Tag Archives: violent-torpedo

Charlie Sheen: Bree Olson is a Liar & I’m Leaving the Country!

It’s been quite a day for Charlie Sheen. It all kicked off this morning when Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive in an interview with Matt Lauer. Charlie Sheen HIV Admission: Watch the Interview Not surprisingly, that was just the start of the drama for Sheen, as the guy’s been known to have a one-night stand or two over the years, and some of his former partners say they weren’t aware of his condition. The most vocal critic of Charlie’s chosen method of handling the situation is retired porn star and former Sheen “goddess” Bree Olson, who says Sheen never told her he was ill, despite the fact that they “slept together every night.” Thankfully, Olson is not HIV positive , but she’s understandably pissed that Sheen kept such important information from her. “I could be dead right now!” Olson said in an interview with Howard Stern this morning. “I could literally be dead right now because he did not tell me that!” Now reps for Sheen are claiming that the actor wasn’t aware of his illness until after  he completed his 20-city “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour in 2011, which began several weeks after Olson broke things off. View Slideshow: 18 Celebrities with HIV In any event, you can be sure that Sheen will be hearing from Olson’s lawyers in the very near future – if they can track him down. Radar Online is now reporting that Sheen has placed his Mulholland Estates mansion up for sale and is planning on leaving the United States for good. “He wants to leave the United States,” says one insider. “He says he’s giving up.” Yikes. We doubt that Sheen will carry through with his plan to flee the country, but whatever he does, we hope he’s not planning to give up. It’ll be a hard road ahead, to be sure, but if anyone’s up to the challenge, it’s the MaSheen.

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Charlie Sheen: Bree Olson is a Liar & I’m Leaving the Country!

An Evening With Charlie Sheen: Heading Overseas!

The Violent Torpedo Of Truth tour is out. An Evening With Charlie Sheen is possibly in. During a radio interview with a Sydney station, the actor told host Scott Dooley he was planning to revamp his show a bit and take it overseas. “Why don’t I take this thing on the road to Australia, parts of Europe, parts of Asia. If I pick out six cities over two weeks and if it wasn’t about violent torpedoes and truth seeking but more about an evening with Charlie Sheen, if I told people what to expect maybe they wouldn’t heckle me like the drunk clowns that they are, ” Sheen said. The man really knows how to woo an audience, doesn’t he? Responding to criticism over his domestic tour, Sheen said it was “overbooked and it went on too long,” adding: “It wasn’t a question of my fatigue factor, but I had to keep digging a little deeper each night in the new cities to remind myself that it was new for them.” Now “relieved” to be done with it, Sheen concluded the discussion with a jab at Americans: “It would seem like the European mentalities would give me a little more time and a little more patience to actually listen and embrace a format like that, where they come in knowing what to expect.” To his credit, however, the star said all proceeds from any upcoming shows would go to his Torpedoes Against Tornados Foundation .

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An Evening With Charlie Sheen: Heading Overseas!

Pauly D Visits Charlie Sheen’s Boston Show, Audience Leaves Early


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Charlie Sheen‘s Violent Torpedo Of Truth tour is starting to look like a season of Jersey Shore—intermittently fascinating, but ugly, frequently misogynist and depressing if you give it your full attention. Also, both have featured Pauly D! Everyone’s favorite DJ appeared to cheers at Charlie’s Boston show last night, telling the embittered Two And A Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : TheFABlife Discovery Date : 13/04/2011 15:32 Number of articles : 2

Pauly D Visits Charlie Sheen’s Boston Show, Audience Leaves Early

Video! Charlie Sheen’s First Interview after His Detroit Debacle


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Despite bombing in his Detroit premiere, the Charlie Sheen “Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour was given a much better reception in Chicago on Sunday. In his first and only on-camera interview, CelebTV caught up with the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Extra Weblog Discovery Date : 04/04/2011 18:43 Number of articles : 2

Video! Charlie Sheen’s First Interview after His Detroit Debacle

Video! Charlie Sheen’s First Interview after His Detroit Debacle


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Despite bombing in his Detroit premiere, the Charlie Sheen “Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour was given a much better reception in Chicago on Sunday. In his first and only on-camera interview, CelebTV caught up with the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Extra Weblog Discovery Date : 04/04/2011 18:43 Number of articles : 2

Video! Charlie Sheen’s First Interview after His Detroit Debacle

Charlie Sheen Retools Torpedo Of Truth Tour After Bad Reviews

Actor switches to interview format after bombing in Detroit. By Gil Kaufman Charlie Sheen Photo: Michael Buckner/ Getty Images You may have thought that troubled former “Two and a Half Men” star Charlie Sheen doesn’t listen to any voices except the warrior shouts in his own head. But the actor appeared to have listened to his audience when he took the stage Sunday night for the second stop on his My Violent Torpedo of Truth/ Defeat Is Not an Option Tour. After bombing hard during his opening show in Detroit the night before and getting booed off the stage when his wandering production went off the rails, Sheen changed up the format Sunday in Chicago and gave the audience more of what they were looking for: dish on his chaotic personal life. According to ABC News , Sheen ditched his comedic opening act and the rambling multimedia presentation and switched to an interview-style format, with an MC asking him questions about his life and career for 90 minutes. He talked about the pleasure he gets from his “goddesses” and called former “Two and a Half” co-star Jon Cryer a “rock star.” He tried to calm down the crowd when they heckled the less appreciative audience in Detroit and shouted “Detroit sucks!” while waiting for Sheen to take the stage. He regaled the crowd of 3,600 at the Chicago Theatre with the tale of the first time he tried drugs; he talked about his marriages and his legal problems and explained why he prefers to pay for sex. “I have millions to blow, and I ran out of stuff to buy,” he said. Smoking throughout the show, Charlie lamented his dad Martin Sheen’s advice to pass up “The Karate Kid” in favor of the chance to appear in “Predator 2,” never mind, as CNN pointed out, that “Predator 2” came out six years after “Kid” and Charlie did not appear in it. Sheen reportedly stayed up all night on the bus ride from Detroit to Chicago retooling the show. He ended the night with a poem, which read, “I stand before you oh captain oh captain to most humbly praise you for this radical ripple this single cast stone in the stagnant puddle that is the known universe. Your weapon of choice is wordplay via Dr. Seuss play.” It remains to be seen how the rest of the 20-city tour will do, with reports that a number of shows are suffering from poor ticket sales in light of the bad reviews of the Detroit appearance. Related Photos The Highs And Lows Of Charlie Sheen

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Charlie Sheen Retools Torpedo Of Truth Tour After Bad Reviews