Tag Archives: trivia

Inessential Essentials: Revisiting Live Action Hero Dolph Lundgren in Red Scorpion

The film: Red Scorpion (1988) Why It’s an Inessential Essential: Co-scripted and produced by Jack Abramoff, Red Scorpion is a starring vehicle for Sweden’s own living action hero, Dolph Lundgren. Being the modest gentle giant that he is, Lundgren has nothing but good things to say about the film during the interview segment he shot for Synapse Films new release of the movie. But that says more about Lundgren’s personality than it does the crackerjack B-movie. As self-styled Lundgren expert Jeremie Damoiseau remarks in his annotated(!) liner notes, Red Scorpion nearly ruined Lundgren’s career (more on this shortly).  Lundgren plays Lieutenant Nikolai Rachenko, a Russian “killing machine” that is tasked with murdering the leader of a group of rebel insurgents leading a coup in Africa. The Russians want the rebels stopped so they hire Rachenko to cozy up to the rebel leader’s advisor, now imprisoned by the Russians. In spite of repeated warnings from a smug, four-letter-word prone American journalist (M. Emmett Walsh, scowling up a storm), the rebel leader’s advisor grows to trust Rachenko, who in turn starts to see the murder and destruction caused by his comrades. Rachenko inevitably changes sides and becomes a hero, but only after being tortured by needles, attacked by scorpions, shot at, assaulted by a tank, thrown onto a moving motorcycle and berated repeatedly by the inimitable Walsh. How the DVD/Blu Ray Makes the Case for the Film:  In his liner note, Damoiseu gives a stirring and comprehensive history of Red Scorpion that reveals how the film’s freaky production history helped to make it a memorable role for the charismatic–look at him pout!–athletic–thighs as big as a Rob Liefeld comic book character!–and smart–has a master’s degree in chemical engineering!–Swede. According to Damoiseau, Red Scorpion was a vanity project for Abramoff, who Lundgren describes during his supplementary interview as “patriotic,” and, “fiercely anti-Soviet.” Case in point: the film’s budget more than doubled from its original $8 million. Furthermore, production on the film continued even after the New York Times reprinted a story that revealed Abramoff and director Joseph Zito were disrespecting the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 by shooting in South Africa. That article stirred up considerable controversy, like when, to quote Damoiseau, “Sweden’s own Isolate Africa Committee called for a boycott of all films starring Dolph Lundgren.” The controversy surrounding Red Scorpion, which got a meagre first-run domestic release in America of 1,200 screens and grossed $4 million in its first two weeks, also made it difficult for the Lundgren-starrer The Punisher to be released in American theaters one year later in 1989. But at the same time, what makes Red Scorpion so fun is the fact that everyone was clearly throwing caution to the wind when they made it. The film could have been shot anywhere but instead it was shot in the desert, causing the film’s shooting schedule to distend from its original 2 1/2 months to 4 1/2 months. The film’s crew similarly used real guns and real dynamite for stunt-work. And while Tom Savini’s make-up effects certainly wasn’t real, Lundgren did many of his own stunts. Several live black scorpions were let loose on his back in one scene (their stingers had rubber tips put on them) while a P.O.ed hyena took a bite out of Lundgren after the filmmakers shot a deleted scene that’s not featured in Synapse’s release but is alluded to in Damoiseau’s essay. Other Trivia: Lundgren is such a generous and kind raconteur that it’s pretty funny listening to him reflexively trying to defend some things that any other star else would either conveniently gloss over or dismiss. He praises Sylvester Stallone’s detail-oriented direction of Rocky IV but also commends Red Scorpion director Zito for his zeal: “Zito was very postitive and had full momentum all the time rather than focussing on the individual scenes.” Furthermore, Lundgren’s not even sure why he did some of the stunts that he did for Red Scorpion , saying about a stunt where he jumps onto a speeding motorbike: “I don’t know if I was just stupid or if Zito wanted it.” He added, “Crazy! I would never do that today.”

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Inessential Essentials: Revisiting Live Action Hero Dolph Lundgren in Red Scorpion

Inessential Essentials: Danny Boyle’s Shallow Grave Gets the Criterion Treatment

The film: Shallow Grave (1994) Why It’s an Inessential Essential: Today, Danny Boyle is commonly known as “the director of Slumdog Millionaire .” (Or: Olympian designer !) After that, he’s usually “the director of Trainspotting ,” or 127 Hours or even Millions . So it’s nice to see that the Criterion Collection’s first DVD/Blu-Ray release of a Boyle film is Shallow Grave , an early film by Boyle but an especially worthy one. Scripted by regular collaborator John Hodge ( Trainspotting , A Life Less Ordinary ), Shallow Grave is a nasty little neo-noir about three apathetic yuppies that cover up a crime involving a dead body and a bag full of cash. Juliet (Kerry Fox), Alex ( Ewan McGregor in his second film role), and David ( Doctor Who ‘s Christopher Eccleston) are a trio of casually petty young things that are equally bored, cruel and self-absorbed. They tentatively sublet the fourth bedroom in their Edinburgh flat to a stranger, who promptly dies and leaves a suitcase full of money beside his corpse. A decision is hastily made: they’ll keep the money and dispose of the body. The consequences of that decision naturally haunt and subsequently push the film’s group of sociopathic friends over the edge. How the DVD/Blu Ray Makes the Case for the Film: During his audio commentary soundtrack, Boyle behaves exactly how you’d think he would based on his films. He’s a reactive filmmaker, one that prioritizes sensationalism over moralism. That totally suits a film like Shallow Grave , a movie that Boyle, according to film critic Philip Kemp’s liner notes, originally conceived of as being similar to Blood Simple . During the director’s commentary (there’s also a separate commentary track that features Hodge in conversation with producer Andrew Macdonald), Boyle professes to have great reverence for British social realists like Ken Loach and Mike Leigh. But he also talks about how the film’s bright, lurid color palette, which he characterizes as “swathes of color,” were his way of getting away from “British realism,” which he said had “become very standard” at the time. Shallow Grave is about the perils of being young, British, materialistic and without a moral compass. But like Trainspotting , Boyle’s follow-up feature and breakthrough film, Shallow Grave , is a young filmmaker’s way of trying to, “just smash it up a bit, if we could.” Left to his own devices, Boyle tellingly only mentions the film’s political subtext infrequently and mostly in passing. He’s much more interested in talking about trick shots, effect-driven photography and the sense of visual “perspective” he achieved by making his antiheroes’ apartment, the film’s central location, built with an elevated foundation. Boyle did this for the same reason he had his cast lug around a crash test dummy when they simulated carrying a body down a flight of stairs. Boyle knew even then that to properly push buttons, he had to achieve a hyper-real effect. And he did: Boyle jokes that the dummy made his three lead actors mad at him, but that that an air of tension on-set is, “always a good thing.” Other trivia: Boyle is a great talker and goes on a number of funny tangents during his audio commentary, like when he warns anyone unfamiliar with The Wicker Man , which is playing in the background in one scene in Shallow Grave , not to watch the remake. His anecdote about gauging the success of Shallow Grave on the attendance of a single matinee screening in Hamilton, Scotland is especially funny. Boyle says that his contacts at Polygram Filmed Entertainment, the film’s distribution company, informed him that four people showed up to Hamilton’s first screening, but that that was a very good sign. “If there’s one person there,” Boyle recalled, “it’s going to be ok. If there’s nobody there, they don’t know. It’s bizarre, it’s all statistics, of course.” Previously: Inessential Essentials: Revisiting Joe Eszterhas’s Telling Lies in America Simon Abrams is a NY-based freelance film critic whose work has been featured in outlets like The Village Voice , Time Out New York , Vulture and Esquire . Additionally, some people like his writing, which he collects at Extended Cut .

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Inessential Essentials: Danny Boyle’s Shallow Grave Gets the Criterion Treatment

Bucky Larson and Beyond: Julie’s 10 Favorite Stories of 2011

The year is drawing to a close, which means that it is time to start thinking about all the things you did not accomplish in 2011. (That Ghostbusters 3 script ? Still unread. That copycat Wedding Crashers crime you committed in college? Still unresolved in court.) But before you do that, let’s take a look back at some of my favorite Movieline stories that punctuated this remarkably unproductive calendar year. Sylvester Stallone Shirtless: Over the Years In anticipation of Stallone’s latest topless role in the upcoming Bullet to the Head , Movieline looks back on the action hero’s 30-year shirtless evolution. Kate Hudson Rom-Com Comparability By now, you’ve rightly forgotten about Something Borrowed , the movie adapted from the book that your mom and sister read last year at the beach. That’s fine! To refresh your memory about what happened in that chickfest, you only need to look as far as EVERY OTHER KATE HUDSON ROM-COM to see what it is about. Bridesmaids 101 Cast members Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy and Wendi McLendon-Covey along with director Paul Feig and producer Judd Apatow met in Hollywood earlier this year to reveal what went into making one of the best comedies of the year. Porn Stars on Porn Stars Leave it to a real porn actress to find redeeming value in the critically-detested Adam Sandler joint, Bucky Larson: Born To Be a Star . The lovely and insightful adult-film superstar Joanna Angel met me at a matinee screening of the feature and then explained why Bucky was better than Boogie Nights . The Monkey Speaks In the run-up to The Hangover Part II , Movieline tracked down Crystal, the scene-stealing Capuchin monkey star for an exclusive 1:1 about breaking big in comedy, working with Zach Galifianakis and that ugly cigarette rumor. Craigslist Killer College Movieline is really a highbrow film site but once — a long, long time ago (this year) — my editors let me write about the lessons carefully embedded in Lifetime’s incomparable Craigslist Killer movie. Relive the thrills (and poorly-scripted chills) here. Sexiest H.S. Outcasts From the Breakfast Club to this year’s I Am Number Four , Hollywood movies have an annoying habit of casting outrageously symmetrical model-types as their loners and misfits. Here, Movieline points out nine of these paradoxical dorks in prom king and queen bodies. Celebrating 7-Eleven Chain convenience stores have provided many a setting in our favorite films. Here, Movieline looks back on some of their most notable work. Free Inspiration From a Pixar Artist Pixar animator Austin Madison ( Up , Ratatouille ) took a moment to pen an inspirational letter to fellow animators. It is touching, hopeful and encouraging for anyone in a creative field Scenes From Scarface In anticipation of the home release of Brian De Palma’s gangster flick, the Scarface cast — including Al Pacino — met for an informative Q&A about the making of their film, the surprising casting process and to share other trivia-ready revelations.

New Zealand Declared As The Origin Of Pavlova

New Zealand Declared As The Origin Of Pavlova – The nationality of its creator of Pavlov has been a source of argument between two nations, Australia and New Zealand, for many years. The dessert is a popular dish and an important part of the national cuisine of both countries, and is frequently served during celebratory New Zealand Declared As The Origin Of Pavlova is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Yoo In Na profile

Profile for Yoo In Na * Name: 유인나 / Yoo In Na * Profession: Actress * Birthdate: 1982-Jun-5 * Height: 165cm * Weight: 44kg * Talent agency: YG Entertainment TV Shows * Birdie Buddy (KBS2, 2010) * High Kick Through The Roof (MBC, 2009) Trivia * Education: Department Secretary – KYUNGWON COLLEGE

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Yoo In Na profile

American Idol Auditions Hot Sexy Bikini Girl Katrina Darrell – Hollywood Happens eps.#204

American Idol auditions hot half naked sexy bikini girl Katrina Darrell, Casey Carlson, Scott MacIntyre and Michael Castro and they are discussed in this episode of Hollywood Happens #204. Also featured in this special American Idol Season 8 episode are Barack Obama, Laura Bush, The Band U2 and their new song “Get Your Boots On”, Tom Cruise, Kelly Osbourne, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson. Birthday wishes go out to Jean Stapleton, Katey Sagal, Dolly Parton, Shawn Wayans & Tippi Hedren. The Weekend Box Office Results with Paul Blart – Mall Cop, Gran Torino, My Bloody Valentine 3-D, Notorious and Hotel For Dogs. Plus a Special Shout-out to www.Youtube.com & www.Youtube.com our trivia winners from the last episode. Please check out their channels! If you enjoy real estate news, please be sure to subscribe to my other channel www.youtube.com Thanks for Watching & Supporting The Hollywood Happens Network of Shows. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, RATE & COMMENT! John McQuilkin – Hollywood Happens The Unofficial Spokesperson of Hollywood


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American Idol Auditions Hot Sexy Bikini Girl Katrina Darrell – Hollywood Happens eps.#204

Biggest Boyband In The World: Super Junior Of South Korea

A boyband is a popular music act consisting male performers. Usually, it consists of 4 to 6 members and they go for pop, rock,hip hop and R&B music genres. Members are expected to dance and sing to their own music. But how would you consider South Korea’s Super Junior? A boyband or a soccer team? Believe me but this band consists of thirteen multi-talented boys formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. Super Junior, SJ or SuJu, is composed of Leeteuk who is the bandleader, Kim Heechul, Tan Han Geng, Kim Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Lee Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Lee Donghae, Choi Siwon, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Kibum, and Jo Kyuhyun. This boyband has taken Asia by storm. Has series of super successful concerts. They had wowed their adoring fans and has dished out their own brand of pop music. SuJu brings with them their state-of-the-art concert gears and equipments to complement the music and to enhance the overall production numbers. The group is well-known for incorporating colorful animation into their live set to play up to the sensibilities of their young fans. They have huge endorsements deals in and out of South Korea and has made a big influence and impact into Kpop Music. Biggest Boyband In The World: Super Junior Of South Korea is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

AP Human Geography Practice Test Exam Prep Free for Limited Time

You still have time to make sure you get this test right! The Free copy of AP Human Geography Practice Test Exam Prep is ready for download for you and your child to prepare for the AP Human Geography Exam. The AP Human Geography Practice Test Exam Prep is comprised of the basic knowledge and skills your child will need to succeed with his AP Human Geography Test. It also has advance info and scenarios to tackle the tougher parts that your child may be having trouble with. Get your free copy of the AP Human Geography Practice Test Exam Prep via the link AP Human Geography Practice Test Exam Prep Free for Limited Time is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

11-Foot Giant Oarfish Found Dead Along Western Coast Of Sweden

In a small fishing village Bovallstrand in western coast of Sweden, a passerby  found a giant herring that measures 11.4 feet long. The giant fish is known for its name oarfish which can grow from 8 meters up to 17 meters long.  The scientific name is regalecus glesne. The maritime museum said that it took 130 years to see that kind of specie again in their coast. Passerby Kurt Ove Eriksson said, “Down at the water, there was something big floating. At first we thought it was a big piece of plastic. But then we saw an eye. I went down to check and saw that it was this extremely strange fish,” , told daily Svenska Dagbladet. “The last time we saw a King of Herrings in Sweden was in 1879,” the House of the Sea museum in Lysekil, where the fish was taken to, said in a statement. “We don’t know much about the species,” it said, “but believe it lives in deep waters, at least 1000 meters (3280 feet) deep, and many believe it’s at the origin of the sea serpent myth,” or stories of mythological sea creatures like the Loch Ness Monster. It is now kept frozen at a museum and it might be added as an exhibit of sea monsters. 11-Foot Giant Oarfish Found Dead Along Western Coast Of Sweden is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Western Digtial Corp announces its Fiscal 3rd Quarter Report | WD Q3 Revenue Report

Western Digtial Corp announces its Fiscal 3rd Quarter Report Western Digtial Corp announces its Fiscal 3rd Quarter Report | WD Q3 Revenue Report. Western Digital Corp. today reported revenue of $1.6 billion, on shipments of approximately 31.6 million units and net income of $50 million, or $0.22 per share, for its fiscal third quarter ended Mar. 27, 2009. The company’s results include charges of $14 million for in-process research and development related to the SiliconSystems, Inc. acquisition and $4 million associated with the restructuring plan announced Dec. 17, 2008. The company generated $355 million in cash from operations during the March quarter, ending with total cash and cash equivalents of $1.6 billion. Excluding these charges, non-GAAP net income was $68 million or $0.30 per share.1 In the year-ago quarter, the company reported revenue of $2.1 billion, unit shipments of 34.5 million and net income of $280 million, or $1.23 per share. Coyne also noted that WD sustained its investments in technology and new products in the March quarter, with growing shipments of the industry’s first 2 terabyte hard drive and of several new products in its branded products portfolio. Western Digtial Corp announces its Fiscal 3rd Quarter Report | WD Q3 Revenue Report is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading