,” the Beyhive pounced. Is Tamera Becky With The Good Hair? We have included the video of Tamera's confession. Before we get into what was said, we just want to point out that it is vital that you watch Loni Love's face as Tamera tells her story. “I've actually met JAY-Z in person,” Tamera reveals to her co-stars on The Real . “And,” Temera notes. “He wasn't with Beyonce at the time, and I wasn't dating anybody and when I met him.” We'll get into that and whether or not it was true in a moment. “You do get like hit with the charm,” Tamera reveals of her experience with Jay-Z. There's more to star power and rumors of a massive penis to the rapper. He has a lot of charisma. Tamera reveals that she was so overwhelmed by the encounter that she said the strangest thing. “I found myself strangely asking for gum,” she admits. “It's so weird! I swear.” None of us know what we would say if we became starstruck. So how and where did this happen? “My sister and I were at a premiere of Nutty Professor and he walked by,” Tamera shares. She continues: “And I was like 'Oh my God that’s JAY-Z!'” “I was like, 'Can I have some gum?'” she confesses. “And,” she adds. “He gave me some gum.” Loni Love wasn't the only one who appeared concerned while Tamera was telling this story. In Lemonade and 4:44 , Beyonce and Jay-Z laid bare their relationship problems, which were largely rooted in Jay-Z's cheating. “I was 23!” Tamera quickly clarifies. “I hadn't even met [my husband] Adam [Housley],” she notes. Tamera emphasizes: “Adam wasn't even in the picture.” So Tamera wants to make it extremely clear that she was not cheating and neither was Jay-Z. That did not stop the Beyhive from swarming all over this video. Any woman mentioning Jay-Z risks being labeled Becky With The Good Hair. To be clear, though, the only thing that Tamera received from the rapper was his gum. G-U-M. With a G. We mentioned that we would go over this timeline a bit. Tamera turns 41 this summer, so 18 years ago, when she was 23, would have been 2001. We assume that she is referring to the premiere of  Nutty Professor II: The Klumps , which came out in 2000. (Yes, we looked that up so that you won't have to and only our Google search history will judge us for it; you're welcome) So she would have just turned 22 when the film premiered. So … Beyonce may have not been physically by Jay-Z's side. But though the timeline of when they first met (he insists that it was when she was 18) is a little murky, both say that they met in the late 1990s. That would have to have been before this premiere event. Which would be a big deal … if anything aside from an exchange of chewing gum had taken place. The beyhive can save their stingers for a more deserving victim, okay?

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Tamera Mowry Reveals "Encounter" with Jay-Z, Gets Swarmed by Beyhive

Vince Staples Celebrates Finally Being Off Probation, Thanks Meek Mill and Mom

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Source: PYMCA / Getty Vince Staples is finally off probation. The rapper took to social media to make the announcement, although we still don’t know exactly what he did. It’s all good as long as he keeps tweeting and spittin’ bars. “We finally off probation and on the way to getting the whole shabang expunged let the record reflect I’m finna be jetsetting R.I.P. Anthony Courdain !,” tweeted Staples. We finally off probation and on the way to getting the whole shabang expunged let the record reflect I’m finna be jetsetting R.I.P. Anthony Courdain ! — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Yes, he does mean Anthony Bourdain, but if we have to explain why he spelled it with a C, it’s not meant for you to understand anyway. Anyway, Staples had some folk to thank, including his mom, after reaching this milestone. I ain’t been this excited since my dad put rims on the Maxima right after we beat the Mission Viejo Cowboys. Stay out the system Black people! Thank you’s to Meek Mill my Mama and the Crips for the motivation to escape. — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Shoutout Aja Mann for squabbling up this charge for the last few years you my Johnny Cochran I love you shoutout to the Compton Sherrif who made me & the homie play Rock Paper Scissors to see who was gon take the case I love you 2 even though you illegally searched and seized. — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Meek Mill, who is unfortunately still stuck on probation, chimed in. I hope I’m next https://t.co/nGPh6PNTL5 — Meek Mill (@MeekMill) March 12, 2019 — Photo: Getty

Vince Staples Celebrates Finally Being Off Probation, Thanks Meek Mill and Mom

Vince Staples Celebrates Finally Being Off Probation, Thanks Meek Mill and Mom

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Source: PYMCA / Getty Vince Staples is finally off probation. The rapper took to social media to make the announcement, although we still don’t know exactly what he did. It’s all good as long as he keeps tweeting and spittin’ bars. “We finally off probation and on the way to getting the whole shabang expunged let the record reflect I’m finna be jetsetting R.I.P. Anthony Courdain !,” tweeted Staples. We finally off probation and on the way to getting the whole shabang expunged let the record reflect I’m finna be jetsetting R.I.P. Anthony Courdain ! — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Yes, he does mean Anthony Bourdain, but if we have to explain why he spelled it with a C, it’s not meant for you to understand anyway. Anyway, Staples had some folk to thank, including his mom, after reaching this milestone. I ain’t been this excited since my dad put rims on the Maxima right after we beat the Mission Viejo Cowboys. Stay out the system Black people! Thank you’s to Meek Mill my Mama and the Crips for the motivation to escape. — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Shoutout Aja Mann for squabbling up this charge for the last few years you my Johnny Cochran I love you shoutout to the Compton Sherrif who made me & the homie play Rock Paper Scissors to see who was gon take the case I love you 2 even though you illegally searched and seized. — Vince Staples (@vincestaples) March 11, 2019 Meek Mill, who is unfortunately still stuck on probation, chimed in. I hope I’m next https://t.co/nGPh6PNTL5 — Meek Mill (@MeekMill) March 12, 2019 — Photo: Getty

Vince Staples Celebrates Finally Being Off Probation, Thanks Meek Mill and Mom

Amid The College Admission Scandal, Let’s Reflect On The Black Teen Accused Of Cheating On Her SATs

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T he news that an FBI investigation revealed dozens of wealthy white people paid big money to rig admissions procedures for their privileged kids to be accepted into top colleges rocked the entire country. One of the many stunts pulled by the accused, including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin , was having their kids’ SAT answers changed. The aspect of the college admissions cheating scandal was quite ironic considering earlier this year a Black high school student was interrogated and shamed for improving her SAT score. See Also: Complete Timeline Of Jussie Smollett Investigation Let us remind you. Florida teen Kamilah Campbell was told her test scores were invalid after she improved her original score of 900. Campbell, alongside her lawyer, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump , said she felt she was being accused of cheating by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which oversees the SAT. “I did not cheat,” Campbell said defiantly during a press conference in Miami in January. “I studied, and I focused to achieve my dream. I worked so hard and did everything I could do.” Crump said in a statement, “ETS violated Kamilah’s constitutional right to be considered innocent until proven guilty and denied Kamilah due process.” “The family is demanding ETS release her test scores within the next two weeks so that colleges and scholarship committees can appropriately evaluate her applications,” the statement continued. “If not, Crump said the family will move forward with exploring every legal remedy available to give Kamilah the justice she deserves, including but not limited to pursuing litigation on the basis of a violation of her civil rights.” Campbell said an ETS employee told her that she scored 1230 on her second SAT testing, an improvement of better than 300 points. She got a tutor, “took online classes and she got a copy of a The Princeton Review prep book,” according to a CNN report . While neither Campbell nor Crump made any reference to race, it was impossible to ignore her being a Black woman, especially now with the current college admissions scandal. There is a long-lingering SAT achievement gap between Blacks and other races. “These gaps have a significant impact on life chances, and therefore on the transmission of inequality across generations,” according to research conducted by the Brookings Institution , a nonprofit public policy organization. Campbell was forced to retake the test and, of course, the College Board in Florida will not release her test scores. It is despicable that rich white people would use their privilege because they didn’t want their kids to work too hard. Then again, that has always been the American way. SEE ALSO: Kamala Harris Leads Senate To Finally Passing Anti-Lynching Bill WTH? ‘Black Panther’ Writer Roxane Gay Was Not Invited To The Movie Premiere Can Racial Profiling Be Stopped? A Federal Jury Sides With The Louisiana State Police [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3844029″ overlay=”true”]

Amid The College Admission Scandal, Let’s Reflect On The Black Teen Accused Of Cheating On Her SATs

Amid The College Admission Scandal, Let’s Reflect On The Black Teen Accused Of Cheating On Her SATs

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T he news that an FBI investigation revealed dozens of wealthy white people paid big money to rig admissions procedures for their privileged kids to be accepted into top colleges rocked the entire country. One of the many stunts pulled by the accused, including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin , was having their kids’ SAT answers changed. The aspect of the college admissions cheating scandal was quite ironic considering earlier this year a Black high school student was interrogated and shamed for improving her SAT score. See Also: Complete Timeline Of Jussie Smollett Investigation Let us remind you. Florida teen Kamilah Campbell was told her test scores were invalid after she improved her original score of 900. Campbell, alongside her lawyer, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump , said she felt she was being accused of cheating by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which oversees the SAT. “I did not cheat,” Campbell said defiantly during a press conference in Miami in January. “I studied, and I focused to achieve my dream. I worked so hard and did everything I could do.” Crump said in a statement, “ETS violated Kamilah’s constitutional right to be considered innocent until proven guilty and denied Kamilah due process.” “The family is demanding ETS release her test scores within the next two weeks so that colleges and scholarship committees can appropriately evaluate her applications,” the statement continued. “If not, Crump said the family will move forward with exploring every legal remedy available to give Kamilah the justice she deserves, including but not limited to pursuing litigation on the basis of a violation of her civil rights.” Campbell said an ETS employee told her that she scored 1230 on her second SAT testing, an improvement of better than 300 points. She got a tutor, “took online classes and she got a copy of a The Princeton Review prep book,” according to a CNN report . While neither Campbell nor Crump made any reference to race, it was impossible to ignore her being a Black woman, especially now with the current college admissions scandal. There is a long-lingering SAT achievement gap between Blacks and other races. “These gaps have a significant impact on life chances, and therefore on the transmission of inequality across generations,” according to research conducted by the Brookings Institution , a nonprofit public policy organization. Campbell was forced to retake the test and, of course, the College Board in Florida will not release her test scores. It is despicable that rich white people would use their privilege because they didn’t want their kids to work too hard. Then again, that has always been the American way. SEE ALSO: Kamala Harris Leads Senate To Finally Passing Anti-Lynching Bill WTH? ‘Black Panther’ Writer Roxane Gay Was Not Invited To The Movie Premiere Can Racial Profiling Be Stopped? A Federal Jury Sides With The Louisiana State Police [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3844029″ overlay=”true”]

Amid The College Admission Scandal, Let’s Reflect On The Black Teen Accused Of Cheating On Her SATs

Lawyer For Nigerian-American Brothers Won’t Explain Why They Participated In Jussie Smollett Attack

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T he twists and turns continue in the Jussie Smollett case. At this point, no one knows who is telling the truth: the Chicago Police Department or the “Empire” actor. Now, the lawyer for Smollett’s alleged accomplices, Nigerian-American brothers  Ola and Abel Osundairo , appeared to only make things worse in an awkward interview on “Good Morning America” on Monday. See Also: Complete Timeline Of Jussie Smollett Investigation Gloria Schmidt  told George Stephanopoulos that the $3,500 the Chicago Police Department claimed the brothers were paid for staging the attack was actually for fitness training. “They were paid for the training … but they were also asked to do this favor for him,” she said. When pressed about whether there was any evidence to back up their claims, she said they were asked to “do this favor.” When pushed on what incentive brothers had to stage the attacked, Schmidt said, “If you’re friends, and I’m saying ‘Hey, I’m going to pay you for training, I’m also asking you to do me a favor’ … and the favor was to stage the attack.” Schmidt claimed the brothers also feel “taken advantage of,”  but she wouldn’t directly answer if she thought the attack was a hoax. “I’m confident that they did not do a hate crime,” Schmidt said. Watch below: Attorney for brothers in Smollett case speaks out https://t.co/H1qDtJOQJ8 — Gloria V. Schmidt, Esq (@GloriaSchmidtR1) March 11, 2019 Smollett on Friday was indicted by a grand jury on 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. “What is happening here is frankly a media gangbang of this guy of unprecedented proportions,” the actor’s lawyer, Mark Geragos told CNN on Friday. “And that’s the reason I got into this. I’ve never seen a media pendulum swing more quickly and viciously and rob somebody of their presumption of innocence like this case. It’s startling the way people assume that he’s guilty.” He continued, calling out the Chicago Police Department. “He hasn’t been given one stitch of discovery. There isn’t one police report,” Geragos said. “Your package just said he paid $3,500. I’ve got the texts. Those texts––and they conceded that the check and the texts were for training. It wasn’t to pay anything. So I don’t understand how it comes from.” Geragos also challenged the idea that Smollett staged an attack because he wanted a higher salary on the prime time soap opera. “They have not talked to one person at Fox who has said he was dissatisfied with his money,” he said. “They have not interviewed one person connected with the show ‘Empire; who says he was dissatisfied with his money. They are the ones that started their internal investigation about the leaks because all of the information that was being leaked was false .” He also accused Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson of tainting the jury pool. Watch Geragos below: On Jan. 29, while walking to a subway, Smollett claimed two men yelled racial and homophobic slurs at him, investigators told  The Hollywood Reporter . They allegedly punched and poured bleach on him while one of the suspects put a rope around his neck. As they fled the scene, Smollett told police they said, “This is MAGA country.” The Chicago Police Department claimed the Osundairo brothers told them the attack was orchestrated by Smollett and that they were paid $3,500. However, TMZ reported the FBI said the Chicago Police were “overstating” and “went too far” when they said Jussie sent a hateful Jan. 22 letter to himself. “Jussie Smollett You will die black fag” Okay, I'm ready to fight. pic.twitter.com/h42Px47lvW — ℝ