Amber Portwood and Matt Baier seem to be in a very confused state these days. It’s tough to figure out exactly what’s going on between them, because as far as we can tell, Matt and Amber don’t even know if they’re together or not. The latest of many rough patches began when Baier failed a lie detector , leading Amber to believe he’d been cheating on her. Shortly thereafter, Amber gave a number of statements that made it sound as though she was considering kicking Matt to the curb, but hadn’t quite committed yet. “I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now,” she explained in an interview. “It’s a weird situation.” The cheating revelation comes on the heels of a streak of unconscionably douchey behavior, even by Matt Baier standards. Baier recently declared that he would “never” marry Portwood following a conflict with her brother, and it generally seemed as though he had little interest in saving his troubled relationship. After her wishy-washy “we’re not together, but we’re not not together” remarks Amber finally got assertive this week and revealed that she and Baier had called off their wedding . Teen Mom fans were pretty much universally thrilled, as Matt has proven himself to be the worst on countless occasions. Even before the cheating allegations, we knew that Baier was a deadbeat dad with a wandering eye who has no qualms about berating the fiancee who finances his indolent lifestyle. Unfortunately, it looks like Amber may be having some trouble sticking to her guns. According to Radar Online, Portwood and Baier are still living together , and she’s currently going back and forth on the decision of whether or not to kick him out. “Amber has not made any final decisions just yet,” a source close to the couple tells Radar. “The relationship is still chugging along for now.” Right now, it’s not looking good for fans who are hoping that Amber will put some major distance between herself and Baier. Earlier this week, Portwood issued a statement on social media in which she wrote, “As of right now, we are not broken up.” Still it seems her friends have remained optimistic, as Amber continues to offer the occasional glimmer of hope: “She is saying it’s over,” says one source. “But they could get back together. They’ve gone through lots of ups and downs.” That’s putting it mildly. Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how many “ups and downs” Matt and Amber have endured.
See the article here:
Amber Portwood & Matt Baier: The Wedding Is Off, But We’re Still Together!